Ingénieur de Recherche CNRS, Personnel Institut Michel Eugène Chevreul – FR2638
C6 - 112
Unité Matériaux et Transformations
Cité scientifique, Bât. C6
Université de Lille
59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq
Tel: +33 (0)320 43 49 66
Fax: +33 (0) 320 43 65 91
: Envoyer un mel à Maya MARINOVA
Identifiant ORCID :
Unité Matériaux et Transformations
Cité scientifique, Bât. C6
Université de Lille
59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq
Tel: +33 (0)320 43 49 66
Fax: +33 (0) 320 43 65 91

Identifiant ORCID :
Equipe: Services communs
Microscopie Electronique en Transmission (TEM), Imagerie HRTEM et simulation d’images, Diffraction électronique, Imagerie STEM-HAADF couplée à la Spectroscopie Electronique à Perte d’Energie des électrons (STEM-EELS) à hautes résolutions spectrale et spatialeWarning: getimagesize(..//Instruments/ImagesDB/s_img-120-211284938.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/Private/Instruments/show.inc.php on line 47

Polisseuse semi-automatique: Multiprep
Correspondants : Anne-Marie BLANCHENET, Maya MARINOVA.
Le MULTIPREP permet le polissage précis d'échantillons pour être analyser par microscopique (optique, MEB,MET etc.).Possibilité de faire du polissage parallèle, du polissage d'angle. Deux micromètres permettent des ajustements précis de l'inclinaison de l'échantillon par rapport au plan abrasif
Responsabilité d'instruments
Polisseuse semi-automatique: MultiprepDerniers dépôts dans dans LillOA (Lille Open Archive)
- A. Sfeir, C. Abreu Teles, H. Vezin, M. Marinova, J.-P. Dacquin, S. Laassiri, s. Royer, Catalytic Ammonia Synthesis by Supported Molybdenum Nitride: Insight into the Support Effect, ChemCatChem e202400494, - (2024), [doi: 10.1002/cctc.202400494, LillOA]
- C. Dong, Y. Wang, Z. Deng, W. Wang, M. Marinova, K. Ben Tayeb Meziane, J.-C. Morin, M. Dubois, M. Trentesaux, Y. Kolyagin, M.N. Tran, V. Martin-Diaconescu, O. Safonova, J. Zaffran, A. Khodakov, V. Ordomsky, Photocatalytic dihydroxylation of light olefins to glycols by water., Nature Communications 15, 8210 (2024), [doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-52461-9, LillOA]
- M. Miyahara, T. Noguchi, T. Matsumoto, N. Tomioka, A. Miyake, Y. Igami, Y. Seto, M. Haruta, H. Saito, S. Hata, H.A. Ishii, J.P. Bradley, K.K. Ohtaki, E. Dobrică, H. Leroux, C. Le Guillou, D. Jacob, F. de la Peña, S. Laforet, B. Mouloud, M. Marinova, F. Langenhorst, D. Harries, P. Beck, T.H.V. Phan, R. Rebois, N.M. Abreu, J. Gray, T. Zega, P. Zanetta, M.S. Thompson, R. Stroud, K. Burgess, B.A. Cymes, J.C. Bridges, L. Hicks, M.R. Lee, L. Daly, P.A. Bland, M.E. Zolensky, D.R. Frank, J. Martinez, A. Tsuchiyama, M. Yasutake, J. Matsuno, S. Okumura, I. Mitsukawa, K. Uesugi, M. Uesugi, A. Takeuchi, M. Sun, S. Enju, A. Takigawa, T. Michikami, T. Nakamura, M. Matsumoto, Y. Nakauchi, M. Abe, S. Nakazawa, T. Okada, T. Saiki, S. Tanaka, F. Terui, M. Yoshikawa, A. Miyazaki, A. Nakato, M. Nishimura, T. Usui, T. Yada, H. Yurimoto, K. Nagashima, N. Kawasaki, N. Sakamotoa, R. Okazaki, H. Yabuta, H. Naraoka, K. Sakamoto, S. Tachibana, S. Watanabe, Y. Tsuda, Microscopic slickenside as a record of weak shock metamorphism in the surface layer of asteroid Ryugu, Meteoritics and Planetary Science (2024), [doi: 10.1111/maps.14271, LillOA]
- C. Le Guillou, P.-M. Zanetta, H. Leroux, A.-M. Blanchenet, M. Marinova, Light Element (C, N, O) Quantification by EDXS: Application to Meteorite Water Content and Organic Composition, Microscopy and Microanalysis 30;4, 660-670 (2024), [doi: 10.1093/mam/ozae071, LillOA]
