UMET - Liste des communicatons de Ahmed ADDAD
Presentations with publication
- D. Bhat Panemangalore, R. Shabadi, M. Gupta, R. Ambat, G. Ji, A. Addad, L. Lesven, Microstructure and corrosion behavior of extruded Mg-Zn-Er alloys, Thermec'2018, Paris, France, Jul 2018 [LillOA]
- A. Hamieh, F. Ponchel, D. Remiens, S. Barrau, A. Addad, S. Bellayer, Synthèse de composites piézoélectriques céramique/polymère pour la réalisation des transducteurs électro-acoustiques, UGéPE 2018, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Nov 2018 [LillOA]
- M. Coutant, K. Lepot, A. Fadel, A. Addad, E. Richard, D. Troadec, s. Ventalon, K. Sugitani, E. Javaux, New insights in petrographic analyses for questioning the biogenicity of Archean microstructures from the ca. 3.4 Strelley Pool Formation (Western Australia), AbSciCon, Atlanta (Georgia), Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Feb 2025 [LillOA]
- V. Bouad, M.S. Mohan, A. Fadel, A. Hamied, A. Marin, J.-F. Tahon, A. Addad, A. Ferri, A.D. Costa, R. Desfeux, F. Ponchel, D. Remiens, J. Lyskawa, J.-M. Lefebvre, S. Barrau, V. Ladmiral, Étude de l'adhésion interfaciale dans les composites piézoélectriques à matrice fluoropolymère, Matériaux Électroactifs et Applications (MatElec 2022), Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Jul 2022 [LillOA]
- M. Coutant, K. Lepot, A. Fadel, A. Addad, E. Richard, D. Troadec, s. Ventalon, K. Sugitani, E. Javaux, New insights in petrographic analyses for questioning the biogenicity of Archean microstructures from the ca. 3.4 Strelley Pool Formation (Western Australia), AbSciCon, Atlanta (Georgia), Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Feb 2025 [LillOA]
- M. Coutant, K. Lepot, A. Fadel, A. Addad, E. Richard, D. Troadec, s. Ventalon, K. Sugitani, E. Javaux, Testing the cellular nature of large (>10 µm) spheroids in the ~3.4 Ga Strelley Pool Formation, Goldschmidt Conference, Online, France, Jul 2021 [LillOA]
- M. Coutant, K. Lepot, A. Fadel, A. Addad, E. Javaux, High resolution analysis of carbonaceous texture within lenticular microstructures from Archean Chert (Strelley Pool Formation -Farrel Quartzite) of the Pilbara Craton (Western Australia), Goldschmidt, Lyon, France, Feb 2025 [LillOA]
- M. Coutant, K. Lepot, A. Fadel, A. Addad, E. Richard, D. Troadec, s. Ventalon, K. Sugitani, E. Javaux, Testing the cellular nature of large (>10 µm) spheroids in the ~3.4 Ga Strelley Pool Formation, Goldschmidt Conference, Online, France, Jul 2021 [LillOA]
- M.S. Mohan, A.D. Costa, J.-F. Tahon, V. Bouad, A. Hamieh, A. Addad, A. Marin, F. Cazaux, F. Ponchel, J.-M. Lefebvre, V. Ladmiral, D. Remiens, R. Desfeux, S. Barrau, A. Ferri, Atomic force microscopy as a suitable tool for probing the polar axis direction in electroactive P(VDF-co-TrFE) films at the nanoscale, Matériaux Électroactifs et Applications (MatElec 2022), Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Jul 2022 [LillOA]
- M. Girardot, A. Addad, A. Marin, J.-F. Tahon, A. Fadel, J. Lyskawa, S. Barrau, Etudes comparatives de différents copolymères piézoélectriques fluorés, Matériaux 2022, Lille, France, Oct 2022 [LillOA]
- M. Coutant, K. Lepot, A. Fadel, A. Addad, K. Sugitani, E. Javaux, Multiscale textural assessment of the morphogenesis of lenticular microstructures from Archean cherts of the Pilbara Craton, BEACON, La Palma - Canary Islands, France, Feb 2025 [LillOA]
Invited presentations
- M.-N. Avettand-Fènoël, F.-X. Sauvage, M. Marinova, A. Addad, R. Taillard, Effect of isothermal annealing and continuous heating on the crystallization and the mechanical properties of a Fe based metallic glass, Thermec 2023, Vienne, Autriche, Autriche, Jul 2023 [LillOA]
