UMET - Liste des communicatons de Hugues LEROUX

Communications dans un congrès avec acte

  1. H. Leroux, a.T. Kearsley, D. Troadec, Mineralogy of Wild 2 Residues in Micron-sized Craters from the STARDUST Al-Foils, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2010 [LillOA]
  2. D. Hallatt, H. Leroux, E. Dubois, F. Braud, Exploring the response of Ryugu-inspired phyllosilicates to a pulsed laser, 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Texas, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2022 [LillOA]
  3. S. Rubino, C. Lantz, A. Aleon-Toppani, D. Baklouti, Z. Djouadi, D. Troadec, E. Palomba, F. Borondics, H. Leroux, R. Brunetto, Combining Visible/Infrared Spectroscopy and Transmission-Electron-Microscopy to Investigate Space-Weathering Induced Changes In Hydrated Silicates, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Autriche, Avr 2023 [LillOA]

Communications invitées

  1. H. Leroux, Comet Wild 2 particles in interaction with the Stardust aerogel, Marco Polo sample return Workshop, Paris, France, Déc 2012 [LillOA]

Communications orales

  1. S. Rubino, C. Lantz, A. Aleon-Toppani, D. Baklouti, Z. Djouadi, D. Troadec, E. Palomba, F. Borondics, H. Leroux, R. Brunetto, Combining Visible/Infrared Spectroscopy and Transmission-Electron-Microscopy to Investigate Space-Weathering Induced Changes In Hydrated Silicates, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Autriche, Avr 2023 [LillOA]
  2. S. Rubino, S. Potin, C. Lantz, D. Baklouti, P. Beck, O. Brissaud, H. Leroux, B. Schmitt, R. Brunetto, The NIR Spectral Variations of Ion Irradiated Phyllosilicates Depend on Observation Geometry, 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held virtually, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2021 [LillOA]
  3. S. Rubino, C. Lantz, D. Baklouti, H. Leroux, F. Borondics, R. Brunetto, Space Weathering Affects the Remote Near-IR Identification of Phyllosilicates, 14th Europlanet Science Congress, held virtually, France, Oct 2020 [LillOA]
  4. P.-M. Zanetta, H. Leroux, C. Le Guillou, B. Zanda, R. Hewins, E. lewin, S. Pont, Modal Abundance, Chemistry and Density of Chondrites Fine Grained Materials by Advanced Electron Microscopy, 81st Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Moscow, Russie, Juil 2018 [LillOA]
  5. P.-M. Zanetta, H. Leroux, C. Le Guillou, B. Zanda, Mineralogy of Fine Grained Rims and Inter-Chondrules Matrix in the Paris CM Chondrite, 81st Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Moscow, Russie, Juil 2018 [LillOA]
  6. P.-M. Zanetta, C. Le Guillou, H. Leroux, B. Zanda, Accretion of dust to make fine-grained rims on still cooling chondrules, 82nd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical-Society, Sapporo, Japon, Juil 2019 [LillOA]
  7. H. Leroux, F. de la Peña, C. Le Guillou, C. Lantz, R. Brunetto, Spectral and Microstructural Modifications of Olivine Under Ion Irradiation, 82nd Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society, Sapporo, Papan, Japon, Juil 2019 [LillOA]
  8. C. Le Guillou, P.-M. Zanetta, H. Leroux, A.J. Brearley, B. Zanda, R. Hewins, Amorphous Silicates in Carbonaceous and Ordinary Chondrites, 82nd Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society, Sapporo, Japon, Juil 2019 [LillOA]
  9. S. Rubino, H. Leroux, A. Aleon-Toppani, C. Lantz, D. Baklouti, Z. Djouadi, d. Troadec, F. Borondics, R. Brunetto, Analysis of morphological and physicochemical changes in space-weathered hydrated silicates by visible/IR spectroscopy and electron transmission microscopy, 85th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society 2022, Glasgow, Royaume-Uni, Aou 2022 [LillOA]
  10. J. Duprat, E. Charon, H. Leroux, L. Delauche, B. Guérin, S. Bernard, C. Le Guillou, E. Dartois, C. Engrand, Inner Solar System Irradiation History of Minerals in an Ultracarbonaceous Antarctic Micrometeorite (UCAMM), Meteoritical Society Meeting, Sapporo, Japon, Juil 2019 [LillOA]
