UMET - Liste des communicatons de Ahmed ADDAD

Presentations with publication

  1. D. Bhat Panemangalore, R. Shabadi, M. Gupta, R. Ambat, G. Ji, A. Addad, L. Lesven, Microstructure and corrosion behavior of extruded Mg-Zn-Er alloys, Thermec'2018, Paris, France, Jul 2018 [LillOA]
  2. A. Hamieh, F. Ponchel, D. Remiens, S. Barrau, A. Addad, S. Bellayer, Synthèse de composites piézoélectriques céramique/polymère pour la réalisation des transducteurs électro-acoustiques, UGéPE 2018, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Nov 2018 [LillOA]
  3. M. Coutant, K. Lepot, A. Fadel, A. Addad, E. Richard, D. Troadec, s. Ventalon, K. Sugitani, E. Javaux, New insights in petrographic analyses for questioning the biogenicity of Archean microstructures from the ca. 3.4 Strelley Pool Formation (Western Australia), AbSciCon, Atlanta (Georgia), Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Feb 2025 [LillOA]
  4. V. Bouad, M.S. Mohan, A. Fadel, A. Hamied, A. Marin, J.-F. Tahon, A. Addad, A. Ferri, A.D. Costa, R. Desfeux, F. Ponchel, D. Remiens, J. Lyskawa, J.-M. Lefebvre, S. Barrau, V. Ladmiral, Étude de l'adhésion interfaciale dans les composites piézoélectriques à matrice fluoropolymère, Matériaux Électroactifs et Applications (MatElec 2022), Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Jul 2022 [LillOA]
  5. M. Coutant, K. Lepot, A. Fadel, A. Addad, E. Richard, D. Troadec, s. Ventalon, K. Sugitani, E. Javaux, New insights in petrographic analyses for questioning the biogenicity of Archean microstructures from the ca. 3.4 Strelley Pool Formation (Western Australia), AbSciCon, Atlanta (Georgia), Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Feb 2025 [LillOA]
  6. M. Coutant, K. Lepot, A. Fadel, A. Addad, E. Richard, D. Troadec, s. Ventalon, K. Sugitani, E. Javaux, Testing the cellular nature of large (>10 µm) spheroids in the ~3.4 Ga Strelley Pool Formation, Goldschmidt Conference, Online, France, Jul 2021 [LillOA]
  7. M. Coutant, K. Lepot, A. Fadel, A. Addad, E. Javaux, High resolution analysis of carbonaceous texture within lenticular microstructures from Archean Chert (Strelley Pool Formation -Farrel Quartzite) of the Pilbara Craton (Western Australia), Goldschmidt, Lyon, France, Feb 2025 [LillOA]
  8. M. Coutant, K. Lepot, A. Fadel, A. Addad, E. Richard, D. Troadec, s. Ventalon, K. Sugitani, E. Javaux, Testing the cellular nature of large (>10 µm) spheroids in the ~3.4 Ga Strelley Pool Formation, Goldschmidt Conference, Online, France, Jul 2021 [LillOA]
  9. M.S. Mohan, A.D. Costa, J.-F. Tahon, V. Bouad, A. Hamieh, A. Addad, A. Marin, F. Cazaux, F. Ponchel, J.-M. Lefebvre, V. Ladmiral, D. Remiens, R. Desfeux, S. Barrau, A. Ferri, Atomic force microscopy as a suitable tool for probing the polar axis direction in electroactive P(VDF-co-TrFE) films at the nanoscale, Matériaux Électroactifs et Applications (MatElec 2022), Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Jul 2022 [LillOA]
  10. M. Girardot, A. Addad, A. Marin, J.-F. Tahon, A. Fadel, J. Lyskawa, S. Barrau, Etudes comparatives de différents copolymères piézoélectriques fluorés, Matériaux 2022, Lille, France, Oct 2022 [LillOA]
  11. M. Coutant, K. Lepot, A. Fadel, A. Addad, K. Sugitani, E. Javaux, Multiscale textural assessment of the morphogenesis of lenticular microstructures from Archean cherts of the Pilbara Craton, BEACON, La Palma - Canary Islands, France, Feb 2025 [LillOA]

Invited presentations

  1. M.-N. Avettand-Fènoël, F.-X. Sauvage, M. Marinova, A. Addad, R. Taillard, Effect of isothermal annealing and continuous heating on the crystallization and the mechanical properties of a Fe based metallic glass, Thermec 2023, Vienne, Autriche, Autriche, Jul 2023 [LillOA]