- P. Cordier, A. Addad, P. Carrez, D. Jacob, S.-I. Karato, A. Mohiuddin, A. Mussi, B.C. NZOGANG, P. Roussel, A. Tommasi, Anhydrous Phase B: Transmission Electron Microscope Characterization and Elastic Properties, EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienne, Autriche, Apr 2019 [LillOA]
- G. Ji, Z. Tan, Z. Li, R. Shabadi, A. Addad, J.-F. Silvain, D. Zhang, Understanding and tailoring interfacial bonding states of a diamond/Al composite for thermal management applications, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM21), Xi'an, Chine, Aug 2017 [LillOA]
- B. Sieber, A. Addad, S. Szunerits, R. Boukherroub, Some physical properties and applications of ZnO nanostructures synthesized by a wet chemical method, Beam Injection Assessment of Microstructures in Semiconductors (BIAMS) 2012, Annaba, Algérie, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
Oral presentations
- M.-A. Cota Araujo, J.-M. Olive, G. Pecastaings, A. Addad, J. Bouquerel, J.-B. Vogt, Expertise par microscopies avancées du rôle de l’austénite dans la formation des extrusions en fatigue oligocyclique d’un acier cryogénique 9Ni, Matériaux 2022, Lille, France, Nov 2022 [LillOA]
- P. Salaun, A. Fadel, M. Pelaez Fernandez, B.-E. Mouloud, J.-F. Tahon, A. Addad, P. Woisel, G. Le Fer, Association of covalent organic frameworks and polymers for the synthesis of raspberry particles with a radial single-crystal grain orientation., MOFs, COFs and Porous Polymers, Paris, France, May 2023 [LillOA]
- G. Abdallah, J.-M. Giraudon, N. Nuns, A. Addad, R. Morent, N. De Geyter, J.-F. Lamonier, Complete oxidation of formaldehyde at low temperature using Cerium modified birnessite-Like MnO2: effect of calcination temperature, SCF 2023, Nantes, France, Jun 2023 [LillOA]
- V. Bouad, M.S. Mohan, A. Fadel, A. Hamieh, A. Marin, J.-F. Tahon, A. Addad, A. Ferri, A.D. Costa, R. Desfeux, F. Ponchel, D. Remiens, J. Lyskawa, J.-M. Lefebvre, S. Barrau, V. Ladmiral, Étude de l'adhésion interfaciale dans les composites piézoélectriques à matrice fluoropolymère, Matériaux Électroactifs et Applications (MatElec 2022), Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Jul 2022 [LillOA]
- .-H. Imbert, F. Abraham, . Nos, . Hunault, A. Addad, O. Tougait, Hydrométallurgie par voie peroxyde pour la fabrication de pastilles d’oxydes mixtes, Journées Annuelles du GDR SciNEE, Lyon, France, Jan 2020 [LillOA]
- M.-N. Avettand-Fènoël, X. Sauvage, M. Marinova, A. Addad, R. Taillard, Multiscale characterization of a Fe based metallic glass: from its crystallization mechanism to its mechanical properties, Matériaux 2022, Lille, France, Oct 2022 [LillOA]
- M. Girardot, A. Addad, A. Marin, J.-F. Tahon, A. Fadel, J. Lyskawa, S. Barrau, Etudes comparatives de différents copolymères piézoélectriques fluorés, Matériaux 2022, Lille, France, Oct 2022 [LillOA]
- M. Girardot, A. Addad, J.-F. Tahon, A. Fadel, J. Lyskawa, S. Barrau, Etude de copolymères piézoélectriques fluorés, 49ème Journée d'Étude des Polymères (JEPO49), Bussang (Vosges), France, Oct 2022 [LillOA]
- E. Ledoux, F. Lin, L.M. Miyagi, A. Addad, A. Fadel, f. béclin, S. Merkel, eformation Mechanisms In Fine-grained MgO Periclase At Pressures Of 1.6-8.3 GPa And Temperatures Of 875-1270 K, American Geophysical Union fall meeting, New Orleans (virtual), Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Dec 2021 [LillOA]