  11. L. Krämer Ruggiu, B. Devouard, J. Gattacceca, L. Bonal, H. Leroux, J. Eschrig, D. Borschneck, A. King, P. Beck, Y. Marrocchi, V. Debaille, R. Hanna, Detection of incipient aqueous alteration in carbonaceous chondrites, 84th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Chicago, IL, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Aou 2021 [LillOA]
  12. R. Hewins, P.-M. Zanetta, B. Zanda, C. Le Guillou, H. Leroux, R. Brunetto, R. Maupin, Z. Djouadi, J. Gattacceca, J. Sognzoni, S. Pont, L. Piani, T. Rigaudier, S. Bernard, D. Deldicque, V. Malarewicz, Z. Dionnet, A. Aleon-Toppani, A. King, F. Borondics, Magnetite-Rich C2-ung Chondrites and Their Asteroidal Parent Bodies, 84th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Chicago, IL, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Aou 2021 [LillOA]
  13. M. Ciocco, M. Roskosz, M. Gounelle, G. Fiquet, H. Leroux, Self-Consistent Determination of Impact Timescales by Growth and Diffusion Kinetics of Olivine and Pyroxene Polymorphs in 3 Highly Shocked L Chondrites, 84th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Chicago, IL, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Aou 2021 [LillOA]
  14. M. Ciocco, M. Roskosz, L. Remusat, B. Doisneau, S. Mostefaoui, O. Beyssac, H. Leroux, M. Gounelle, Deciphering the Impact Dynamics of Ordinary Chondrites, 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Texas, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2022 [LillOA]
  15. C. Le Guillou, S. Bernard, H. Leroux, T. Noguchi, Organics and Their Relationship to Phyllosilicates in Ryugu, Orgueil and Ivuna: In Situ TEM and XANES Study, 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Texas, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Aou 2022 [LillOA]
  16. V. Malarewicz, B. Zanda, O. Beyssac, R. Hewins, D. Rubatto, J. Marin-Carbonne, H. Leroux, S. Pont, S. Bernard, S. Bouley, Revisiting Accessory Minerals in the Martian Regolith Breccia Northwest Africa 7533, 85th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society, Glasgow, Scotland, Royaume-Uni, Aou 2022 [LillOA]
  17. R. Hewins, D. Jacob, H. Leroux, S. Pont, J.-P. Lorand, V. Malarewicz, O. Beyssac, B. Zanda, Northwest Africa 14672, an Olivine-Phyric Shergottite with Shock Melting, 85th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical-Society, Glasgow, Scotland, Royaume-Uni, Aou 2022 [LillOA]
  18. S. Azevedo-Vannson, L. Remusat, L. Piani, F. Danoix, H. Leroux, S. Bernard, J.-C. Viennet, S. Pont, R. Danoix, M. Verdier‐Paoletti, R. Hewins, M. Roskosz, Olivine of Carbonaceous Chondrites and Reservoir of Nebular Hydrogen, 85th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society, Glasgow, Scotland, Royaume-Uni, Aou 2022 [LillOA]
  19. L. Krämer Ruggiu, B. Devouard, J. Gattacceca, L. Bonal, L. Piani, H. Leroux, O. Grauby, The Complexity of Aqueous Alteration Veins in Nakhlites, 85th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society, Glasgow, Scotland, Royaume-Uni, Aou 2022 [LillOA]
  20. C. Engrand, E. Charon, C. Le Guillou, H. Leroux, J. Duprat, E. Dartois, J. Rojas, S. Bernard, L. Delauche, I. Sansberro, N. Fray, H. Cottin, D. Baklouti, C. Briois, A. Bardyn, J. Paquette, J. Silèn, O. Stenzel, M. Hilchenbach, Evidence of Pre-Accretion Irradiation of Cometary Minerals in the Inner Solar System, 86th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Los Angeles, CA, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Aou 2023 [LillOA]
  21. D. Hallatt, P.J. Wozniakiewicz, M. Burchell, H. Leroux, How do Ryugu-Inspired Phyllosilicates Respond to Micro-Mechanical Impact?, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Texas, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2023 [LillOA]
