UMET - Liste des publications de Ulrich MASCHKE
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Book contributions
- M. Bouchakour, Y. Derouiche, Z. Bouberka, C. Beyens, P. Supiot, F. Dubois, F. Riahi, U. Maschke, Chapter 4. Electron Beam Curing of Monomer/Liquid Crystal Blends, in Polymer-modified Liquid Crystals, Royal Society of Chemistry pp. 45-60 (2019) [LillOA]
- Z. Bouberka, K. Bentaleb, K.A. Benabbou, U. Maschke, Adsorption of Two Dyes by Mg(OH)2: Procion Blue HB and Remazol Brilliant Blue R, in International Congress on Energy Efficiency and Energy Related Materials (ENEFM2013). Springer Proceedings in Physics, vol 155 [O. A., Z. Bahsi Oral, O. M. (eds)], Springer International Publishing pp. 463-468 (2014) [LillOA]
- K. Chinoune, Z. Bouberka, N. Touaa, U. Maschke, Adsorption Study of Reactive Blue 2 Dye on CTAB-Bentonite in Aqueous Solution, in 3rd International Congress on Energy Efficiency and Energy Related Materials (ENEFM2015). Springer Proceedings in Energy [O. A., Z. Bahsi Oral (eds)], Springer Cham pp. 109-115 (2017) [LillOA]
- Y. Agguine, N. Laouedj, A. Bekka, Z. Bouberka, A. Nadim, S. Eddarir, U. Maschke, Photochemical Degradation of Polybrominated Diphenylether BDE209 under Ultraviolet Irradiation, in International Congress on Energy Efficiency and Energy Related Materials (ENEFM2013). Springer Proceedings in Physics, vol 155 [O. A., Z. Bahsi Oral, O. M. (eds)], Springer Cham pp. 301-306 (2014) [LillOA]
- K. Bentaleb, Z. Bouberka, A. Nadim, U. Maschke, Y. Agguine, S. Eddarir, Deactivation of Polybrominated Flame Retardants by Ultraviolet Radiation, in 3rd International Congress on Energy Efficiency and Energy Related Materials (ENEFM2015). Springer Proceedings in Energy [O. A., Z. Bahsi Oral (eds)], Springer Cham pp. 109-115 (2017) [LillOA]
- N. Gogibus, Z. Bouberka, L. Bedjaoui, L. Leclercq, F. Dubois, K. Koynov, U. Maschke, Thermophysical and Structural Properties of Polymer/Liquid Crystal Systems Using Polysiloxanes, in Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry [R. Meyers (eds)], John Wiley: Chichester (2016) [LillOA]
- M. Bouchakour, Y. Derouiche, Z. Bouberka, C. Beyens, P. Supiot, F. Dubois, F. Riahi, U. Maschke, Chapter 4. Electron Beam Curing of Monomer/Liquid Crystal Blends, in Polymer-modified Liquid Crystals, Royal Society of Chemistry (2019) [LillOA]
- M. Bouchakour, Y. Derouiche, Z. Bouberka, C. Beyens, P. Supiot, F. Dubois, F. Riahi, U. Maschke, Electron Beam Curing of Monomer/Liquid Crystal Blends, in Polymer-modified Liquid Crystals [. Ingo Dierking (eds)], The Royal Society of Chemistry (2019) [doi: 10.1039/9781788013321-00045, LillOA]
Publications in international research journals
- 2024
- R. Benmammar, Z. Bouberka, C. Malas, Y. Carpentier, K.M. Haider, V.R. Mundlapati, M. Ziskind, C. Focsa, S. Khelifi, F. Poutch, F. Laoutid, P. Supiot, C. Foissac, U. Maschke, Degradation of Decabromodiphenyl Ether Dispersed in Poly (Acrylo-Butadiene-Styrene) Using a Rotatory Laboratory Pilot Under UV-Visible Irradiation, Molecules 21, 5037 (2024), [doi: 10.3390/molecules29215037, LillOA]
- C.-E. Gherdaoui, H. Oumeddour, H. Aldoori, C. Alaoui, J.-P. Delbarre, Z. Bouberka, P. Supiot, D. Lerari, U. Maschke, Improving transformer oil decontamination: A synergistic approach integrating adsorption and radiative treatment for polychlorinated biphenyls, Separation and Purification Technology 126028 (2024), [doi: 10.1016/j.seppur.2023.126028, LillOA]
- B. Abdelkader, B. Imene, A. Lahouaria, H. Boumediene, K. Mostefa, U. Maschke, Emulsion liquid membrane technique for optimal separation of Ni (II) and Sm (III) using response surface methodology and Box–Behnken experimental setup, Environmental Technology 1-21 (2024), [doi: 10.1080/09593330.2024.2386865, LillOA]
- K. Bentaleb, A. Al-Ameri, Z. Bouberka, Z. Taibi, A. Barrera, R.K. Benmammar, U. Maschke, APPLICATION OF SPECTROSCOPIC AND DIFFRACTION METHODS FOR PHOTOCATALYTIC INVESTIGATION OF SYNTHETIC CLAYS, UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series A Applied Mathematics and Physics 86;1, 163–178 (2024), [LillOA]
- A. Barrera, C. Binet, I. Benabela, P. Supiot, C. Foissac, U. Maschke, GEL POLYMER ELECTROLYTES ELABORATED BY UV-IRRADIATION FOR THE ECO-DESIGN OF LI-ION BATTERIES, Detritus 28, 135-140 (2024), [doi: 10.31025/2611-4135/2024.19406, LillOA]