  2. P. Cordier, A. Addad, P. Carrez, D. Jacob, S.-I. Karato, A. Mohiuddin, A. Mussi, B.C. NZOGANG, P. Roussel, A. Tommasi, Anhydrous Phase B: Transmission Electron Microscope Characterization and Elastic Properties, EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienne, Autriche, Apr 2019 [LillOA]
  3. G. Ji, Z. Tan, Z. Li, R. Shabadi, A. Addad, J.-F. Silvain, D. Zhang, Understanding and tailoring interfacial bonding states of a diamond/Al composite for thermal management applications, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM21), Xi'an, Chine, Aug 2017 [LillOA]
  4. B. Sieber, A. Addad, S. Szunerits, R. Boukherroub, Some physical properties and applications of ZnO nanostructures synthesized by a wet chemical method, Beam Injection Assessment of Microstructures in Semiconductors (BIAMS) 2012, Annaba, Algérie, Jun 2012 [LillOA]

Oral presentations

  1. M.-A. Cota Araujo, J.-M. Olive, G. Pecastaings, A. Addad, J. Bouquerel, J.-B. Vogt, Expertise par microscopies avancées du rôle de l’austénite dans la formation des extrusions en fatigue oligocyclique d’un acier cryogénique 9Ni, Matériaux 2022, Lille, France, Nov 2022 [LillOA]
  2. P. Salaun, A. Fadel, M. Pelaez Fernandez, B.-E. Mouloud, J.-F. Tahon, A. Addad, P. Woisel, G. Le Fer, Association of covalent organic frameworks and polymers for the synthesis of raspberry particles with a radial single-crystal grain orientation., MOFs, COFs and Porous Polymers, Paris, France, May 2023 [LillOA]
  3. G. Abdallah, J.-M. Giraudon, N. Nuns, A. Addad, R. Morent, N. De Geyter, J.-F. Lamonier, Complete oxidation of formaldehyde at low temperature using Cerium modified birnessite-Like MnO2: effect of calcination temperature, SCF 2023, Nantes, France, Jun 2023 [LillOA]
  4. V. Bouad, M.S. Mohan, A. Fadel, A. Hamieh, A. Marin, J.-F. Tahon, A. Addad, A. Ferri, A.D. Costa, R. Desfeux, F. Ponchel, D. Remiens, J. Lyskawa, J.-M. Lefebvre, S. Barrau, V. Ladmiral, Étude de l'adhésion interfaciale dans les composites piézoélectriques à matrice fluoropolymère, Matériaux Électroactifs et Applications (MatElec 2022), Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Jul 2022 [LillOA]
  5. .-H. Imbert, F. Abraham, . Nos, . Hunault, A. Addad, O. Tougait, Hydrométallurgie par voie peroxyde pour la fabrication de pastilles d’oxydes mixtes, Journées Annuelles du GDR SciNEE, Lyon, France, Jan 2020 [LillOA]
  6. M.-N. Avettand-Fènoël, X. Sauvage, M. Marinova, A. Addad, R. Taillard, Multiscale characterization of a Fe based metallic glass: from its crystallization mechanism to its mechanical properties, Matériaux 2022, Lille, France, Oct 2022 [LillOA]
  7. M. Girardot, A. Addad, A. Marin, J.-F. Tahon, A. Fadel, J. Lyskawa, S. Barrau, Etudes comparatives de différents copolymères piézoélectriques fluorés, Matériaux 2022, Lille, France, Oct 2022 [LillOA]
  8. M. Girardot, A. Addad, J.-F. Tahon, A. Fadel, J. Lyskawa, S. Barrau, Etude de copolymères piézoélectriques fluorés, 49ème Journée d'Étude des Polymères (JEPO49), Bussang (Vosges), France, Oct 2022 [LillOA]
  9. E. Ledoux, F. Lin, L.M. Miyagi, A. Addad, A. Fadel, f. béclin, S. Merkel, eformation Mechanisms In Fine-grained MgO Periclase At Pressures Of 1.6-8.3 GPa And Temperatures Of 875-1270 K, American Geophysical Union fall meeting, New Orleans (virtual), Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Dec 2021 [LillOA]