  22. S. Laforet, H. Leroux, C. Le Guillou, D. Jacob, M. Marinova, F. de la Peña, T. Noguchi, Space weathering formation of glassy layers at the surface of Ryugu: a STEM-EDX study, Goldschmidt 2022, Honolulu, Hawaii, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Juil 2022 [LillOA]
  23. S. Laforet, H. Leroux, C. Le Guillou, F. de la Peña, M. Marinova, D. Jacob, J.-C. Viennet, B.-E. Mouloud, D. Hallatt, A. Teurtrie, M. Pelaez Fernandez, M. Walls, L. Galvao-Tizei, D. Troadec, Études à la nano-échelle des échantillons de l’astéroïde Ryugu : Caractérisation des effets d’altération spatiale par microscopie électronique, Matériaux 2022, LILLE, France, Oct 2022 [LillOA]
  24. S. Laforet, H. Leroux, C. Le Guillou, F. de la Peña, M. Marinova, D. Jacob, J.-C. Viennet, B.-E. Mouloud, D. Hallatt, A. Teurtrie, M. Pelaez Fernandez, M. Walls, L. Galvao-Tizei, D. Troadec, Spectroscopie vibrationnelle à la nano-échelle en STEM : étude des effets d’altération spatiale sur la signature IR de l’astéroïde Ryugu, Colloque de la Société Française de Microscopie (SFµ), ROUEN, France, Juil 2023 [LillOA]
  25. S. Laforet, H. Leroux, C. Le Guillou, F. de la Peña, M. Marinova, D. Jacob, J.-C. Viennet, B.-E. Mouloud, D. Hallatt, A. Teurtrie, M. Pelaez Fernandez, M. Walls, L. Galvao-Tizei, D. Troadec, Space weathering influence on Ryugu’s IR signature: insights from nanoscale vibrational spectroscopy in the STEM, Goldschmidt 2023, LYON, France, Juil 2023 [LillOA]
  26. B.-E. Mouloud, D. Jacob, M. Marinova, C. Le Guillou, H. Leroux, T. Noguchi, Caractérisation 4D-STEM de matériaux sensibles : Etude de l’astéroide Ryugu et des météorites carbonées, Colloque de la Société Francaise des Microscopies (Sfmu), ROUEN, France, Juil 2023 [LillOA]
  27. B.-E. Mouloud, D. Jacob, F. de la Peña, M. Marinova, C. Le Guillou, H. Leroux, T. Noguchi, Etude structurale par 4D-STEM de phases minéralogiques complexes dans les astromatériaux : Cas de l’astéroïde carboné Ryugu, Materiaux Conference, LILLE, France, Oct 2022 [LillOA]
  28. D. Hallatt, H. Leroux, E. Dubois, F. Braud, Exploring the response of Ryugu-inspired phyllosilicates to a pulsed laser, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Texas, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2022 [LillOA]
  29. P. Cuvillier, H. Leroux, D. Jacob, Fe-Mg Interdiffusion Profiles in Forsterite within the Allende Matrix. Time-Temperature Constraints Deduced from a TEM Study, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 44th, Houston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Jan 2013 [LillOA]
  30. P. Cuvillier, H. Leroux, D. Jacob, Fe-Mg zoning in forsterite in the Acfer 094 matrix: evidence for a pre-accretionary interdiffusion process, 77th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical-Society, Casablanca, Maroc, Jan 2014 [LillOA]
  31. H. Leroux, M. Marinova, D. Jacob, R. Hewins, B. Zanda, M. Humayun, J.-P. Lorand, A TEM Study of the Fine-Grained Material of the NWA 7533 Martian Regolith Breccia, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 46th, Houston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Jan 2015 [LillOA]
  32. L. Patout, D. Jacob, M. Arab, C. Peirera De Souza, H. Leroux, 3D structure détermination of a cerium tungstate phase Ce10W22O81 from ED, PED and HRTEM images processing data, Colloque de la Société Française des Microscopies (SFµ), Nantes, France, Juil 2013 [LillOA]
  33. D. Jacob, L. Palatinus, P. Cuvillier, H. Leroux, C. Domeneghetti, F. Camara, Apport de la diffraction électronique en précession pour l'affinement structural à l'échelle nanométrique, Colloque de la Société Française des Microscopies (SFµ), Nantes, France, Juil 2013 [LillOA]
  34. P. Cuvillier, H. Leroux, D. Jacob, Fe-Mg interdiffusion profiles in isolated forsterites in the Allende matrix. Evidence for a parent body origin: Time-Temperature constraints deduced from a TEM study, 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2014 [LillOA]