- M. Ben Salah, T. Soltani, L. Saadaoui, N. Ben Hamadi, A. Guesmid, Z. Bouberka, A. Barrera, U. Maschke, Dielectric and electrical properties of liquid crystals doped with ferroelectric nanoparticles, Liquid Crystals 1-12 (2024), [doi: 10.1080/02678292.2024.2426176, LillOA]
- T. Benkouider, Y. Derouiche, L. Souli, F. Dubois, A. Barrera, Z. Bouberka, U. Maschke, Estimation of Ionic Impurities in Poly(propylene Glycol) Diacrylate Monomers/Liquid Crystal E7 Mixtures Using Dielectric Spectroscopy, Crystals 14;3, 286 (2024), [doi: 10.3390/cryst14030286, LillOA]
- M.M. Bouhent, K. Bentaleb, A. Al-Ameri, U. Maschke, Performance of Mg/Al and Zn/Al Hydroxide Double Lamellar-Bentonite for Removal of Anionic Azo Dye from Aqueous Solution, Processes 12;4, 677 (2024), [doi: 10.3390/pr12040677, LillOA]
- L. Benkraled, A. Zennaki, L. Zair, K. Arabeche, A. Berrayah, A. Barrera, Z. Bouberka, U. Maschke, Effect of Plasticization/Annealing on Thermal, Dynamic Mechanical, and Rheological Properties of Poly(Lactic Acid), Polymers 16;7, 974 (2024), [doi: 10.3390/polym16070974, LillOA]
- M. Ben Salah, L. Saadaoui, T. Soltani, N. Ben Hamadi, A. Guesmi, U. Maschke, New Series of Hydrogen-Bonded Liquid Crystal with High Birefringence and Conductivity, Molecules 29;14, 3422 (2024), [doi: 10.3390/molecules29143422, LillOA]
- R. Benmammar, Z. Bouberka, C. Malas, Y. Carpentier, K.M. Haider, V.R. Mundlapati, M. Ziskind, C. Focsa, S. Khelifi, F. Poutch, F. Laoutid, P. Supiot, C. Foissac, U. Maschke, Degradation of Decabromodiphenyl Ether Dispersed in Poly (Acrylo-Butadiene-Styrene) Using a Rotatory Laboratory Pilot Under UV-Visible Irradiation, Molecules 29;21, 5037 (2024), [doi: 10.3390/molecules29215037, LillOA]
- 2023
- C.-E. Gherdaoui, H. Aldoori, C. Alaoui, H. Oumeddour, Z. Taibi, N. Zeggai, D. Lerari, U. Maschke, Exploring organo-bentonite adsorption properties for biphenyl removal from organic-aqueous media: kinetic study and industrial perspective, Brazilian Journal of Development 9;11, 29886-29910 (2023), [doi: 10.34117/bjdv9n11-039, LillOA]
- H. Kameni, M. Fouodjouo, W. Zé, H. Aldoori, C.-E. Gherdaoui, P. Supiot, U. Maschke, S. Laminsi, Plasma-modified wood sawdust waste for the removal of reactive blue II anionic dye from aqueous solution, Brazilian Journal of Development 9;2, 7607-7639 (2023), [doi: 10.34117/bjdv9n2-098, LillOA]
- S. Hamri, B. Bouzi, D. Lerari, F. Dergal, T. Bouchaour, K. Bachari, Z. Bouberka, U. Maschke, Removal of Malachite Green by Poly(acrylamide-co-acrylic acid) Hydrogels: Analysis of Coulombic and Hydrogen Bond Donor–Acceptor Interactions, Gels 9;12, 946 (2023), [doi: 10.3390/gels9120946, LillOA]
- F. Achache, Z. Khouba, T. Benabdallah, U. Maschke, M. Hadj Youcef, Phase transition behavior of pentylcyanobiphenyl liquid crystal containing n-dodecyl-2-hydroxy-1-naphthaldimine, Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 1-10 (2023), [doi: 10.1080/01932691.2022.2161561, LillOA]
- A. Barrera, C. Binet, F. Danede, J.-F. Tahon, B. Ouddane, F. Dubois, P. Supiot, C. Foissac, U. Maschke, Chemical Characterization and Thermal Analysis of Recovered Liquid Crystals, Crystals 13;7, 1064 (2023), [doi: 10.3390/cryst13071064, LillOA]
- A. Barrera, C. Binet, F. Dubois, P.-A. Hébert, P. Supiot, C. Foissac, U. Maschke, Temperature and frequency dependence on dielectric permittivity and electrical conductivity of recycled Liquid Crystals, Journal of Molecular Liquids 378, 121572 (2023), [doi: 10.1016/j.molliq.2023.121572, LillOA]
- A. Bouriche, L. Alachaher-Bedjaoui, A. Barrera, J.-N. Staelens, U. Maschke, Thermal Degradation Studies of Poly(2-ethyl hexyl acrylate) in the Presence of Nematic Liquid Crystals, Polymers 15;19, 3934 (2023), [doi: 10.3390/polym15193934, LillOA]
- H. Aldoori, Z. Bouberka, H. Feuchter, S. Khelifi, F. Poutch, L. Brison, F. Laoutid, S. Steuperaert, C. Foissac, P. Supiot, C. Malas, U. Maschke, Recycling of Plastics from E-Waste via Photodegradation in a Low-Pressure Reactor: The Case of Decabromodiphenyl Ether Dispersed in Poly(acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene) and Poly(carbonate), Molecules 28;6, 2491 (2023), [doi: 10.3390/molecules28062491, LillOA]
- R.K. Benmammar, V.-R. Mundlapati, Z. Bouberka, A. Barrera, J.-N. STAELENS, J.-F. Tahon, M. Ziskind, Y. Carpentier, C. Focsa, P. Supiot, C. Foissac, U. Maschke, Electron Beam Processing as a Promising Tool to Decontaminate Polymers Containing Brominated Flame Retardants, Molecules 28;23, 7753 (2023), [doi: 10.3390/molecules28237753, LillOA]