  10. S. Mohan Mohandas Moolayil, A. Ferri, A. Da Costa, J.-F. Tahon, A. Hamieh, V. Bouad, A. Addad, A. Marin, F. Cazaux, F. Ponchel, J.-M. Lefebvre, V. Ladmiral, D. Remiens, S. Barrau, R. Desfeux, Atomic force microscopy study of local polarization direction in ferroelectric poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-trifluoroethylene) organic films, Advances in Functional Materials International Conference 2021 (AFM 2021), Jeju Island (SOUTH KOREA), Corée du Sud, Feb 2021 [LillOA]
  11. E. Ledoux, F. Lin, L.M. Miyagi, A. Addad, A. Fadel, S. Merkel, D. Jacob, Post-mortem electron microsopy study of plastic deformation in MgO periclase, Colloque de la Société Française des Microscopies (SFµ) junior, Online, France, Nov 2020 [LillOA]
  12. T. Stasiak, A. Addad, M. Touzin, f. Béclin, P. Cordier, Phase analysis and mechanical properties of the new Al-Cr-Fe-Mn-Mo high entropy alloy family prepared by powder metallurgy route, Euromat 2019, Stockholm, Suède, Sep 2019 [LillOA]
  13. E. Skrzyńska, S. Zaid, A. Addad, J.-S. Girardon, M. Capron, F. Dumeignil, Golden Days for Silver Catalysts – Periodic and Continuous Flow, Liquid Phase Oxidation of Pure and Crude Glycerol, XLVIII Polish Annual Conference on Catalysis, Cracovie, France, Mar 2016 [LillOA]
  14. T. Stasiak, A. Addad, M. Touzin, f. béclin, C. CORDIER, Elaboration d’un alliage à haute entropie de la famille AlCrFeMnMo par métallurgie des poudres, Poudres2019 : Matériaux frittés et fabrication additive, Grenoble, France, May 2019 [LillOA]
  15. F. Housaer, O. Tougait, N. Nuns, M. Touzin, f. béclin, A. Addad, F. Vanni, B. Stepnik, H. Palancher, X. Iltis, I. Glagolenko, J.L. Schultness, M. Hammond, D.D. Keiser, A. Yacout, H. Van Den Berghe, A. Leenaers, Multi-scale characterization of UMo/ZrN coated particles used in Al dispersion fuel for research reactors, 48èmes Journées des Actinides (JdA2018), Praia de Porto Novo, Portugal, Mar 2018 [LillOA]
  16. F. Housaer, f. Béclin, M. Touzin, A. Addad, A. Legris, G. Ji, R. Shabadi, D. Tingaud, Synthesis and characterization of Al-MWCNTs composites by Spark Plasma Sintering, 15th International Conference on Intergranular and Interphase Boundaries in Materials, HALKIDIKI, Grèce, Jun 2013 [LillOA]
  17. F. Housaer, A. Legris, f. béclin, G. Ji, M. Touzin, A. Addad, R. Shabadi, D. Tingaud, Elaboration et caractérisation de composites à matrice d'aluminium renforcée par des nanotubes de carbone multifeuillets, PMF2013, Colloque de la commission mixte « Poudres et Matériaux Frittés » de la SF2M et du GFC, BELFORT, France, May 2013 [LillOA]
  18. R. Maestracci, A. Addad, M.-N. Avettand-Fènoël, D. Balloy, F. Fau, P. Secordel, Wear mechanism of bainitic steel grade in curved rail tracks, Thermec'2018, Paris, France, Jul 2018 [LillOA]
  19. A. Hamieh, F. Ponchel, D. Remiens, S. Barrau, A. Addad, S. Bellayer, Synthèse de composites piézoélectriques céramique/polymère pour la réalisation des transducteurs électro-acoustiques, UGéPE 2018, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Nov 2018 [LillOA]
  20. G. Ji, Z. Tan, Z. Li, R. Shabadi, A. Addad, D. Zhang, Tailoring nanoscale interfacial configurations by vacuum hot pressing: the case studies of SiC/Al and diamond/Al composites, National workshop of powder metallurgy 2015, Nancy, France, Apr 2015 [LillOA]
  21. G. Ji, Z. Tan, Z. Li, R. Shabadi, A. Addad, D. Zhang, Tailoring nanoscale interfacial configurations for thermal management applications, The sixth international Chinese young scientists symposium on materials science and technology, Chong-quing, Chine, Oct 2015 [LillOA]
  22. J. Bouquerel, M. Delbove, J.-B. Vogt, A. Addad, Towards plastic damage criteria using OIM analysis at nanoscale and microscale, Electron Back Scatter Diffraction Meeting "EBSD 2016" of the Royal Microscopical Society (RMS),, Manchester, Royaume-Uni, Mar 2016 [LillOA]