  35. J. Stodolna, Z. Gainsforth, D. Jacob, H. Leroux, A.L. Butterworth, A.J. Westphal, TEM / STXM analysis of primitive material from the comet Wild 2, METSOC, Cairns, Australie, Aou 2012 [LillOA]
  36. J. Stodolna, A.L. Butterworth, H. Leroux, Z. Gainsforth, T. Tyliszczak, D. Jacob, A.J. Westphal, Iron Valence State Distribution at the Nano-Scale in Comet Wild2 Material from the Stardust Mission. A Coordinated TEM/STEM EDX/STXM Study, 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2012 [LillOA]
  37. J. Stodolna, D. Jacob, H. Leroux, Mineralogy of Stardust Track 80: Evidences for Aqueous Alteration and Igneous Process, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2010 [LillOA]
  38. J. Stodolna, D. Jacob, H. Leroux, Comparing Wild 2 Fine-Grained Material to Matrix of Primitive Meteorites, 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2011 [LillOA]
  39. P.-M. Zanetta, H. Leroux, C. Le Guillou, B. Zanda, Comparison of the mineralogy of fine-grained rims and adjacent matrix in the CM Paris chondrite using advanced electron microscopy, Understanding the origin of planetodiversity Museum of Paris workshop, Paris, France, Juin 2018 [LillOA]
  40. P.-M. Zanetta, H. Leroux, C. Le Guillou, B. Zanda, R. Hewins, E. Lewin, S. Pont, Development of a multiple component analysis approach for the characterization of matrices of primitive chondrites, Elbereth Conference, Observatoire de Paris, Paris, France, Nov 2016 [LillOA]
  41. B. Zanda, P.-M. Zanetta, H. Leroux, C. Le Guillou, E. Lewin, S. Pont, D. Deldicque, R. Hewins, The Chondritic Assemblage, Workshop on Chondrules and the Protoplanetary Disk, London, Royaume-Uni, Fév 2017 [LillOA]
  42. P.-M. Zanetta, H. Leroux, C. Le Guillou, B. Zanda, R. Hewins, E. Lewin, S. Pont, New method for modal abundance, chemistry and density determination of fine grained matrices of primitive chondrites, Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical-Society, Santa Fe, New mexico, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Juil 2017 [LillOA]
  43. P.-M. Zanetta, H. Leroux, C. Le Guillou, B. Zanda, Investigation of fine-grained rims in primitive chondrite using advanced electron microscopy analysis, Elbereth Conference, Observatoire de Paris, Paris, France, Nov 2017 [LillOA]
  44. M. Roskosz, D. Laporte, E. Deloule, J. Ingrin, L. Rémusat, C. Depecker, H. Leroux, Diffusion-driven D/H fractionation in silicates during hydration, dehydration and degassing, Goldschmidt Conference, Yokohama, Japon, Juin 2016 [LillOA]
  45. K. Demyk, C. Meny, H. Leroux, C. Depecker, C. Nayral, F. Delpech, W.-S. Ojo, J.-B. Brubach, P. Roy, FIR and Submm Optical Properties of Astrophysically Relevant Minerals, Proceedings of The Life Cycle of Dust in the Universe: Observations, Theory, and Laboratory Experiments, Taïpei, Taïwan, Jan 2013 [LillOA]
  46. M. Roskosz, H. Leroux, C. Depecker, L. Rémusat, B. Laurent, Water Uptake, Diffusion and Isotopic Signature in Amorphous Silicates in Contact with Dry Vapor at Low Partial Pressure, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 44th, Houston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Jan 2013 [LillOA]
  47. H. Leroux, M. Roskosz, Flash-heated Wild 2 particles in the Stardust aerogel: anatomy of an Al-Ca-Mg-rich impact melt, 77th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical-Society, Casablanca, Maroc, Jan 2014 [LillOA]
  48. M. Roskosz, D. Laporte, E. Deloule, H. Leroux, C. Depecker, L. Rémusat, Water uptake, diffusion and D/H signature of amorphous silicates during hydration/dehydration and magma degassing, 77th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical-Society, Casablanca, Maroc, Jan 2014 [LillOA]
