UMET - Liste des communicatons de Ludovic THUINET

Communications dans un congrès avec acte

  1. C. Sakaël, C. Domain, A. Ambard, C.P. Race, L. Thuinet, A. Legris, Breakaway Growth Modeling of Zirconium under Irradiation: The Importance of the Formation of a-Loop Layers, Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: 20th International Symposium, Ottawa, ON, Canada, Juin 2022 [LillOA]
  2. J. Dequeker, A. Legris, R. Besson, L. Thuinet, Atomic-Scale Modeling of Fe-Al-Mn-C alloy Using Pair Models and Monte-Carlo Calculations, TMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2017 [LillOA]
  3. H. Rouchette, L. Thuinet, A. Legris, A. Ambard, C. Domain, Dislocation loop sink strength calculation in elastically anisotropic crystals, COSIRES, Alicante, Espagne, Juin 2014 [LillOA]
  4. L. Zhang, L. Thuinet, A. Legris, A. De Backer, A. Ambard, Phase Field Modeling of Coherent Zirconium Hydrides Reorientation under Applied Load, TMS 2012, Symposium: Computational Thermodynamics and Kinetics, Orlando, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2012 [LillOA]
  5. L. Thuinet, R. Besson, Coherent hydrides in zirconium: role of long-range interactions, Multiscale materials Modeling 2010, Fribourg, Allemagne, Oct 2010 [LillOA]
  6. L. Thuinet, A. Legris, Zêta hydride precipitation in zirconium alloys: an example of elastically driven morphology of coherent trigonal precipitates inside a close-packed hexagonal matrix, Solid-Solid Phase Transformations in Inorganic Materials, Avignon, France, Juin 2010 [LillOA]

Communications invitées

  1. C. Sakaël, C. Domain, A. Ambard, C.P. Race, L. Thuinet, A. Legris, Breakaway growth modelling of zirconium: importance of loops layers, 10th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM10), Baltimore, MD, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Oct 2022 [LillOA]
  2. L. Thuinet, G.-F. Bouobda Moladje, C. Becquart, A. Legris, A Phase-Field Model for Dislocation Climb under Irradiation: Formalism and Applications to Radiation Induced Segregation in Fe-Cr Alloys, 10th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM10), Baltimore, MD, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Oct 2022 [LillOA]
  3. L. Thuinet, A. Legris, R. Besson, A. De Backer, A. Ambard, Towards a Better Understanding of The First stages of hydride Precipitation in Zirconium Alloys : Role of Elastic Inhomogeneities, Journées Annuelles de la SF2M 2012, Paris, France, Déc 2012 [LillOA]