- Z. Taibi, K. Bentaleb, Z. Bouberka, C. Pierlot, M. Vandewalle, C. Volkringer, P. Supiot, U. Maschke, Adsorption of Orange G Dye on Hydrophobic Activated Bentonite from Aqueous Solution, Crystals 13;2, 211 (2023), [doi: 10.3390/cryst13020211, LillOA]
- 2022
- A. Barrera, C. Binet, F. Dubois, P.-A. Hébert, P. Supiot, C. Foissac, U. Maschke, RECYCLING OF LIQUID CRYSTALS FROM E-WASTE, Detritus 21, 55-61 (2022), [doi: 10.31025/2611-4135/2022.17231, LillOA]
- M. Dounya, U. Maschke, N. Bouchikhi, H. Ziani Chérif, L. Bedjaoui-Alachaher, Characterization of swelling behavior and elastomer properties of acrylate polymers containing 2-ethylhexyl and isobornyl esters, Polymer Bulletin (2022), [doi: 10.1007/s00289-022-04491-w, LillOA]
- A. Zennaki, L. Zair, K. Arabeche, L. Benkraled, U. Maschke, A. Berrayah, Effect of annealing on thermal and dynamic mechanical properties of poly(lactic acid), Journal of Applied Polymer Science 139;44, e53095 (2022), [doi: 10.1002/app.53095, LillOA]
- H. Boughrara, S. Djellali, N. Haddaoui, J.-N. STAELENS, P. Supiot, U. Maschke, A facile route to improve compatibilization of low density polyethylene/poly (ε-caprolactone) blends, Polymer Degradation and Stability 204, 110111 (2022), [doi: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2022.110111, LillOA]
- N. Zeggai, Z. Bouberka, F. Dubois, L. Bedjaoui, T. Bouchaour, C.-E. Gherdaoui, J. Potier, P. Supiot, U. Maschke, Tuning of thermally-induced shape memory properties of low-cost biocompatible linear and chemically crosslinked isobornyl/isobutylacrylate copolymers, COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 219, 109213 (2022), [doi: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.109213, LillOA]
- C.-E. Gherdaoui, Z. Bouberka, J.-P. Delbarre, O. Hutin, R. Sansano, L. Leclercq, P. Supiot, U. Maschke, A simple and reliable method for separation of mineral oil/polychlorobiphenyl mixtures, Waste Management and Research 0734242X2211054 (2022), [doi: 10.1177/0734242x221105436, LillOA]
- S. Hamri, T. Bouchaour, D. Lerari, Z. Bouberka, P. Supiot, U. Maschke, Cleaning of Wastewater Using Crosslinked Poly(Acrylamide-co-Acrylic Acid) Hydrogels: Analysis of Rotatable Bonds, Binding Energy and Hydrogen Bonding, Gels 8;3, 156 (2022), [doi: 10.3390/gels8030156, LillOA]
- I. Moundoungou, Z. Bouberka, G.-J. Fossi Tabieguia, A.-L. Barrera Almeida, Y. Derouiche, F. Dubois, P. Supiot, C. Foissac, U. Maschke, Y. Derouiche, End-of-Life Liquid Crystal Displays Recycling: Physico-Chemical Properties of Recovered Liquid Crystals, Crystals 12;11, 1672 (2022), [doi: 10.3390/cryst12111672, LillOA]
- L. Zair, A. Berrayah, K. Arabeche, Z. Bouberka, A. Best, K. Koynov, U. Maschke, Temperature Controlled Mechanical Reinforcement of Polyacrylate Films Containing Nematic Liquid Crystals, Polymers 14;22, 5024 (2022), [doi: 10.3390/polym14225024, LillOA]
- A. Bakhtiar, Z. Bouberka, P. Roussel, C. Volkringer, A. Addad, B. OUDDANE, C. Pierlot, U. Maschke, Development of a TiO2/sepiolite photocatalyst for the degradation of a persistent organic pollutant in aqueous solution, Nanomaterials (Basel, Switzerland) 12;19, 3313 (2022), [doi: 10.3390/nano12193313, LillOA]
- D. Merah, L. Bedjaoui, N. Zeggai, Z. Bouberka, J. Sarazin, D. Boutalbi, A. Barrera, H. Boughrara, F. Dubois, F. Cazaux, P. Supiot, U. Maschke, Enhanced thermal stability of biobased crosslinked poly (isobornylacrylate-co-2-ethylhexylacrylate) copolymers, Journal of Polymer Research 29;7, (2022), [doi: 10.1007/s10965-022-03139-7, LillOA]
- 2021
- O. Benali, M. Zebida, U. Maschke, A. Attou, S. Bilgiç, Synthesis of 4-methylthiazol-2(3H)-thione derivatives and their application as corrosion inhibitors: weight loss, electrochemical, XPS and theoretical study, Applied Journal of Environmental Engineering Science 7;2, 125-143 (2021), [LillOA]
- O. Benali, M. Zebida, U. Maschke, Synthesis and inhibition corrosion effect of two thiazole derivatives for carbon steel in 1 M HCl, Journal of the Indian Chemical Society 98;8, 100113 (2021), [doi: 10.1016/j.jics.2021.100113, LillOA]
- O. Benali, M. Zebida, F. Benhiba, A. Zarrouk, U. Maschke, Carbon steel corrosion inhibition in H2SO4 0.5 M medium by thiazole-based molecules: Weight loss, electrochemical, XPS and molecular modeling approaches, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 630, 127556 (2021), [doi: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2021.127556, LillOA]