  49. G. Bellino, H. Leroux, M. Roskosz, ATEM investigation of a solid state sintered chondrule in the Bishunpur LL3.15 chondrite, 77th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical-Society, Casablanca, Maroc, Sep 2014 [LillOA]
  50. B. Laurent, M. Roskosz, L. Rémusat, H. Leroux, C. Depecker, Effect of ionizing radiation on the D/H signature of hydrated silicates, 77th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical-Society, Casablanca, Maroc, Jan 2014 [LillOA]
  51. L. Rémusat, B. Zanda, P. Beck, J.P. Lorand, H. Leroux, R. Hewins, New Constraints on the Water Budget in the Martian Breccia Meteorite NWA 7533, 78th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical-Society, Berkeley, CA, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Jan 2015 [LillOA]
  52. C. Engrand, K. Benzerara, H. Leroux, J. Dupart, E. Dartois, N. Bardin, L. Delauche, Carbonaceous Phases and Mineralogy of Ultracarbonaceous Antarctic Micrometeorites Identified by C- and N-XANES/STXM and TEM, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 46th, Houston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Jan 2015 [LillOA]
  53. L. Ferrière, S. Holm-Alwmark, J. Ormö, H. Leroux, E. Sturkell, The Hummeln Structure (Sweden) : Impact Origin Confirmed and Its Link to the L-Chondrite Parent Body Break-Up Event., Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 46th, Houston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Jan 2015 [LillOA]
  54. E. Charon, C. Engrand, K. Benzerara, H. Leroux, S. Swaraj, R. Belkhou, J. Duprat, E. Dartois, M. Godard, L. Delauche, A C-, N-, O-XANES/STXM and TEM Study of Organic Matter and Minerals in Ultracarbonaceous Antarctic Micrometeorites (UCAMMs)., Lunar and Planetary Science Conference EXLVIII, Houston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Jan 2017 [LillOA]
  55. R. Hewins, B. Zanda, M. Humayun, H. Leroux, NWA 7533: an overview of melt rocks and breccia assembly history, 79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical-Society, Berlin, Allemagne, Jan 2016 [LillOA]
  56. H. Leroux, P. Cuvillier, B. Zanda, R. Hewins, A TEM investigation of the fine-grained matrix of the Paris CM chondrite, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 44th, Houston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2013 [LillOA]
  57. H. Leroux, TEM Investigation of Fine-Grained Components in the Matrix of the Bishunpur (LL3.1) Chondrite., 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2012 [LillOA]
  58. A.J. Westphal, C. Allen, S. Bajt, H.A. Bechtel, J. Borg, F.E. Brenker, J.C. Bridges, D.E. Brownlee, M.J. Burchell, M. Burghammer, A.L. Butterworth, P. Cloetens, A.M. Davis, C. Floss, G. Flynn, P. Fougeray, D.R. Frank, Z. Gainsforth, E. Grün, P. Heck, J.K. Hillier, P. Hoppe, L. Howard, B. Hudson, G.R. Huss, J. Huth, A.T. Kearsley, A.J. King, B. Lai, J. Leitner, L. Lemelle, H. Leroux, R. Lettieri, W. Marchant, L.R. Nittler, R. Ogliore, F. Postberg, M.C. Price, S.A. Sandford, J.A. Sans-Tresseras, S. Schmitz, T. Schoonjans, G. Silversmit, A. Simionovici, R. Srama, F.J. Stadermann, T. Stephan, J. Stodolna, R. Stroud, S.R. Sutton, R. Toucoulou, M. Trieloff, P. Tsou, A. Tsuchiyama, T. Tyliszczak, B. Vekemans, L. Vincze, N. Wordsworth, D. Zevin, M.E. Zolensky, Four Interstellar Dust Candidates from the Stardust Interstellar Dust Collector, 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2011 [LillOA]