- L. Herve, S. Heyte Dyshlovenko, M. Marinova, S. Paul, R. Wojcieszak, J. Thuriot, A Comparative Study on the Choice of the Support in the Elaboration of Photocatalysts for the Photooxidation of Benzyl Alcohol under Mild Conditions, Solids 5;2, 172-192 (2024), [doi: 10.3390/solids5020012, LillOA]
- R. Deplazes, C. Abreu Teles, C. Ciotonea, P. Simon, E. El Rassi, J. Dhainaut, M. Marinova, N. Canilho, F. Richard, s. Royer, SBA-15 supported Ni-Cu catalysts for hydrodeoxygenation of m-cresol to toluene, ChemSusChem e202400685 (2024), [doi: 10.1002/cssc.202400685, LillOA]
- A. Sfeir, C.E. Shuck, A. Fadel, M. Marinova, H. Vezin, J.-P. Dacquin, Y. Gogotsi, s. Royer, S. Laassiri, Unlocking the Potential of MXene in Catalysis: Decorated Mo2CTx Catalyst for Ammonia Synthesis under Mild Conditions, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 146;29, 20033-20044 (2024), [doi: 10.1021/jacs.4c03875, LillOA]
- B. Yeskendir, I. Kurzydym, P. Simon, N. Nuns, M. Marinova, H. Vezin, C. Courtois, Y. Lorgouilloux, I. Czekaj, J.-F. Paul, s. Royer, J.-P. Dacquin, J. Dhainaut, Insights into the nature of Zr-species in MFI-type Zr-metallosilicates by using bulk and surface techniques, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 378, 113261 (2024), [doi: 10.1016/j.micromeso.2024.113261, LillOA]
- Q. Wang, M. Shamzhy, E. Heuson, M. Trentesaux, M. Marinova, A. Addad, F. Su, V. Ordomsky, Isomerization of dihydroxybenzenes over metal-zeolite catalysts through the carbonaceous deposits, Chem. Eng. J. 491, - (2024), [doi: 10.1016/j.cej.2024.151956, LillOA]
- Z. Yong, G. Fang, D.-V. Peron, M. Marinova, V. Zholobenko, A. Khodakov, V. Ordomsky, Liquid Metal-Assisted Acylation of Phenols over Zeolite Catalysts, ACS Catal. 14, - (2024), [doi: 10.1021/acscatal.4c00104, LillOA]
- D. Harries, T. Matsumoto, F. Langenhorst, T. Noguchi, A. Miyake, Y. Igami, M. Haruta, Y. Seto, M. Miyahara, N. Tomioka, H. Saito, S. Hata, A. Takigawa, Y. Nakauchi, S. Tachibana, T. Nakamura, M. Matsumoto, H.A. Ishii, J.P. Bradley, K. Ohtaki, E. Dobrică, H. Leroux, C. Le Guillou, D. Jacob, F. de la Peña, S. Laforet, B.-E. Mouloud, M. Marinova, P. Beck, v.T.H. Phan, R. Rebois, N.M. Abreu, J. Gray, T. Zega, P. Zanetta, M.S. Thompson, R. Stroud, K. Burgess, B.A. Cymes, J.C. Bridges, L. Hicks, M.R. Lee, L. Daly, P.A. Bland, M.E. Zolensky, D.R. Frank, J. Martinez, A. Tsuchiyama, M. Yasutake, J. Matsuno, S. Okumura, I. Mitsukawa, K. Uesugi, M. Uesugi, A. Takeuchi, M. Sun, S. Enju, T. Michikami, H. Yurimoto, R. Okazaki, H. Yabuta, H. Naraoka, K. Sakamoto, T. Yada, M. Nishimura, A. Nakato, A. Miyazaki, K. Yogata, M. Abe, T. Okada, T. Usui, M. Yoshikawa, T. Saiki, S. Tanaka, F. Terui, S. Nakazawa, S. Watanabe, Y. Tsuda, Incipient space weathering on asteroid 162173 Ryugu recorded by pyrrhotite, Meteoritics and Planetary Science (2024), [doi: 10.1111/maps.14176, LillOA]
- J. Boulos, F. Goc, M. Marinova, N. Perret, F. Rataboul, s. Royer, J. Dhainaut, MOF‐derived Ni‐WxC/carbon catalysts: Application to cellulose conversion into glycols, ChemCatChem (2024), [doi: 10.1002/cctc.202400548, LillOA]
- Y. Zheng, A. Decoster, F. Dhainaut, S. Heyte Dyshlovenko, M. Marinova, P. Granger, Impact of the Pd incorporation method on the kinetics of the CH4/O2 reaction on Natural-Gas-Vehicle model Pd-doped LaMnO3 catalysts, Journal of Catalysis 430, - (2024), [doi: 10.1016/j.jcat.2024.115353, LillOA]
