Matériaux Terrestres et Planétaires - Communications
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Projets en cours
Matériaux Terrestres et Planétaires - Communications
2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010
Les communications de l'équipe dans LillOA (Lille Open Archive)
Communications dans un congrès avec acte
- F. de la Peña, T. Ostasevicious, V.T. Fauske, P. Burdet, P. Jokubauskas, E. Prestat, M. Nord, M. Sarahan, K. Macarthur, D. Johnstone, J. Taillon, J. Caron, V. Migunov, T. Furnival, A. Eljarrat, S. Mazzucco, T. Aarholt, M. Walls, F. Winkler, G. Donval, T. Slater, R. Mcleod, B. Martineau, E. Hoglund, I. Alxneit, L. Zagonel, A. Garmannslund, I. Iyengar, Solutions for the analysis of large microscopy multi-dimensional datasets in HyperSpy, International Microscopy Congress 19, Sydney, Australie, Sep 2018 [LillOA]
Conférences plénières
- S. Merkel, Les microstructures de matériaux géophysiques sous l'angle des grands instruments, Matériaux 2018, Strasbourg, France, Nov 2018 [LillOA]
- S. Merkel, The Earth's inner core: a mineral physics perspective, SEDI (Study of the Earth's Deep Interior), Edmonton, Canada, Juil 2018 [LillOA]
Séminaires de recherche
- D. Jacob, Recent progress in electron diffraction: from microstructure to structure determination at the nanoscale, IFP - University Bremen, Bremen, Allemagne, Mar 2018 [LillOA]
Communications invitées
- N. Hilairet, Intermediate Depth Earthquakes in Subduction Zones: Insights from High Pressure Experiments, Intermediate and Deep Earthquakes: Observations and Modeling, Paris, France, Nov 2018 [LillOA]
Communications orales
- P.-M. Zanetta, H. Leroux, C. Le Guillou, B. Zanda, R. Hewins, E. lewin, S. Pont, Modal Abundance, Chemistry and Density of Chondrites Fine Grained Materials by Advanced Electron Microscopy, 81st Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Moscow, Russie, Juil 2018 [LillOA]
- P.-M. Zanetta, H. Leroux, C. Le Guillou, B. Zanda, Mineralogy of Fine Grained Rims and Inter-Chondrules Matrix in the Paris CM Chondrite, 81st Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Moscow, Russie, Juil 2018 [LillOA]
- L. Patkó, N. Liptai, I.J. Kovacs, L.E. Aradi, Q.-K. Xia, J. Ingrin, J. Mihaly, S. O'Reilly, W. Griffin, V. Wesztergom, C. Szabo, Lower water content in upper mantle xenoliths from the Nógrád-Gömör volcanic field (Northern Pannonian Basin): Geodynamic implications and the role of post-eruptive water loss, 3rd Europen Mantle Workshop, Pavia, Italie, Juin 2018 [LillOA]
- P. Roussel, M. Colmont, M. Huvé, Y.-G. Ngassa Tankeu, D. Jacob, La cristallographie aux électrons ou comment résoudre des structures de composés nanométriques, Matériaux 2018, Strasbourg, France, Nov 2018 [LillOA]
- S. Hok, A.E. Gleason, C. Bolme, D. Rittman, S. Merkel, K.J. Ramos, B. Morrow, T. Pierce, H.J. Lee, B. Nagler, E. Galtier, E. Granados, A. Hashim, W.L. Mao, In situ time-resolved XRD of shock-compressed Fe to 200 GPa, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Déc 2018 [LillOA]
- F. Lin, S. Merkel, N. Hilairet, E. Ledoux, L.M. Miyagi, Deformation mechanism of periclase at varying pressure and temperature conditions, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Déc 2018 [LillOA]
- P. Raterron, C.W. Holyoke, L. Tokle, S. Merkel, N. Hilairet, G. Hirth, D.J. Weidner, New Analysis of High Pressure Data for Olivine Deformation, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Déc 2018 [LillOA]
- S. Merkel, C. Tomé, N. Hilairet, Les Macles Androgynes du Zinc, Matériaux 2018, Strasbourg, France, Nov 2018 [LillOA]
- S. Merkel, La transformation perovskite / post-perovskite dans la couche D": cinétique et microstructures, Journées du Programme National de Planétologie, Nice, France, Sep 2018 [LillOA]
- S. Merkel, C. Langrand, N. Hilairet, Transformations de phase à l'interface noyau-manteau, Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Lille, France, Oct 2018 [LillOA]
- K. Thomaidis, Behaviour of boron isotopes during magmatic degassing: a case study from Lesbos Island, Greece, 33rd Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, Copenhagen, Danemark, Jan 2018 [LillOA]
- S. Merkel, C. Langrand, A.D. Rosa, V. Svitlyk, D. Dobson, N. Hilairet, 3D-XRD Study of Phase Transformation Microstructures in Deep Earth Minerals, 3D-MS, Elsingor, Danemark, Juin 2018 [LillOA]
- P.-M. Zanetta, H. Leroux, C. Le Guillou, B. Zanda, Comparison of the mineralogy of fine-grained rims and adjacent matrix in the CM Paris chondrite using advanced electron microscopy, Understanding the origin of planetodiversity Museum of Paris workshop, Paris, France, Juin 2018 [LillOA]
- C. Langrand, N. Hilairet, A.D. Rosa, V. Svitlyk, D. Dobson, S. Merkel, Perovskite / Post-Perovskite Phase Transformation : Effect on Grain Sizes and Orientations, EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Autriche, Avr 2018 [LillOA]