- H. Lamnii, M. NAIT ABDELAZIZ, G. Ayoub, X. Colin, U. Maschke, Experimental investigation and modeling attempt on the effects of ultraviolet aging on the fatigue behavior of an LDPE semi-crystalline polymer, International Journal of Fatigue 142, 105952 (2021), [doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2020.105952, LillOA]
- N. Zeggai, Z. Bouberka, F. Dubois, T. Bouchaour, B. Dali Youcef, L. Delarace, J. Potier, P. Supiot, U. Maschke, Effect of structure on the glass transition temperatures of linear and crosslinked poly(isobornylacrylate‐co‐isobutylacrylate), Journal of Applied Polymer Science 138;20, 50449 (2021), [doi: 10.1002/app.50449, LillOA]
- A.-L. Barrera Almeida, C. Binet, F. Dubois, P.-A. Hébert, P. Supiot, C. Foissac, U. Maschke, Dielectric Spectroscopy Analysis of Liquid Crystals Recovered from End-of-Life Liquid Crystal Displays, Molecules 26;10, 2873 (2021), [doi: 10.3390/molecules26102873, LillOA]
- H. Lamnii, M. Nait-Abelaziz, G. Ayoub, X. Colin, U. Maschke, Experimental investigation and modeling attempt on the effects of ultraviolet aging on the fatigue behavior of an LDPE semi-crystalline polymer, International Journal of Fatigue 142, 1-12 (2021), [doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2020.105952, LillOA]
- 2020
- Z. Hadjou Belaid, L. Benhabib, D. Beroguiaa, F. Abdoune, L. Méchernène, U. Maschke, Thermal study of photopolymerization reaction in polyacrylate/liquid crystal blends, Materials Today: Proceedings 31;Supplement 1, S9-S11 (2020), [doi: 10.1016/j.matpr.2020.05.026, LillOA]
- H.L. Boudjema, H. Bendaikha, U. Maschke, Green composites based on Atriplex halimus fibers and PLA matrix, Journal of Polymer Engineering 40;8, 693-702 (2020), [doi: 10.1515/polyeng-2020-0068, LillOA]
- G. Bai, J.-C. Hornez, U. Maschke, P. Supiot, E. Bres, Modification of hydroxyapatite surface properties by electron irradiation, Radiation Physics and Chemistry 177, 109192 (2020), [doi: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2020.109192, LillOA]
- S. Bedjaoui, L. Bedjaoui, M.-E.-A. Benbekeda, F. Dubois, D. Merah, P. Supiot, C. Foissac, U. Maschke, Unusual swelling of acrylate based crosslinked polymer networks in linear primary alcohols: Experimental and modeling aspects, Journal of Molecular Liquids 320;Part B, 114459 (2020), [doi: 10.1016/j.molliq.2020.114459, LillOA]
- H. Aldoori, Z. Bouberka, A. Nadim, Y. Agguine, S. Eddarir, P. Supiot, C. Foissac, U. Maschke, Photodegradation of Decabromo Diphenyl Ether Flame Retardant in Poly (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) (ABS), Journal of Macromolecular Science Part B Physics 59;10, 609-620 (2020), [doi: 10.1080/00222348.2020.1763607, LillOA]
- K.E. Boudraa, T. Bouchaour, C. Beyens, U. Maschke, Novel interpenetrating polymer network composed of poly(butyl acrylates) and poly(ethyl-hexyl acrylate), International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization 25;1, 18-33 (2020), [doi: 10.1080/1023666x.2020.1737467, LillOA]
- N. Touaa, Z. Bouberka, C.-E. Gherdaoui, P. Supiot, P. Roussel, C. Pierlot, U. Maschke, Titanium and iron modified delaminated muscovite as photocatalyst for enhanced degradation of Tetrabromobisphenol A by visible light, Functional Materials Letters 13;03, 2051008 (2020), [doi: 10.1142/S179360472051008X, LillOA]
- 2019
- N. Bouchikhi, M. Bouazza, S. Hamri, U. Maschke, D. Lerari, F. Dergal, K. Bachari, L. Bedjaoui-Alachaher, Photo-curing kinetics of hydroxyethyl acrylate (HEA): synergetic efect of dye/amine photoinitiator systems, International Journal of Industrial Chemistry 11;1, 1-9 (2019), [doi: 10.1007/s40090-019-00197-7, LillOA]
- N. Benmessaoud, S. Hamri, T. Bouchaour, U. Maschke, Swelling and thermal behavior of a cross-linked polymer networks poly(2-phenoxyethyl acrylate): exploitation by the Voigt viscoelastic model, Polymer Bulletin 77;10, 5567-5588 (2019), [doi: 10.1007/s00289-019-03040-2, LillOA]
- M. Zebida, O. Benali, U. Maschke, M. Traisnel, Corrosion inhibition properties of 4-methyl-2-(methylthio)-3-phenylthiazol-3-ium iodide on the carbon steel in sulfuric acid medium, International Journal of Corrosion and Scale Inhibition 8;3, 613-627 (2019), [doi: 10.17675/2305-6894-2019-8-3-11, LillOA]
- K. Boudraa, T. Bouchaour, U. Maschke, Thermal analysis of interpenetrating polymer networks through molecular dynamics simulations: a comparison with experiments, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 140;4, 1845-1857 (2019), [doi: 10.1007/s10973-019-08898-y, LillOA]