- S. Mohan Mohandas Moolayil, A. Ferri, A. Da Costa, J.-F. Tahon, A. Hamieh, V. Bouad, A. Addad, A. Marin, F. Cazaux, F. Ponchel, J.-M. Lefebvre, V. Ladmiral, D. Remiens, S. Barrau, R. Desfeux, Atomic force microscopy study of local polarization direction in ferroelectric poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-trifluoroethylene) organic films, Advances in Functional Materials International Conference 2021 (AFM 2021), Jeju Island (SOUTH KOREA), Corée du Sud, Feb 2021 [LillOA]
- E. Ledoux, F. Lin, L.M. Miyagi, A. Addad, A. Fadel, S. Merkel, D. Jacob, Post-mortem electron microsopy study of plastic deformation in MgO periclase, Colloque de la Société Française des Microscopies (SFµ) junior, Online, France, Nov 2020 [LillOA]
- T. Stasiak, A. Addad, M. Touzin, f. Béclin, P. Cordier, Phase analysis and mechanical properties of the new Al-Cr-Fe-Mn-Mo high entropy alloy family prepared by powder metallurgy route, Euromat 2019, Stockholm, Suède, Sep 2019 [LillOA]
- E. Skrzyńska, S. Zaid, A. Addad, J.-S. Girardon, M. Capron, F. Dumeignil, Golden Days for Silver Catalysts – Periodic and Continuous Flow, Liquid Phase Oxidation of Pure and Crude Glycerol, XLVIII Polish Annual Conference on Catalysis, Cracovie, France, Mar 2016 [LillOA]
- T. Stasiak, A. Addad, M. Touzin, f. béclin, C. CORDIER, Elaboration d’un alliage à haute entropie de la famille AlCrFeMnMo par métallurgie des poudres, Poudres2019 : Matériaux frittés et fabrication additive, Grenoble, France, May 2019 [LillOA]
- F. Housaer, O. Tougait, N. Nuns, M. Touzin, f. béclin, A. Addad, F. Vanni, B. Stepnik, H. Palancher, X. Iltis, I. Glagolenko, J.L. Schultness, M. Hammond, D.D. Keiser, A. Yacout, H. Van Den Berghe, A. Leenaers, Multi-scale characterization of UMo/ZrN coated particles used in Al dispersion fuel for research reactors, 48èmes Journées des Actinides (JdA2018), Praia de Porto Novo, Portugal, Mar 2018 [LillOA]
- F. Housaer, f. Béclin, M. Touzin, A. Addad, A. Legris, G. Ji, R. Shabadi, D. Tingaud, Synthesis and characterization of Al-MWCNTs composites by Spark Plasma Sintering, 15th International Conference on Intergranular and Interphase Boundaries in Materials, HALKIDIKI, Grèce, Jun 2013 [LillOA]
- F. Housaer, A. Legris, f. béclin, G. Ji, M. Touzin, A. Addad, R. Shabadi, D. Tingaud, Elaboration et caractérisation de composites à matrice d'aluminium renforcée par des nanotubes de carbone multifeuillets, PMF2013, Colloque de la commission mixte « Poudres et Matériaux Frittés » de la SF2M et du GFC, BELFORT, France, May 2013 [LillOA]
- R. Maestracci, A. Addad, M.-N. Avettand-Fènoël, D. Balloy, F. Fau, P. Secordel, Wear mechanism of bainitic steel grade in curved rail tracks, Thermec'2018, Paris, France, Jul 2018 [LillOA]
- A. Hamieh, F. Ponchel, D. Remiens, S. Barrau, A. Addad, S. Bellayer, Synthèse de composites piézoélectriques céramique/polymère pour la réalisation des transducteurs électro-acoustiques, UGéPE 2018, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Nov 2018 [LillOA]
- G. Ji, Z. Tan, Z. Li, R. Shabadi, A. Addad, D. Zhang, Tailoring nanoscale interfacial configurations by vacuum hot pressing: the case studies of SiC/Al and diamond/Al composites, National workshop of powder metallurgy 2015, Nancy, France, Apr 2015 [LillOA]
- G. Ji, Z. Tan, Z. Li, R. Shabadi, A. Addad, D. Zhang, Tailoring nanoscale interfacial configurations for thermal management applications, The sixth international Chinese young scientists symposium on materials science and technology, Chong-quing, Chine, Oct 2015 [LillOA]
- J. Bouquerel, M. Delbove, J.-B. Vogt, A. Addad, Towards plastic damage criteria using OIM analysis at nanoscale and microscale, Electron Back Scatter Diffraction Meeting "EBSD 2016" of the Royal Microscopical Society (RMS),, Manchester, Royaume-Uni, Mar 2016 [LillOA]