  23. B. Sieber, A. Addad, J. Salonen, E. Makila, M. Tenho, M. Heinonen, H. Huhtinen, P. Paturi, E. Kukk, G. Perry, R. Boukherroub, M. Moreau, L. Boussekey, Ferromagnetism induced in ZnO nanorods by morphology changes under a nitrogen-carbon atmosphere, 25th Nordic Semiconductor Meeting, Espoo, Finlande, Jun 2013 [LillOA]
  24. J. Salonen, B. Sieber, E. Makila, M. Tenho, M. Heinonen, H. Huhtinen, P. Paturi, E. Kukk, G. Perry, A. Addad, R. Boukherroub, Thermal carbonization induced room temperature ferromagnetism and morphological changes in undoped ZnO nanorods, 3° colloque national ZnO, Paris, France, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
  25. B. Sieber, A. Addad, S. Szunerits, R. Boukherroub, Influence of extended defects on the UV luminescence of ZnO nanorods, GDR Nanofils, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Jan 2011 [LillOA]
  26. J. Salonen, B. Sieber, E. Makila, M. Tenho, M.H.H. Huhtinen, P. Paturi, E. Kukk, G. Perry, A. Addad, R. Boukherroub, Thermal carbonization induced room temperature ferromagnetism and morphological changes in undoped ZnO nanorods, 3° colloque national ZnO, Paris, France, Jun 2012 [LillOA]

Poster presentations

  1. B. Gautheron, A. Fadel, J.-F. Tahon, A. Addad, P. Woisel, R. Hoogenboom, G. Le Fer, Light sensitive synthesis of 2D COF imine particles, 51ème édition du colloque du groupe français des polymères, Bordeaux, France, Nov 2023 [LillOA]
  2. B. Gautheron, A. Fadel, J.-F. Tahon, A. Addad, P. Woisel, R. Hoogenboom, Controlled synthesis of imine-linked 2D COF particles via specific light irradiations, MOFs, COFs and Porous Polymers, Paris, France, May 2023 [LillOA]
  3. P. Salaun, A. Fadel, M. Pelaez Fernandez, M. Marinova, A. Addad, J.-F. Tahon, G. Stoclet, P. Woisel, G. Le Fer, “Covalent Organic Frameworks-Polymers”: Landscape of particle morphologies, Matériaux 2022 – 5ème édition Conférence internationale Matériaux, Lille, France, Oct 2022 [LillOA]
  4. P. Salaun, A. Fadel, M. Pelaez Fernandez, M. Marinova, A. Addad, J.-F. Tahon, G. Stoclet, P. Woisel, G. Le Fer, “Covalent Organic Frameworks-Polymers”: from macromolecular design to nanostructured materials., Bordeaux Polymer Conference 2022, Bordeaux, France, Jun 2022 [LillOA]
  5. A. Mussi, A. Addad, F. Onimus, L. Dupuy, Caractérisation de l’évolution des microstructures de dislocations dans les alliages de zirconium sous irradiation par tomographie électronique des dislocations, Plasticité 2022, Toulouse, France, Apr 2022 [LillOA]
  6. M. Girardot, A. Addad, J.-F. Tahon, A. Fadel, A. Marin, V. Bouad, J. Lyskawa, S. Barrau, Relations entre la structure et les propriétés de composites piézoélectriques de BTO/P(VDF-co-TrFE), Matériaux Electroactifs et Applications, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Jul 2022 [LillOA]
  7. E. Ledoux, F. Lin, L.M. Miyagi, A. Addad, A. Fadel, S. Merkel, D. Jacob, Analyses par EBSD de la déformation dans le périclase MgO, Colloque de la Société Française des Microscopies (SFµ), Poitiers, France, Jul 2019 [LillOA]
  8. F. Housaer, O. Tougait, N. Nuns, M. Touzin, f. Béclin, A. Addad, F. Vanni, B. Stepnik, H. Palancher, X. Iltis, I. Glagolenko, J.L. Schultness, M. Hammond, D.D. Keiser, A. Yacout, H. Van Den Berghe, A. Leenaers, Morphological characterization of UMo/ZrN fresh powders for the EMPIrE irradiation experiment by a statistical approach, 48èmes Journées des Actinides (JdA2018), Praia de Porto Novo, Portugal, Mar 2018 [LillOA]
  9. F. Housaer, M. Touzin, f. béclin, A. Addad, A. Legris, Elaboration et caractérisation de composites Al/NTC obtenus par métallurgie des poudres, Matériaux 2014, Montpellier, France, Jun 2015 [LillOA]