Communications orales

  1. Y. Calbert, L. Thuinet, L. Messina, Phase-field modelling of grain boundaries for radiation induced segregation predictions, EMMC19, Madrid, Espagne, Mai 2024 [LillOA]
  2. R. Besson, S. Macaluso, L. Thuinet, Simulations atomiques et énergies d’interfaces cohérentes dans les systèmes ternaires - Le cas de Al|TiB2 : résultats et questions ouvertes, Matériaux 2022, Lille, France, Oct 2022 [LillOA]
  3. C. Sakaël, C. Domain, A. Ambard, C.P. Race, L. Thuinet, A. Legris, Understanding irradiation growth of zirconium alloys: a multiscale modeling, Matériaux 2022, Lille, France, Oct 2022 [LillOA]
  4. G.-F. Bouobda Moladje, L. Thuinet, C. Becquart, C. Domain, A. Legris, Application of the phase field method to irradiation damage simulation in metallic alloys, Thermec, Virtual Conference, Autriche, Mai 2021 [LillOA]
  5. S. Macaluso, L. Thuinet, G. Ji, R. Besson, First-principles atomic-scale investigations on Al/MgZn2/TiB2 interfaces, Thermec, Virtual Conference, Autriche, Mai 2021 [LillOA]
  6. L. Thuinet, G.-F. Bouobda Moladje, C. Becquart, A. Legris, A phase-field study of radiation induced segregation near dislocations, NuMat2022. The Nuclear Materials Conference, Gand, Belgique, Oct 2022 [LillOA]
  7. C. Sakael, C. Domain, A. Ambard, C.P. Race, L. Thuinet, A. Legris, Microstructure evolution of Zr under irradiation and post-irradiation annealing modelling based on Object Kinetic Monte Carlo – parameterization optimization and properties of small defect clusters from DFT simulations, NuMat2022. The Nuclear Materials Conference, Gand, Belgique, Oct 2022 [LillOA]
  8. J. L'Hostis, L. Thuinet, M.-N. Avettand-Fènoël, Evolution de la microstructure d’un acier inoxydable martensitique édifié par fabrication additive arc-fil, Matériaux 2022, Lille, France, Oct 2022 [LillOA]
  9. R. Besson, J. Dequeker, L. Thuinet, A. Legris, Modélisation thermodynamique du système Fe-Al-Mn-C à l'aide de calculs ab initio et de modèles d'amas de paires, Matériaux 2018, Strasbourg, France, Nov 2018 [LillOA]
  10. G.-F. Bouobda Moladje, L. Thuinet, A. Legris, C. Becquart, M. Nastar, F. Soisson, Phase-field modelling of dislocation loop evolution under irradiation : application to radiation induced segregation prediction near the dislocation cores, Multiscale Materials Modeling 2018, Osaka, Japon, Nov 2018 [LillOA]
  11. B. Christiaen, C. Domain, L. Thuinet, A. Ambard, A. Legris, Atomistic modelling of point defect clusters in zirconium alloys and impact on their deformation under irradiation, Multiscale Materials Modeling 2018, Osaka, Japon, Nov 2018 [LillOA]
  12. G.-F. Bouobda Moladje, L. Thuinet, C. Becquart, M. Nastar, F. Soisson, Phase-field modelling of dislocation loop evolution under irradiation : application to radiation induced segregation prediction near the dislocation cores, Matériaux 2018, Strasbourg, France, Nov 2018 [LillOA]
  13. M.-A. Louchez, G. Oum, L. Thuinet, R. Besson, A. Legris, Numerical investigation of coherency and semi-coherency of heterophase interfaces between alpha-Zr and gamma:ZrH, TMS Annual Meeting, Nashville, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Fév 2016 [LillOA]
  14. R. Besson, L. Thuinet, J. Kwon, M.-N. Avettand-Fènoël, A. Legris, Influence of athermal mechanisms on phase transformations in Al-Cu, TMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Fév 2014 [LillOA]
  15. M.-A. Louchez, L. Thuinet, R. Besson, A. Legris, Microscopic phase-field modeling of hcp/fcc interfaces, Euromat, Thessalonique, Grèce, Sep 2017 [LillOA]
  16. A. Legris, J. Dequeker, R. Besson, L. Thuinet, Atomic-scale modeling of Fe-Al-Mn-C alloys using pair models and thermodynamic calculations, Euromat, Thessalonique, Grèce, Sep 2017 [LillOA]
  17. R. Besson, J. Kwon, L. Thuinet, M.-N. Avettand-Fènoël, A. Legris, Etude ab initio du composé Al4Cu9, Matériaux 2014, Montpellier, France, Nov 2014 [LillOA]
  18. J. Piochaud, M. Nastar, F. Soisson, L. Thuinet, A. Legris, Simulation de la ségrégation induite par l'irradiation avec un modèle champ de phase multi-échelle, Congrès de la société chimique de France, Lille, France, Juil 2015 [LillOA]
  19. R. Besson, J. Kwon, L. Thuinet, M.-N. Avettand-Fènoël, A. Legris, Influence de mécanismes athermiques sur les transformations de phases dans les alliages Al-Cu, Matériaux 2014, Montpellier, France, Nov 2014 [LillOA]
  20. M.-A. Louchez, L. Thuinet, R. Besson, A. Legris, Numerical investigation of coherency and semi-coherency of heterophase interfaces between alpha-Zr and gamma:ZrH, Multiscale Materials Modeling, Dijon, France, Oct 2016 [LillOA]
  21. B. Christiaen, A. Legris, C. Domain, L. Thuinet, A. Ambard, Ab initio study of the influence of hydrogen and iron on the nucleation of dislocation loops in Zr alloys submitted to irradiation, Multiscale Materials Modeling, Dijon, France, Oct 2016 [LillOA]
  22. B. Christiaen, A. Legris, C. Domain, L. Thuinet, A. Ambard, Multiscale approach on the understanding of the growth mechanisms of zirconium alloys under irradiation, MRS Spring Meeting, Phenix, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Avr 2017 [LillOA]
  23. J. Piochaud, M. Nastar, F. Soisson, A. Legris, L. Thuinet, Multi-scale based phase field model to simulate radiation-induced segregation in Fe-Cr, MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Avr 2015 [LillOA]
  24. M.-A. Louchez, R. Besson, L. Thuinet, A. Legris, Multiscale modeling of the precipitation of zirconium hydrides, Euromat, Varsovie, Pologne, Sep 2015 [LillOA]
  25. J. Kwon, L. Thuinet, M.-N. Avettand-Fènoël, A. Legris, R. Besson, Atomic-scale investigation of point defects in Gamma1-Al4Cu9, TMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Fév 2014 [LillOA]
  26. H. Rouchette, L. Thuinet, A. Legris, A. Ambard, C. Domain, Quantification of elastic effect on dislocation sink strength by phase-field modeling, MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Déc 2013 [LillOA]
  27. J. Kwon, M.-N. Avettand-Fènoël, L. Thuinet, A. Legris, R. Besson, On the persistence of Al4Cu9 in nonequilibrium processes, Euromat, Sevilla, Espagne, Sep 2013 [LillOA]
  28. J. Kwon, M.-N. Avettand-Fènoël, L. Thuinet, A. Legris, R. Besson, Ab initio investigation of point defects in 1-Cu9Al4 and effect on its stability, Euromat, Sevilla, Espagne, Sep 2013 [LillOA]
  29. L. Zhang, L. Thuinet, A. Legris, A. De Backer, M. Blat-Yrieix, A. Ambard, Modeling Zirconium Hydrides Reorientation under Applied Load, 17th International Symposium on Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry ASTM, Hyderabad, Inde, Fév 2013 [LillOA]
  30. L. Thuinet, R. Besson, Ab initio study of competitive coherent hydride formation in zirconium alloys, TMS 2012, Symposium: Solid-State Interfaces, Orlando, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2012 [LillOA]
  31. L. Thuinet, A. De Backer, A. Legris, Phase field modeling of precipitate evolution dynamics in elastically inhomogeneous systems: application to hydride precipitation in Zr, Euromat 2011, Montpellier, France, Sep 2011 [LillOA]
  32. L. Thuinet, R. Besson, Elastic effects and atomic-scale modelling of crystalline alloys: application to hexagonal H-Zr, Euromat 2011, Montpellier, France, Sep 2011 [LillOA]