- B. Sieber, A. Addad, J. Salonen, E. Makila, M. Tenho, M. Heinonen, H. Huhtinen, P. Paturi, E. Kukk, G. Perry, R. Boukherroub, M. Moreau, L. Boussekey, Ferromagnetism induced in ZnO nanorods by morphology changes under a nitrogen-carbon atmosphere, 25th Nordic Semiconductor Meeting, Espoo, Finlande, Jun 2013 [LillOA]
- J. Salonen, B. Sieber, E. Makila, M. Tenho, M. Heinonen, H. Huhtinen, P. Paturi, E. Kukk, G. Perry, A. Addad, R. Boukherroub, Thermal carbonization induced room temperature ferromagnetism and morphological changes in undoped ZnO nanorods, 3° colloque national ZnO, Paris, France, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- B. Sieber, A. Addad, S. Szunerits, R. Boukherroub, Influence of extended defects on the UV luminescence of ZnO nanorods, GDR Nanofils, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Jan 2011 [LillOA]
- J. Salonen, B. Sieber, E. Makila, M. Tenho, M.H.H. Huhtinen, P. Paturi, E. Kukk, G. Perry, A. Addad, R. Boukherroub, Thermal carbonization induced room temperature ferromagnetism and morphological changes in undoped ZnO nanorods, 3° colloque national ZnO, Paris, France, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
Poster presentations
- B. Gautheron, A. Fadel, J.-F. Tahon, A. Addad, P. Woisel, R. Hoogenboom, G. Le Fer, Light sensitive synthesis of 2D COF imine particles, 51ème édition du colloque du groupe français des polymères, Bordeaux, France, Nov 2023 [LillOA]
- B. Gautheron, A. Fadel, J.-F. Tahon, A. Addad, P. Woisel, R. Hoogenboom, Controlled synthesis of imine-linked 2D COF particles via specific light irradiations, MOFs, COFs and Porous Polymers, Paris, France, May 2023 [LillOA]
- P. Salaun, A. Fadel, M. Pelaez Fernandez, M. Marinova, A. Addad, J.-F. Tahon, G. Stoclet, P. Woisel, G. Le Fer, “Covalent Organic Frameworks-Polymers”: Landscape of particle morphologies, Matériaux 2022 – 5ème édition Conférence internationale Matériaux, Lille, France, Oct 2022 [LillOA]
- P. Salaun, A. Fadel, M. Pelaez Fernandez, M. Marinova, A. Addad, J.-F. Tahon, G. Stoclet, P. Woisel, G. Le Fer, “Covalent Organic Frameworks-Polymers”: from macromolecular design to nanostructured materials., Bordeaux Polymer Conference 2022, Bordeaux, France, Jun 2022 [LillOA]
- A. Mussi, A. Addad, F. Onimus, L. Dupuy, Caractérisation de l’évolution des microstructures de dislocations dans les alliages de zirconium sous irradiation par tomographie électronique des dislocations, Plasticité 2022, Toulouse, France, Apr 2022 [LillOA]
- M. Girardot, A. Addad, J.-F. Tahon, A. Fadel, A. Marin, V. Bouad, J. Lyskawa, S. Barrau, Relations entre la structure et les propriétés de composites piézoélectriques de BTO/P(VDF-co-TrFE), Matériaux Electroactifs et Applications, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Jul 2022 [LillOA]
- E. Ledoux, F. Lin, L.M. Miyagi, A. Addad, A. Fadel, S. Merkel, D. Jacob, Analyses par EBSD de la déformation dans le périclase MgO, Colloque de la Société Française des Microscopies (SFµ), Poitiers, France, Jul 2019 [LillOA]
- F. Housaer, O. Tougait, N. Nuns, M. Touzin, f. Béclin, A. Addad, F. Vanni, B. Stepnik, H. Palancher, X. Iltis, I. Glagolenko, J.L. Schultness, M. Hammond, D.D. Keiser, A. Yacout, H. Van Den Berghe, A. Leenaers, Morphological characterization of UMo/ZrN fresh powders for the EMPIrE irradiation experiment by a statistical approach, 48èmes Journées des Actinides (JdA2018), Praia de Porto Novo, Portugal, Mar 2018 [LillOA]
- F. Housaer, M. Touzin, f. béclin, A. Addad, A. Legris, Elaboration et caractérisation de composites Al/NTC obtenus par métallurgie des poudres, Matériaux 2014, Montpellier, France, Jun 2015 [LillOA]