  10. C. Le Guillou, A.-M. Blanchenet, H. Leroux, M. Marinova, A. Addad, D. Jacob, J.-F. Dhenin, M. Huvé, K-factor determination for the FEI Titan Themis (Super X four quadrant EDS system) at 300kV, Colloque de la Société Française des Microscopies (SFµ), Bordeaux, France, Jul 2017 [LillOA]
  11. C. Binet, J.-F. Brun, S. Barrau, A. Addad, J.-F. Tahon, Thermoelectric properties of PVDF/MWCNT composites, Advanced Energy Materials, London, Royaume-Uni, Sep 2018 [LillOA]
  12. Z. Tan, F. Housaer, Z. Li, D. Zhang, R. Shabadi, A. Addad, G. Ji, Elaboration and Characterization of a Diamond Reinforced Al Matrix Composite for Heat Sink Application, Powder Metallurgy World Congress & Exhibition (PM2012),, Yokohama, Japon, Oct 2012 [LillOA]
  13. J. Salonen, B. Sieber, E. Makila, M. Tenho, M. Heinonen, H. Huhtinen, P. Paturi, E. Kukk, G. Perry, A. Addad, R. Boukherroub, Thermal carbonization induced room temperature ferromagnetism and morphological changes in undoped ZnO nanorods, IWZNO : International Workshop on ZnO, Nice, France, Sep 2012 [LillOA]
  14. W. Belhaj-Othman, H. El-Houichet, B. Sieber, B. Gelloz, A. Addad, M. Moreau, M. Ferid, R. Boukherroub, Structural and Optical analyses of Sn1-xFexO2 nanoparticles, Beam Injection Assessment of Microstructures in Semiconductors (BIAMS) 2012, Annaba, Algérie, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
  15. B. Sieber, A. Addad, S. Szunerits, R. Boukherroub, Influence of extended defects on the UV luminescence of ZnO nanorods, 3° colloque national ZnO, Paris, France, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
  16. W. Bousslama, H. El-Houichet, B. Gelloz, B. Sieber, A. Addad, M. Moreau, M. Ferid, N. Koshida, Structural and luminescence properties of highly crystalline ZnO nanoparticles prepared by sol gel method, 2011 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2011), Nagoya, Japon, Sep 2011 [LillOA]
  17. B. Sieber, A. Addad, S. Szunerits, R. Boukherroub, Influence of extended defects on the UV luminescence of ZnO nanorods, Emrs- fall 2011, Varsovie, Pologne, Sep 2011 [LillOA]
  18. B. Sieber, A. Addad, S. Szunerits, R. Boukherroub, Influence of extended defects on the UV luminescence of ZnO nanorods, Congrès de la SFmu, Strasbourg, France, Jun 2011 [LillOA]
  19. B. Sieber, A. Addad, L. Simonot, D. Babonneau, M. Moreau, S. Szunerits, R. Boukherroub, Modification of ZnO nanorods Raman signal by silver nanoparticles, 25èmes Journées Surfaces et Interfaces, Poitiers, France, Jan 2011 [LillOA]
  20. Z. Tan, F. Housaer, Z. Li, D. Zhang, R. Shabadi, A. Addad, G. Ji, Elaboration and characterization of a diamond reinforced Al matrix for heat sink applications, PM2012, Yokohama, Proceedings of the 2012 Powder Metallurgy World Congress & Exhibition, Yokohama, Japon, Oct 2012 [LillOA]
  21. W. Bousslama, H. El-Houichet, B. Gelloz, B. Sieber, A. Addad, M. Moreau, M. Ferid, N. Koshida, Structural and luminescence properties of highly crystalline ZnO nanoparticles prepared by sol gel method, 3° colloque national ZnO, Paris, France, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
  22. J. Salonen, B. Sieber, E. Makila, M. Tenho, M.H.H. Huhtinen, P. Paturi, E. Kukk, G. Perry, A. Addad, R. Boukherroub, Thermal carbonization induced room temperature ferromagnetism and morphological changes in undoped ZnO nanorods, International Workshop on ZnO, Nice, France, Sep 2012 [LillOA]
  23. W. Bousslama, H. El-Houichet, B. Gelloz, B. Sieber, A. Addad, M. Moreau, M. Ferid, N. Koshida, Structural and luminescence properties of highly crystalline ZnO nanoparticles prepared by sol gel method, Beam Injection Assessment of Microstructures in Semiconductors (BIAMS) 2012, Annaba, Algérie, Jun 2012 [LillOA]