Communications par affiche

  1. B. Christiaen, A. Legris, C. Domain, L. Thuinet, A. Ambard, Alloying effects on the growth mechanisms of zirconium alloys under irradiation, Euromat 2017, Thessalonique, Grèce, Sep 2017 [LillOA]
  2. J. Dequeker, A. Legris, R. Besson, L. Thuinet, Modélisation à l'échelle atomique des alliages Fe-Al-Mn-C par des modèles de paires et des simulations Monte-Carlo, colloque SF2M la métallurgie quel avenir, Saint-Etienne, France, Juil 2016 [LillOA]
  3. M.-A. Louchez, R. Besson, L. Thuinet, A. Legris, Modélisation multi-échelle de la précipitation des hydrures de zirconium, Congrès de la société chimique de France, Lille, France, Juil 2015 [LillOA]
  4. G. Oum, L. Thuinet, A. Legris, Modélisation élastoplastique par champ de phase de la precipitation d'hydrure dans le zirconium, Congrès de la société chimique de France, Lille, France, Juil 2015 [LillOA]
  5. H. Rouchette, L. Thuinet, A. Legris, A. Ambard, C. Domain, 3D phase-field modelling of dislocation loop sink strengths, TMS Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mai 2016 [LillOA]
  6. H. Rouchette, L. Thuinet, A. Legris, A. Ambard, C. Domain, Assessment of the influence of elastic anisotropies on dislocation loops sink strength: a phase-field approach, Multiscale Materials Modeling, San Francisco, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Oct 2014 [LillOA]