- A. Ait Amer, H. Ilikti, C. Beyens, J. Lyskawa, U. Maschke, Elaboration of new modified electrodes (MEs) by electropolymerization of Cu(II)-Schiff base complexes bearing pyrrole moieties: Application in electroreduction of acetophenone and carbon dioxide, European Polymer Journal 112, 569-580 (2019), [doi: 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2018.10.016, LillOA]
- 2018
- Z. Hadjou Belaid, L. Mechernene, F.Z. Abdoune, A. Berrayah, U. Maschke, Photo-differential Scanning Calorimetry Study on Photopolymerization of Polyacrylate/E7 Liquid Crystal Blends, Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B 58;1, 1-15 (2018), [doi: 10.1080/00222348.2018.1452496, LillOA]
- Y.H. Bendahma, S. Hamri, M. Merad, T. Bouchaour, U. Maschke, Conformational modeling of the system pollutant/three-dimensional poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PHEMA) in aqueous medium: a new approach, Polymer Bulletin 76;3, 1517-1530 (2018), [doi: 10.1007/s00289-018-2455-2, LillOA]
- N. Zeggai, B. Dali Youcef, F. Dubois, T. Bouchaour, P. Supiot, L. Bedjaoui, U. Maschke, Analysis of dynamic mechanical properties of photochemically crosslinked poly(isobornylacrylate-co-isobutylacrylate) applying WLF and Havriliak-Negami models, Polymer Testing 72, 432-438 (2018), [doi: 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2018.10.038, LillOA]
- A. Bendahou, Z. Khouba, T. Benabdallah, U. Maschke, Mesophase study of pure and doped cyanobiphenyl liquid crystals with salen-type systems, Liquid Crystals 45;9, 1312-1323 (2018), [doi: 10.1080/02678292.2018.1435827, LillOA]
- M. Souada Betrouni, C. Louage, J.-Y. Doisy, L. Meunier, A. Benderrag, B. OUDDANE, S. Bellayer, N. Nuns, M. Traisnel, U. Maschke, Extraction of indium-tin oxide from end-of-life LCD panels using ultrasound assisted acid leaching, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 40;Part A, 929-936 (2018), [doi: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2017.08.043, LillOA]
- 2017
- A. Bouriche, L. Bedjaoui Alachaher, U. Maschke, Phase behaviour and electro-optical response of systems composed of nematic liquid crystals and poly (2-ethylhexylacrylate), Liquid Crystals 45;5, 656-665 (2017), [doi: 10.1080/02678292.2017.1370562, LillOA]
- K. Bentaleb, Z. Bouberka, K. Chinoune, A. Nadim, U. Maschke, Enhanced adsorption of 2,4-dichlorophenol from aqueous solution using modified low cost Algerian geomaterial, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 80, 578-588 (2017), [doi: 10.1016/j.jtice.2017.08.031, LillOA]
- T. Bouchaour, Z. Bouberka, B. Dali Youcef, U. Maschke, Kinetic analysis of the swelling behavior of poly(butylacrylate-1,6-hexanedioldiacrylate) networks in 4-cyano-4-pentyl-biphenyl (5CB), Journal of Applied Polymer Science 134, 45452 (2017), [doi: 10.1002/app.45452, LillOA]
- B. Dali Youcef, T. Bouchaour, Z. Bouberka, M. Bigan, U. Maschke, Swelling behavior of poly(butyl acrylate/1,6-hexane-diol-di-acrylate)/nematic liquid crystal E7 systems: Experimental measurements and modeling by factorial design method, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 134, 45230 (2017), [doi: 10.1002/app.45230, LillOA]
- A. Ait Amer, H. Ilikti, U. Maschke, Synthesis and characterisation of new Schiff base monomers containing N-(alkyl and phenyl) pyrrole moieties, Journal of Molecular Structure 1147, 177-184 (2017), [doi: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2017.06.067, LillOA]
- 2016
- M. Mansouri, A. Berrayah, C. Beyens, C. Rosenauer, c. Jama, U. Maschke, Effects of electron beam irradiation on thermal and mechanical properties of poly(lactic acid) films, Polymer Degradation and Stability 133, pp. 293-302 (2016), [doi: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2016.09.005, LillOA]
- L. Karam, M. Casetta, N.-E. Chihib, F. Bentiss, U. Maschke, C. Jama, Optimization of cold nitrogen plasma surface modification process for setting up antimicrobial low density polyethylene films, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 64, pp. 299-305 (2016), [doi: 10.1016/j.jtice.2016.04.018, LillOA]
- K. Chinoune, K. Bentaleb, Z. Bouberka, A. Nadim, U. Maschke, Adsorption of reactive dyes from aqueous solution by dirty bentonite, Applied Clay Science 123, 64-75 (2016), [doi: 10.1016/j.clay.2016.01.006, LillOA]