- Y. Zhou, S. Santos, M. Shamzhy, M. Marinova, A.-M. Blanchenet, Y. Kolyagin, P. Simon, M. Trentesaux, S. Sharna, O. Ersen, V.L. Zholobenko, M. Saeys, A. Khodakov, V. Ordomsky, O. Ersen, Liquid metals for boosting stability of zeolite catalysts in the conversion of methanol to hydrocarbons., Nat Commun 15, 2228 (2024), [doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-46232-9, LillOA]
- A. Sharma, U. Bhardwaj, M. Marinova, A. Da Costa, A. Ferri, s. Royer, H.S. Kushwaha, J. Dhainaut, Borophene: A piezocatalyst for water remediation, Chemical Communications (2024), [doi: 10.1039/d4cc00463a, LillOA]
- S. Laforet, C. Le Guillou, F. de la Peña, M. Walls, L.H.G. Tizei, M. Marinova, P. Beck, V.T.H. Phan, D. Jacob, B.-E. Mouloud, D. Hallatt, M. Pelaez-Fernandez, J.-C. Viennet, D. Troadec, T. Noguchi, T. Matsumoto, A. Miyake, H. Yurimoto, H. Leroux, Linking Cause and Effect: Nanoscale Vibrational Spectroscopy of Space Weathering from Asteroid Ryugu, The Astrophysical Journal Letters 963;2, L45 (2024), [doi: 10.3847/2041-8213/ad2b65, LillOA]
- K.H. Dinh, G. Whang, A. Iadecola, H. Makhlouf, A. Barnabé, A. Teurtrie, M. Marinova, M. Huvé, I. Roch-Jeune, C. Douard, T. Brousse, B. Dunn, P. Roussel, C. Lethien, Nanofeather ruthenium nitride electrodes for electrochemical capacitors, Nature Materials (2024), [doi: 10.1038/s41563-024-01816-0, LillOA]
- V.T.H. Phan, P. Beck, R. Rebois, E. Quirico, T. Noguchi, T. Matsumoto, A. Miyake, Y. Igami, M. Haruta, H. Saito, S. Hata, Y. Seto, M. Miyahara, N. Tomioka, H.A. Ishii, J.P. Bradley, K.K. Ohtaki, E. Dobrică, H. Leroux, C. Le Guillou, D. Jacob, F. de la Peña, S. Laforet, M. Marinova, F. Langenhorst, D. Harries, N.M. Abreu, J. Gray, T. Zega, P. Zanetta, M.S. Thompson, R. Stroud, J. Mathurin, A. Dazzi, E. Dartois, C. Engrand, K. Burgess, B.A. Cymes, J.C. Bridges, L. Hicks, M.R. Lee, L. Daly, P.A. Bland, M.E. Zolensky, D.R. Frank, J. Martinez, A. Tsuchiyama, M. Yasutake, J. Matsuno, S. Okumura, I. Mitsukawa, K. Uesugi, M. Uesugi, A. Takeuchi, M. Sun, S. Enju, A. Takigawa, T. Michikami, T. Nakamura, M. Matsumoto, Y. Nakauchi, M. Abe, S. Nakazawa, T. Okada, T. Saiki, S. Tanaka, F. Terui, M. Yoshikawa, A. Miyazaki, A. Nakato, M. Nishimura, T. Usui, T. Yada, H. Yurimoto, K. Nagashima, N. Kawasaki, N. Sakamotoa, P. Hoppe, R. Okazaki, H. Yabuta, H. Naraoka, K. Sakamoto, S. Tachibana, S. Watanabe, Y. Tsuda, In situ investigation of an organic micro‐globule and its mineralogical context within a Ryugu “sand” grain, Meteoritics and Planetary Science (2024), [doi: 10.1111/maps.14122, LillOA]
- Y. Zheng, M. Marinova, P. Granger, Kinetics of methane combustion on model supported Pd/LaxMnO3 natural gas vehicle catalysts: Sensitivity of La-stoichiometry on the catalytic properties of Pd, Chemical Engineering Journal 475, 146389 (2023), [doi: 10.1016/j.cej.2023.146389, LillOA]
- S. Chernyak, M. Corda, M. Marinova, O.V. Safonova, V.A. Kondratenko, E.V. Kondratenko, Y. Kolyagin, K. Cheng, V. Ordomsky, A. Khodakov, Decisive Influence of SAPO-34 Zeolite on Light Olefin Selectivity in Methanol-Meditated CO2 Hydrogenation over Metal Oxide-Zeolite Catalysts, ACS Catalysis 13;22, 14627–14638 (2023), [doi: 10.1021/acscatal.3c03759, LillOA]
- D.C. Shi, A. Sadier, J.-S. Girardon, A.-S. Mamede, C. Ciotonea, M. Marinova, L. Stievano, M.T. Sougrati, C. La Fontaine, S. PAUL, R. Wojcieszak, E. Marceau, Probing the core and surface composition of nanoalloy to rationalize its selectivity: Study of Ni-Fe/SiO2 catalysts for liquid-phase hydrogenation, Chem Catalysis 2, - (2023), [doi: 10.1016/j.checat.2022.04.009, LillOA]
Liste complète (Le lien peut être lent)