  59. R. Stroud, C. Allen, A. Ansari, S. Bajt, N. Bassim, H.A. Bechtel, J. Borg, F.E. Brenker, J.C. Bridges, D.E. Brownlee, M.J. Burchell, M. Burghammer, A.L. Butterworth, P. Cloetens, A.M. Davis, R. Doll, C. Floss, G. Flynn, D.R. Frank, Z. Gainsforth, E. Grün, P. Heck, J.K. Hillier, P. Hoppe, L. Howard, G.R. Huss, J. Huth, B. Hvide, A.T. Kearsley, A.J. King, P. Kotula, B. Lai, J. Leitner, L. Lemelle, A. Leonard, H. Leroux, L.R. Nittler, R. Ogliore, W.J. Ong, F. Postberg, M.C. Price, S.A. Sandford, J.A. Sans-Tresseras, S. Schmitz, T. Schoonjans, K. Schreiber, G. Silversmit, A. Simionovici, R. Sarma, T. Stephan, J. Stodolna, S.R. Sutton, R. Toucoulou, M. Trieloff, P. Tsou, A. Tsuchiyama, T. Tyliszczak, B. Vekemans, L. Vincze, A.J. Westphal, M.E. Zolensky, Elemental Analysis of Impact Residues in Craters on the Stardust Interstellar Foils, 74th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, London, Royaume-Uni, Aou 2011 [LillOA]
  60. A. Simionovici, C. Allen, S. Bajt, R. Bastien, H.A. Bechtel, J. Borg, F.E. Brenker, J.C. Bridges, D.E. Brownlee, M.J. Burchell, M. Burghammer, A.L. Butterworth, P. Cloetens, A.M. Davis, C. Floss, G. Flynn, D.R. Frank, Z. Gainsforth, E. Grün, P. Heck, J.K. Hillier, P. Hoppe, L. Howard, G.R. Huss, J. Huth, A.T. Kearsley, A.J. King, B. Lai, J. Leitner, L. Lemelle, H. Leroux, R. Lettieri, W. Marchant, L.R. Nittler, R. Ogliore, F. Postberg, S.A. Sandford, J.A. Sans-Tresseras, T. Schoonjans, S. Schmitz, G. Silversmit, V.A. Solé, R. Srama, T. Stephan, J. Stodolna, R. Stroud, S.R. Sutton, M. Trieloff, P. Tsou, A. Tsuchiyama, T. Tyliszczak, B. Vekemans, L. Vincze, A.J. Westphal, D. Zevin, M.E. Zolensky, Synchrotron X-Ray Irradiation of Stardust Interstellar Candidates: From "No" to "Low"' Damage Effects, 74th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, London, Royaume-Uni, Aou 2011 [LillOA]
  61. A.T. Kearsley, C. Allen, S. Armes, S. Bajt, A.D. Ball, R. Bastien, H.A. Bechtel, J. Borg, F.E. Brenker, J.C. Bridges, D.E. Brownlee, M.J. Burchell, M. Burghammer, A.L. Butterworth, R. Chater, P. Cloetens, G. Cody, A.M. Davis, T. Ferroir, C. Floss, G. Flynn, D.R. Frank, Z. Gainsforth, E. Grün, P. Heck, J.K. Hillier, P. Hoppe, F. Hörz, L. Howard, B. Hudson, G.R. Huss, J. Huth, B. Lai, M. Landgraf, L. Lemelle, J. Leitner, H. Leroux, L.R. Nittler, R. Ogliore, M.C. Price, F. Postberg, S.A. Sandford, S. Schmitz, G. Silversmit, A. Simionovici, R. Srama, F.J. Stadermann, T. Stephan, R. Stroud, S.R. Sutton, R. Toucoulou, M. Trieloff, J. Trigo-Rodriguez, P. Tsou, A. Tsuchiyama, T. Tyliszczak, B. Vekemans, L. Vincze, J. Warren, A.J. Westphal, M.E. Zolensky, The Search for Interstellar Particle (ISP) Impacts on Stardust Aluminium Foils., 73nd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical-Society, New York, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Aou 2010 [LillOA]
  62. E. Dobrica, C. Engrand, H. Leroux, J. Duprat, Investigation of Ultracarbonaceous Antarctic Micrometeorites by Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2010 [LillOA]
  63. H. Leroux, A.T. Kearsley, D. Troadec, Mineralogy of Wild 2 Residues in Micron-sized Craters from the STARDUST Al-Foils, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2010 [LillOA]
  64. A.J. Westphal, C. Allen, C. Allen, S. Bajt, A.D. Ball, R. Bastien, H.A. Bechtel, J. Borg, F.E. Brenker, J.C. Bridges, D.E. Brownlee, M.J. Burchell, M. Burghammer, A.L. Butterworth, R. Chater, P. Cloetens, G. Cody, A.M. Davis, T. Ferroir, C. Floss, G. Flynn, D.R. Frank, Z. Gainsforth, E. Grün, P. Heck, J.K. Hillier, P. Hoppe, F. Hörz, L. Howard, G. Howe, B. Hudson, G.R. Huss, J. Huth, A.T. Kearsley, B. Lai, M. Landgraf, L. Lemelle, J. Leitner, H. Leroux, R. Lettieri, W. Marchant, L.R. Nittler, R. Ogliore, M.C. Price, F. Postberg, S.A. Sandford, S. Schmitz, G. Silversmit, A. Simionovici, R. Srama, F.J. Stadermann, T. Stephan, R. Stroud, S.R. Sutton, R. Toucoulou, M. Trieloff, J. Trigo-Rodriguez, P. Tsou, A. Tsuchiyama, T. Tyliszczak, B. Vekemans, L. Vincze, J. Warren, M.E. Zolensky, Two Interstellar Dust Candidates from the Stardust Aerogel Interstellar Dust Collector, 73nd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical-Society, New York, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Aou 2010 [LillOA]