- 2015
- F. Dubois, Y. Derouiche, J.M. Leblond, U. Maschke, R. Douali, Compensated Arrhenius formalism applied to a conductivity study in poly(propylene glycol) diacrylate monomers, Physical Review E 92, 32601 (2015), [doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.92.032601, LillOA]
- G.E. Tiznado-Orozco, J. Reyes-Gasga, F. Elefterie, C. Beyens, U. Maschke, E. Bres, Wettability modification of human tooth surface by water and UV and electron-beam radiation, Materials Science and Engineering. C 57, 133-146 (2015), [doi: 10.1016/j.msec.2015.06.054, LillOA]
- M. Bouchakour, Y. Derouiche, Z. Bouberka, C. Beyens, L. Méchernène, F. Riahi, U. Maschke, Optical properties of electron beam- and UV-cured polypropylene-glycoldiacrylate/liquid crystal E7 systems, Liquid Crystals 1-10 (2015), [doi: 10.1080/02678292.2015.1044579, LillOA]
- R.Y. Morjan, N.H. Al-Attar, O.S. Abu-Teim, U. Maschke, A.M. Awadallah, A.M. Mkadmh, A.A. Elmanama, J. Raftery, F.M. Abu-Awwad, Z.J. Yaseen, A.F. Elqidrea, J.M. Gardiner, Synthesis, antibacterial and QSAR evaluation of 5-oxo and 5-thio derivatives of 1,4-disubstituted tetrazoles, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 25, 4024-4028 (2015), [doi: 10.1016/j.bmcl.2015.04.070, LillOA]
- O. Belaidi, M. Adjim, T. Bouchaour, U. Maschke, FT-IR and FT-Raman spectra of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate - A conformational and vibrational analysis, Spectrochimica Acta Part A. Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 148, 396-404 (2015), [doi: 10.1016/j.saa.2015.03.101, LillOA]
- A. Nadim, Z. Bouberka, Y. Agguine, S. Eddarir, U. Maschke, Abatement of polybrominated molecules by various radiative methods, Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry (2015), [doi: 10.1002/9780470027318, LillOA]
- O. Belaidi, M. Adjim, T. Bouchaour, U. Maschke, MM and QM: Conformational and vibrational spectra analysis of 2- hydroxyethyl acrylate, Spectrochimica Acta Part A. Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 137, 50-57 (2015), [doi: 10.1016/j.saa.2014.08.001, LillOA]
- 2014
- S. Hamri, T. Bouchaour, U. Maschke, Erythrosine/Triethanolamine System to Elaborate Crosslinked Poly(2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate): UV-Photopolymerization and Swelling Studies, Macromolecular Symposia 336, 75-81 (2014), [LillOA]
- O. Belaidi, T. Bouchaour, U. Maschke, The molecular conformation of butyl acrylate - A vibrational spectroscopy and computational study, Vibrational Spectroscopy 73, 56-66 (2014), [doi: 10.1016/j.vibspec.2014.04.004, LillOA]
- K. Boudraa, B.D. Youcef, L. Bedjaoui, T. Bouchaour, U. Maschke, Phase Diagrams of PolyAcrylic Networks and Liquid Crystal E7, Macromolecular Symposia 336, 61-67 (2014), [doi: 10.1002/masy.201300016, LillOA]
- N. Bouchikhi, L. Bedjaoui-Alachaher, T. Bouchaour, G..-J. Fossi-Tabieguia, U. Maschke, Experimental Study on the Swelling Behavior of Polymer Networks in a Nematic Solvent, Macromolecular Symposia 336, 68-74 (2014), [doi: 10.1002/masy.201300017, LillOA]
- Z. Khouba, T. Benabdallah, U. Maschke, Spectrophotometric investigation of interaction between iodine and pentadentate Schiff base ligands, Spectrochimica Acta Part A. Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 125, 61-66 (2014), [doi: 10.1016/j.saa.2014.01.044, LillOA]
- Z. Bouberka, K.A. Benabbou, A. Khenifi, U. Maschke, Degradation by irradiation of an Acid Orange 7 on colloidal TiO 2/(LDHs, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A. Chemistry 275, 21-29 (2014), [doi: 10.1016/j.jphotochem.2013.10.010, LillOA]
- N. Laouedj, A. Elaziouti, U. Maschke, A. Bekka, Spectroscopic behavior of saytex 8010 under UV-visible light and comparative thermal study, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A. Chemistry 275, 96-102 (2014), [doi: 10.1016/j.jphotochem.2013.11.008, LillOA]
- 2013
- O. Belaidi, T. Bouchaour, U. Maschke, AM1 and DFT: Conformational and vibrational spectra analysis of butyl methacrylate, International Journal of Chemical and Analytical Science 4, 185-196 (2013), [doi: 10.1016/j.ijcas.2013.08.001, LillOA]
- O. Belaidi, T. Bouchaour, U. Maschke, Accuracy and Applicability of the New Exchange Correlation Functionals for Reproduction of the Infrared Spectra of Butyl Acrylate and Butyl Methacrylate Molecules, Organic Chemistry International 2013, 1-12 (2013), [doi: 10.1155/2013/834520, LillOA]