- J. Ingrin, Do mantle xenoliths preserve deep OH signatures? Evidences from field and experiments, American Geophysical Union fall meeting, Washington, DC, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Déc 2018 [LillOA]
- J. Ingrin, Results of experimental tests of OH preservation in mantle xenoliths: Example from Allègre volcano samples (Massif Central, France), IMA, Melbourne, Australie, Aou 2018 [LillOA]
Communications par affiche
- A.E. Gleason, S. Tecklenburg, C. Bolme, D. Rittman, S. Merkel, K.J. Ramos, B. Morrow, T. Pierce, H.J. Lee, B. Nagler, E. Galtier, E. Granados, A. Hashim, W.L. Mao, XRD of shock-compressed Gibeon meteorite to 100 GPa, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Déc 2018 [LillOA]
- S. Merkel, C. Langrand, N. Hilairet, Multigrain Crystallography Study of Phase Transformation Microstructures in Deep Earth Minerals : Application of the Perovskite to Post-Perovskite Transformation, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Déc 2018 [LillOA]
- N. Hilairet, T.P. Ferrand, P. Raterron, S. Merkel, J. Guignard, W. Crichton, C. Langrand, Deformation of olivine + antigorite aggregates : effect of phase proportions and in-situ evaluation of stress partitionning, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Déc 2018 [LillOA]
- J. Chantel, Z. Jing, M. Xu, T. Yu, Y. Wang, Détermination du diagramme de phase du système Fe-P: Implications pour la solidification des noyaux planétaires, Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Lille, France, Oct 2018 [LillOA]
- N. Hilairet, T.P. Ferrand, A. Schubnel, S. Merkel, J. Guignard, J. Gasc, P. Raterron, L. Labrousse, Influence de la quantité de serpentine sur la rhéologie de serpentinites et la sismicité des zones de subduction : expériences de déformation sous haute pression, Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Lille, France, Oct 2018 [LillOA]
- S. Merkel, E. Ledoux, C. Langrand, A.D. Rosa, J. Chantel, N. Hilairet, Etude expérimentale des interfaces dans le manteau profond, Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Lille, France, Oct 2018 [LillOA]
- C. Langrand, D. Andrault, Z. Konôpková, S. Durand, S. Merkel, Kinetics of the bridgmanite to post-perovskite transformation, SEDI (Study of the Earth's Deep Interior), Edmonton, Canada, Juil 2018 [LillOA]
- S. Merkel, C. Thomas, F. Rochira, E. Ledoux, A.D. Rosa, J. Chantel, N. Hilairet, C. Langrand, Phase transformation microstructures and their effect on seismic signals from the Earth's mantle, SEDI (Study of the Earth's Deep Interior), Edmonton, Canada, Juil 2018 [LillOA]
- J. Chantel, Z. Jing, M. Xu, T. Yu, Y. Wang, Pressure dependence of the liquidus and solidus temperatures in the Fe-P binary system determined by in-situ ultrasonics: Implications to the solidification of Fe-P liquids in planetary cores, EMPG (Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry), Clermont-Ferrand, France, Juin 2018 [LillOA]
- P.-M. Zanetta, H. Leroux, C. Le Guillou, B. Zanda, Development of an Advanced Electron Microscopy Methodology: Comparison of the Mineralogy of Fine-Grained Rims and Adjacent Matrix in the CM Paris Chondrite, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2018 [LillOA]
- C. Le Guillou, H. Leroux, P.-M. Zanetta, A. Brearley, F. de la Peña, M. Marinova, Water Content in Amorphous Silicates of Chondrite Matrices Determined by Advanced TEM Analysis : And Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microscopy, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2018 [LillOA]
- N. Hilairet, T.P. Ferrand, S. Merkel, P. Raterron, A. Schubnel, J. Guignard, C. Langrand, W. Crichton, High-pressure deformation experiments at ID06-LVP: in-situ measurements of stress partitioning within two-phases aggregates for understanding strain localisation in rocks, ESRF User meeting, Grenoble, France, Fév 2018 [LillOA]
- S. Merkel, C. Langrand, V. Svitlyk, G. Garbarino, A.D. Rosa, N. Hilairet, Investigations of high pressure transformation microstructures using multigrain crystallography, ESRF User meeting, Grenoble, France, Fév 2018 [LillOA]
- H. Chen, J. Ingrin, Q.-K. Xia, E. Deloule, X. Gu, Y. Bi, Influence of the recycled oceanic crust on the intraplate basalts in southern Massif Central, France: constraints from in-situ oxygen isotope composition and water content, 3rd European Mantle Workshop, Pavia, Italie, Juin 2018 [LillOA]
- S. Merkel, C. Langrand, V. Svitlyk, G. Garbarino, A.D. Rosa, N. Hilairet, J. Chantel, Investigations of high pressure transformation microstructures using multigrain crystallography, EMPG (Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry), Clermont-Ferrand, France, Juin 2018 [LillOA]