- C. Le Guillou, P.-M. Zanetta, H. Leroux, B. Guerin, C. Engrand, E. Dartois, J. Duprat, F. de la Peña, M. Marinova, S. Bernard, Light Element Quantification by TEM-EDS and Application to Organics Mapping in Ultra-Carbonaceous Antarctic Micrometeorites (UCAMMs), Poster, 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Texas, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2021 [LillOA]
- M. Morgano, C. Le Guillou, H. Leroux, M. Marinova, R. DOHMEN, Experimental Study of the Interaction Between Amorphous Silicates and Water Vapor, Poster, 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Texas, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2021 [LillOA]
- P. Salaun, A. Fadel, M. Pelaez Fernandez, M. Marinova, A. Addad, J.-F. Tahon, G. Stoclet, P. Woisel, G. Le Fer, “Covalent Organic Frameworks-Polymers”: Landscape of particle morphologies, Poster, Matériaux 2022 – 5ème édition Conférence internationale Matériaux, Lille, France, Oct 2022 [LillOA]
- P. Salaun, A. Fadel, M. Pelaez Fernandez, M. Marinova, A. Addad, J.-F. Tahon, G. Stoclet, P. Woisel, G. Le Fer, “Covalent Organic Frameworks-Polymers”: from macromolecular design to nanostructured materials., Poster, Bordeaux Polymer Conference 2022, Bordeaux, France, Juin 2022 [LillOA]
- A. Sharma, U. Bhardwaj, M. Marinova, A. Da Costa, A. Ferri, s. royer, J. Dhainaut, H. Singh Kushwaha, Borophene: A piezocatalyst, Poster, SCF'23, Nantes, France, Juin 2023 [LillOA]
- S. Laforet, H. Leroux, C. Le Guillou, D. Jacob, M. Marinova, F. de la Peña, T. Noguchi, Space weathering formation of glassy layers at the surface of Ryugu: a STEM-EDX study, Communication dans un congrès sans actes, Goldschmidt 2022, Honolulu, Hawaii, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Juil 2022 [LillOA]
- S. Laforet, H. Leroux, C. Le Guillou, F. de la Peña, M. Marinova, D. Jacob, J.-C. Viennet, B.-E. Mouloud, D. Hallatt, A. Teurtrie, M. Pelaez Fernandez, M. Walls, L. Galvao-Tizei, D. Troadec, Études à la nano-échelle des échantillons de l’astéroïde Ryugu : Caractérisation des effets d’altération spatiale par microscopie électronique, Communication dans un congrès sans actes, Matériaux 2022, LILLE, France, Oct 2022 [LillOA]
- S. Laforet, H. Leroux, C. Le Guillou, F. de la Peña, M. Marinova, D. Jacob, J.-C. Viennet, B.-E. Mouloud, D. Hallatt, A. Teurtrie, M. Pelaez Fernandez, M. Walls, L. Galvao-Tizei, D. Troadec, Spectroscopie vibrationnelle à la nano-échelle en STEM : étude des effets d’altération spatiale sur la signature IR de l’astéroïde Ryugu, Communication dans un congrès sans actes, Colloque de la Société Française de Microscopie (SFµ), ROUEN, France, Juil 2023 [LillOA]
- S. Laforet, H. Leroux, C. Le Guillou, F. de la Peña, M. Marinova, D. Jacob, J.-C. Viennet, B.-E. Mouloud, D. Hallatt, A. Teurtrie, M. Pelaez Fernandez, M. Walls, L. Galvao-Tizei, D. Troadec, Space weathering influence on Ryugu’s IR signature: insights from nanoscale vibrational spectroscopy in the STEM, Communication dans un congrès sans actes, Goldschmidt 2023, LYON, France, Juil 2023 [LillOA]
- B.-E. Mouloud, D. Jacob, M. Marinova, C. Le Guillou, H. Leroux, T. Noguchi, Caractérisation 4D-STEM de matériaux sensibles : Etude de l’astéroide Ryugu et des météorites carbonées, Communication dans un congrès sans actes, Colloque de la Société Francaise des Microscopies (Sfmu), ROUEN, France, Juil 2023 [LillOA]
Liste complète (Le lien peut être lent)
Brevets (ancienne liste, avant 2018)
- 2013 - M. Soulier, M. Marinova, N. Mingo Bisquert, C. Navone, A. Neri: Process for manufacturing a thermoelectric material.
Pub. No.: WO/2013/1827; International Application No.: PCT/FR2013/051237