- O. Belaidi, T. Bouchaour, U. Maschke, Structural Preferences and Vibrational Analysis of 2-Hydroxy-2-methyl-1-phenylpropan-1-one: A Computational and Infrared Spectroscopic Research, Journal of Structures 2013, 1-9 (2013), [LillOA]
- O. Belaidi, T. Bouchaour, U. Maschke, Molecular Structure and Vibrational Spectra of 2-Ethylhexyl Acrylate by Density Functional Theory Calculations, Organic Chemistry International 2013, 1-14 (2013), [doi: 10.1155/2013/348379, LillOA]
- 2012
- V. Loiko, V.Y. Zyryanov, U. Maschke, A. Konkolovich, A. Miskevich, Small-angle light scattering and transmittance of polymer film, containing liquid crystal droplets with inhomogeneous boundary conditions, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 113, 2585-2592 (2012), [doi: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2012.03.026, LillOA]
- S. Hamri, K. Boudraa, T. Bouchaour, U. Maschke, The Influence of pH on the Swelling Ratio of Acrylic Polymers Networks, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering A 2 7, 525-529 (2012), [LillOA]
- V. Loiko, V.Y. Zyryanov, A. Konkolovich, A.A. Misckevich, M.N. Krakhalev, U. Maschke, Investigation of Transmittance and Small-Angle Light Scattering by Monolayer of Liquid Crystal Droplets with Modified Boundary Conditions, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 561, 194-202 (2012), [doi: 10.1080/15421406.2012.687237, LillOA]
- F.Z. Elouali, M. Elouali, U. Maschke, Electro-Optical Memory Effects of Polymerized Methacrylate/Liquid Crystal Systems, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 561, 115-123 (2012), [doi: 10.1080/15421406.2012.687148, LillOA]
- M. Elouali, F.Z. Elouali, C. Beyens, O. Yaroshchuk, B. Abbar, U. Maschke, The Effect of Diamond Nanoparticles on Electro-Optical Properties of Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystals, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 561, 136-144 (2012), [doi: 10.1080/15421406.2012.687153, LillOA]
- N. Bouchikhi, F. Semdani, L. Bedjaoui-Alachaher, U. Maschke, Elaboration of Side-Chain Liquid-Crystalline Elastomers and Study of Their Swelling Behavior in Anisotropic Solvents, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 560, 159-169 (2012), [doi: 10.1080/15421406.2012.663196, LillOA]
- Y. Derouiche, K. Koynov, F. Dubois, R. Douali, C. Legrand, U. Maschke, Optical, Electro-Optical, and Dielectric Properties of Acrylic Tripropyleneglycol Based Polymer Network Systems Including LCs, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 561, 124-135 (2012), [doi: 10.1080/15421406.2012.687149, LillOA]
- 2011
- V. Loiko, U. Maschke, V.Y. Zyryanov, A. Konkolovich, A. Miskevich, Coherent transmission and angular structure of light scattering by monolayer films of polymer dispersed liquid crystals with inhomogeneous boundary conditions, Optics and Spectroscopy 111, 866-872 (2011), [doi: 10.1134/S0030400X11130121, LillOA]
- L. Bedjaoui-Alachaher, H. Bensaid, C. Gordin, U. Maschke, Solubility effects of multicomponent liquid crystal blends towards poly (n-butyl-acrylate), Liquid Crystals 38, 1315-1320 (2011), [doi: 10.1080/02678292.2011.611261, LillOA]
- V. Loiko, U. Maschke, V.Y. Zyryanov, A. Konkolovich, A. Miskevich, Angular structure of radiation scattered by monolayer of polydisperse droplets of nematic liquid crystal, Optics and Spectroscopy (English translation of Optika i Spektroskopiya) 110;1, 110-118 (2011), [doi: 10.1134/S0030400X11010115, LillOA]
- F.Z. Elouali, U. Maschke, Kinetics and equilibrium swelling properties of hydrophilic polymethacrylate networks, Macromolecular Symposia 303;1, 71-77 (2011), [doi: 10.1002/masy.201150510, LillOA]
- M. Elouali, C. Beyens, F.Z. Elouali, O. Yaroshchuk, B. Abbar, U. Maschke, Optical and calorimetrical studies of liquid crystalline materials doped with nanoparticles, Macromolecular Symposia 303;1, 108-113 (2011), [doi: 10.1002/masy.201150515, LillOA]
- A. Berrayah, U. Maschke, Phase behavior of polystyrene acrylonitril copolymer and polymethylmethacrylate blends under shear, Journal of Polymer Science Part B Polymer Physics 49;4, 310-317 (2011), [doi: 10.1002/polb.22174, LillOA]
- K. Boudraa, T. Bouchaour, U. Maschke, Equilibrium phase diagrams of interpenetrating polymer networks and liquid crystals, Macromolecular Symposia 303;1, 95-99 (2011), [doi: 10.1002/masy.201150513, LillOA]
