Projets en cours
- Images
- Thèses
- WEIDNER Timmo (2024)
- DELBECQ Valentin (2023)
- NZOGANG Billy Clitton (2019)
- REALI Riccardo (2018)
- Mahendran Srinivasan (2018)
- Goryaeva Alexandra (2016)
- Kraych Antoine (2016)
- Ritterbex Sebastian Arthur Willem (2016)
- Garvik Nils (2016)
- Amodeo Jonathan (2011)
- Nisr Carole (2011)
- Metsue Arnaud (2010)
- Hamoudi Amine (2009)
- Amiguet Elodie (2009)

Plasticité - Publications
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Les publications de l'équipe dans LillOA (Lille Open Archive)
Publications dans des revues internationales
Ultimate Mechanical Properties of Forsterite, K. Gouriet, P. Carrez, P. Cordier, Minerals, 2019, 9;12, 787, doi:10.3390/min9120787
On the glide of [100] dislocation and the origin of ‘pencil glide’ in Mg2SiO4 olivine, S. Mahendran, P. Carrez, P. Cordier, Philosophical Magazine, 2019, 99;22, 2751-2769, doi:10.1080/14786435.2019.1638530
Anhydrous Phase B: Transmission Electron Microscope Characterization and Elastic Properties, A. Addad, P. Carrez, P. Cordier, D. Jacob, S. Karato, A. Mohiuddin, A. Mussi, B.C. NZOGANG, P. Roussel, A. Tommasi, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2019, 20;8, 4059-4072, doi:10.1029/2019gc008429
Creep mechanisms in the lithospheric mantle inferred from deformation of iron-free forsterite aggregates at 900–1200 °C, J. Gasc, S. Demouchy, F. Barou, S. Koizumi, P. Cordier, Tectonophysics, 2019, 761, 16-30, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2019.04.009
The role of diffusion-driven pure climb creep on the rheology of bridgmanite under lower mantle conditions, R. Reali, J.A. Van Orman, J.S. Pigott, J.M. Jackson, F. Boioli, P. Carrez, P. Cordier, Scientific Reports, 2019, 9, 265, doi:10.1038/s41598-018-38449-8
Modeling viscosity of (Mg,Fe)O at lowermost mantle conditions, R. Reali, J.M. Jackson, J.A. Van Orman, D. Bower, P. Carrez, P. Cordier, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 2019, 287, 65-75, doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2018.12.005
Dislocation dynamics modelling of the power-law breakdown in olivine single crystals: Toward a unified creep law for the upper mantle, K. Gouriet, P. Cordier, F. Garel, C. Thoraval, S. Demouchy, A. Tommasi, P. Carrez, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2019, 506, 282-291, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2018.10.049
Solid-state loading of organic molecular materials within mesoporous silica matrix: Application to ibuprofen, B. Malfait, N. T. Correia, A. Mussi, L. Paccou, Y. Guinet, A. Hedoux, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2019, 277, 203-207, doi:10.1016/j.micromeso.2018.10.022
Argon storage and diffusion in Earth’s upper mantle, R. Delon, S. Demouchy, Y. Marrocchi, M.A. Bouhifd, P. Cordier, A. Addad, P.G. Burnard, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2019, 253, 1-18, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2019.03.007