  65. M. Roskosz, J. Gillot, F. Capet, P. Roussel, H. Leroux, Temperature of Protoplanetary Disks Probed by Annealing Experiments Reflecting Spitzer Observations, 73nd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical-Society, New York, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Aou 2010 [LillOA]
  66. Z. Djouadi, F. Robert, S. Mostefaoui, L. Le Sergeant D'hendecourt, H. Leroux, J. Borg, Hydroxyl Radicals in Silicates Induced by Proton Irradiation, 73nd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical-Society, New York, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Aou 2010 [LillOA]

Communications par affiche

  1. C. Le Guillou, P.-M. Zanetta, H. Leroux, B. Guerin, C. Engrand, E. Dartois, J. Duprat, F. de la Peña, M. Marinova, S. Bernard, Light Element Quantification by TEM-EDS and Application to Organics Mapping in Ultra-Carbonaceous Antarctic Micrometeorites (UCAMMs), 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Texas, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2021 [LillOA]
  2. M. Morgano, C. Le Guillou, H. Leroux, M. Marinova, R. DOHMEN, Experimental Study of the Interaction Between Amorphous Silicates and Water Vapor, 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Texas, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2021 [LillOA]
  3. D. Hallatt, H. Leroux, P. Roussel, Preliminary Results of Exploring the Behaviour of Phyllosilicates When Subject to Thermal Conditions Relevant to Asteroid Ryugu, 52st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Tuscon, Arizona, USA, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2021 [LillOA]
  4. M. Colleit, D. Jacob, M. Marinova, H. Leroux, Analyse texturale par ACOM-TEM d'assemblages de pyroxènes dans une météorite martienne, Colloque de la Société Française des Microscopies (SFµ), Bordeaux, France, Juil 2017 [LillOA]
  5. M. Marinova, H. Leroux, D. Jacob, Investigation of titanomagnetite grains in NWA 7533 Martian meteorite by STEM-EDX and STEM-EELS, Colloque de la Société Française des Microscopies (SFµ), Bordeaux, France, Juil 2017 [LillOA]
  6. C. Le Guillou, A.-M. Blanchenet, H. Leroux, M. Marinova, A. Addad, D. Jacob, J.-F. Dhenin, M. Huvé, K-factor determination for the FEI Titan Themis (Super X four quadrant EDS system) at 300kV, Colloque de la Société Française des Microscopies (SFµ), Bordeaux, France, Juil 2017 [LillOA]
  7. M. Marinova, P. Cuvillier, A. Gloter, D. Jacob, H. Leroux, STEM-EELS investigation of planar defects in olivine, European Microscopy Congress, Lyon, France, Aou 2016 [LillOA]
  8. H. Leroux, D. Jacob, M. Marinova, Pyroxene Microstructure in Coarse-Grained Clasts Within NWA 7533 Martian Meteorite, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 46th, Houston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Jan 2015 [LillOA]
  9. P. Cuvillier, H. Leroux, D. Jacob, Fe-Mg interdiffusion profiles in forsterite within the allende matrix. Tilme-temperature constraints deduced from a TEM study, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 44th, Houston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2013 [LillOA]
  10. P. Cuvillier, N. Chaumard, H. Leroux, B. Zanda, R. Hewins, D. Jacob, B. Devouard, A TEM study of exsolution in Ca-rich pyroxenes from the Paris meteorite: determination of type I chondrule cooling rates, 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2014 [LillOA]
  11. J. Stodolna, A.L. Butterworth, H. Leroux, Z. Gainsforth, T. Tyliszczak, D. Jacob, A.J. Westphal, Iron valence state distribution at the nano-scale in comet Wild2 material from the Stardust mission - A coordinated TEM/STEM EDX/STXM study, 15th European Microscopy Congress, Manchester, Royaume-Uni, Sep 2012 [LillOA]
  12. D. Jacob, L. Palatinus, P. Cuvillier, H. Leroux, C. Domeneghetti, F. Camara, Fe-Mg Ordering in Orthopyroxene Studied at a Microscopic Scale Using Precesion Electron Diffraction, 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2012 [LillOA]