- C. Le Guillou, A.-M. Blanchenet, H. Leroux, M. Marinova, A. Addad, D. Jacob, J.-F. Dhenin, M. Huvé, K-factor determination for the FEI Titan Themis (Super X four quadrant EDS system) at 300kV, Colloque de la Société Française des Microscopies (SFµ), Bordeaux, France, Jul 2017 [LillOA]
- C. Binet, J.-F. Brun, S. Barrau, A. Addad, J.-F. Tahon, Thermoelectric properties of PVDF/MWCNT composites, Advanced Energy Materials, London, Royaume-Uni, Sep 2018 [LillOA]
- Z. Tan, F. Housaer, Z. Li, D. Zhang, R. Shabadi, A. Addad, G. Ji, Elaboration and Characterization of a Diamond Reinforced Al Matrix Composite for Heat Sink Application, Powder Metallurgy World Congress & Exhibition (PM2012),, Yokohama, Japon, Oct 2012 [LillOA]
- J. Salonen, B. Sieber, E. Makila, M. Tenho, M. Heinonen, H. Huhtinen, P. Paturi, E. Kukk, G. Perry, A. Addad, R. Boukherroub, Thermal carbonization induced room temperature ferromagnetism and morphological changes in undoped ZnO nanorods, IWZNO : International Workshop on ZnO, Nice, France, Sep 2012 [LillOA]
- W. Belhaj-Othman, H. El-Houichet, B. Sieber, B. Gelloz, A. Addad, M. Moreau, M. Ferid, R. Boukherroub, Structural and Optical analyses of Sn1-xFexO2 nanoparticles, Beam Injection Assessment of Microstructures in Semiconductors (BIAMS) 2012, Annaba, Algérie, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- B. Sieber, A. Addad, S. Szunerits, R. Boukherroub, Influence of extended defects on the UV luminescence of ZnO nanorods, 3° colloque national ZnO, Paris, France, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- W. Bousslama, H. El-Houichet, B. Gelloz, B. Sieber, A. Addad, M. Moreau, M. Ferid, N. Koshida, Structural and luminescence properties of highly crystalline ZnO nanoparticles prepared by sol gel method, 2011 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2011), Nagoya, Japon, Sep 2011 [LillOA]
- B. Sieber, A. Addad, S. Szunerits, R. Boukherroub, Influence of extended defects on the UV luminescence of ZnO nanorods, Emrs- fall 2011, Varsovie, Pologne, Sep 2011 [LillOA]
- B. Sieber, A. Addad, S. Szunerits, R. Boukherroub, Influence of extended defects on the UV luminescence of ZnO nanorods, Congrès de la SFmu, Strasbourg, France, Jun 2011 [LillOA]
- B. Sieber, A. Addad, L. Simonot, D. Babonneau, M. Moreau, S. Szunerits, R. Boukherroub, Modification of ZnO nanorods Raman signal by silver nanoparticles, 25èmes Journées Surfaces et Interfaces, Poitiers, France, Jan 2011 [LillOA]
- Z. Tan, F. Housaer, Z. Li, D. Zhang, R. Shabadi, A. Addad, G. Ji, Elaboration and characterization of a diamond reinforced Al matrix for heat sink applications, PM2012, Yokohama, Proceedings of the 2012 Powder Metallurgy World Congress & Exhibition, Yokohama, Japon, Oct 2012 [LillOA]
- W. Bousslama, H. El-Houichet, B. Gelloz, B. Sieber, A. Addad, M. Moreau, M. Ferid, N. Koshida, Structural and luminescence properties of highly crystalline ZnO nanoparticles prepared by sol gel method, 3° colloque national ZnO, Paris, France, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- J. Salonen, B. Sieber, E. Makila, M. Tenho, M.H.H. Huhtinen, P. Paturi, E. Kukk, G. Perry, A. Addad, R. Boukherroub, Thermal carbonization induced room temperature ferromagnetism and morphological changes in undoped ZnO nanorods, International Workshop on ZnO, Nice, France, Sep 2012 [LillOA]
- W. Bousslama, H. El-Houichet, B. Gelloz, B. Sieber, A. Addad, M. Moreau, M. Ferid, N. Koshida, Structural and luminescence properties of highly crystalline ZnO nanoparticles prepared by sol gel method, Beam Injection Assessment of Microstructures in Semiconductors (BIAMS) 2012, Annaba, Algérie, Jun 2012 [LillOA]