- S. Tomylko, O. Yaroshchuk, O. Kovalchuk, U. Maschke, R. Yamaguchi, Dielectric and electro-optical properties of liquid crystals doped with diamond nanoparticles, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 541, 35-43 (2011), [doi: 10.1080/15421406.2011.569658, LillOA]
- F. Abdoune, L. Benkhaled, L. Méchernène, U. Maschke, Effect of curing process on the dynamic response of polymer dispersed liquid crystal films, Macromolecular Symposia 303;1, 100-107 (2011), [doi: 10.1002/masy.201150514, LillOA]
- B.D. Youcef, T. Bouchaour, U. Maschke, Phase behavior of poly(n-butyl acrylate) and poly(2-ethylhexyl acrylate) in nematic liquid crystal E7, Macromolecular Symposia 303;1, 10-16 (2011), [doi: 10.1002/masy.201150502, LillOA]
- Y. Derouiche, F. Dubois, R. Douali, C. Legrand, U. Maschke, Some properties of nematic liquid crystal E7/acrylic polymer networks, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 541, 201-210 (2011), [doi: 10.1080/15421406.2011.569231, LillOA]
- M. Elouali, C. Beyens, F.Z. Elouali, O. Yaroshchuk, B. Abbar, U. Maschke, Dispersions of diamond nanoparticles in nematic liquid crystal/polymer materials, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 545, 77-84 (2011), [doi: 10.1080/15421406.2011.571977, LillOA]
- K. Boudraa, T. Bouchaour, U. Maschke, Phase properties of interpenetrating polymer networks and liquid crystals, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 545, 220-229 (2011), [doi: 10.1080/15421406.2011.572019, LillOA]
- Z.H. Belaid, L. Méchernène, U. Maschke, Unusual phase separation kinetics of polyacrylate/E7 blends, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 544, 157-164 (2011), [doi: 10.1080/15421406.2011.569290, LillOA]
- F. Krasinski, B. Splingart, F. Dubois, U. Maschke, C. Legrand, Dielectric characterization of polymer dispersed liquid crystal in microwave range - Material integration in specific electronic devices, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 542, 227-236 (2011), [doi: 10.1080/15421406.2011.570602, LillOA]
- F.Z. Elouali, U. Maschke, Effects of monomer structure on morphology and electro-optical properties of polymer/liquid crystal systems, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 543, 107-116 (2011), [doi: 10.1080/15421406.2011.568346, LillOA]
- A. Berrayah, L. Zair, A. Olivier, U. Maschke, Mechanical properties of polymer/liquid crystal films elaborated by electron beam and UV radiation, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 546, 134-142 (2011), [doi: 10.1080/15421406.2011.571943, LillOA]
- A. Elqidrea, R. Meziane, U. Maschke, Kinetics and molecular weight characterization of poly (2-ethylhexyl acrylate) and liquid crystal (5CB) composites, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 547, 128-134 (2011), [doi: 10.1080/15421406.2011.572804, LillOA]
- L. Bedjaoui-Alachaher, F. Semdani, R. Meziane, U. Maschke, Thermophysical analysis of a smectic domain confined into a thermoplastic polymer matrix, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 546, 87-94 (2011), [doi: 10.1080/15421406.2011.571925, LillOA]
- 2010
- Y. Derouiche, S.A.K. Ghefir, F. Dubois, R. Douali, C. Legrand, M. Azzaz, U. Maschke, Preparation and Characterization of selected Polypropyleneglycoldiacrylate/nematic Liquid Crystal Materials, International Review of Physics 4, 188-193 (2010), [LillOA]
- F.Z. Elouali, O. Yaroshchuk, U. Maschke, A wide-range controlling of optical and morphological parameters of pdlc samples via the intensity of curing light, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 526, 1-9 (2010), [doi: 10.1080/15421406.2010.485053, LillOA]
- O. Yaroshchuk, F. Elouali, U. Maschke, Control of phase separation and morphology of thiol-ene based PDLCs by curing light intensity, Optical Materials 32, 982-989 (2010), [doi: 10.1016/j.optmat. 2010.02.017, LillOA]
- L. Bedjaoui, N. Berriah, K. Boudraa, T. Bouchaour, U. Maschke, Phase behavior of mixtures of low molecular weight nematic liquid crystals and photochemically crosslinked polyacrylates, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 526, 119-129 (2010), [doi: 10.1080/15421406.2010.485510, LillOA]
- S. Belbachir, F. Zairi, G. Ayoub, U. Maschke, M. Naït-Abdelaziz, J.-M. Gloaguen, M. Benguediab, J.-M. Lefebvre, Modelling of photodegradation effect on elastic-viscoplastic behaviour of amorphous polylactic acid films, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 58, 241-255 (2010), [doi: 10.1016/j.jmps.2009.10.003, LillOA]