  13. P. Cuvillier, D. Jacob, L. Palatinus, H. Leroux, C. Domeneghetti, F. Camara, Quantitative analysis of precession electron diffraction : application to the determination of ordering state in pyroxene, 15th European Microscopy Congress, Manchester, Royaume-Uni, Sep 2012 [LillOA]
  14. P. Cuvillier, D. Jacob, H. Leroux, C. Domeneghetti, Détermination de la mise en ordre dans un pyroxène par analyse quantitative en diffraction électronique en précession, 12° colloque de la Société française des Microscopies, Strasbourg, France, Juil 2011 [LillOA]
  15. J. Stodolna, D. Jacob, M.J. Burchell, H. Leroux, Collect-induced Microstructure Modifications in Stardust Samples: Some Experimental Evidences, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2010 [LillOA]
  16. P.-M. Zanetta, H. Leroux, C. Le Guillou, B. Zanda, Development of an Advanced Electron Microscopy Methodology: Comparison of the Mineralogy of Fine-Grained Rims and Adjacent Matrix in the CM Paris Chondrite, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2018 [LillOA]
  17. C. Le Guillou, H. Leroux, P.-M. Zanetta, A. Brearley, F. de la Peña, M. Marinova, Water Content in Amorphous Silicates of Chondrite Matrices Determined by Advanced TEM Analysis : And Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microscopy, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2018 [LillOA]
  18. M. Roskosz, D. Laporte, E. Deloule, J. Ingrin, L. Rémusat, C. Depecker, H. Leroux, Diffusion-driven D/H fractionation in silicates during hydration, dehydration and degassing, Goldschmidt Conference, Paris, France, Aou 2017 [LillOA]
  19. H. Leroux, P. Cuvillier, B. Zanda, R. Hewins, A TEM Investigation of the Fine-Grained Matrix of the Paris CM Chondrite, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 44th, Houston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Jan 2013 [LillOA]
  20. B. Laurent, M. Roskosz, L. Rémusat, C. Depecker, H. Vezin, F. Robert, H. Leroux, Molecular and Isotopic Study of Irradiated Organic Matter Analogue, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 44th, Houston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Jan 2013 [LillOA]
  21. G. Bellino, H. Leroux, M. Roskosz, ATEM Investigation of an Agglomeratic Chondrule in the Bishunpur LL3.15 Chondrite, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 46th, Houston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Jan 2015 [LillOA]
  22. B. Laurent, M. Roskosz, L. Rémusat, H. Leroux, Deuteration of insoluble organic matter and silicates by ionizing irradiation in the solar nebula, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 47th, Houston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Jan 2016 [LillOA]
  23. H. Leroux, P. Cuvillier, B. Zanda, R. Hewins, Sub-micrometer composition fields of Acfer 094 and Paris matrices, 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2014 [LillOA]
  24. C. Le Guillou, S. Bernard, L. Rémusat, A. Brearley, H. Leroux, Amorphization and D/H fractionation of kerogens during experimental electron irradiation: comparison with chondritic matter, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 44th, Houston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2013 [LillOA]
  25. B. Laurent, M. Roskosz, L. Rémusat, C. Depecker, H. Vezin, F. Robert, H. Leroux, Structural and Isotopic Study of irradiated Organic Matter Analogue, LPSC Conference, Houston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2013 [LillOA]
  26. M. Roskosz, H. Leroux, C. Depecker, L. Rémusat, B. Laurent, Water uptake, diffusion and Isotopic Signature in Amorphous Silicates in Contact with Dry Vapor at low Partial Pressure, LPSC Conference, Houston, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2013 [LillOA]