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Unité Matériaux et Transformations
CNRS UMR 8207 - Université de Lille

UMET - Plasticité

Plasticité - Publications

2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010

Format: standard -- liste HAL

Les publications de l'équipe dans LillOA (Lille Open Archive)

Publications dans des revues internationales

  1. S. Demouchy, A. Tommasi, T. Boffa Ballaran, P. Cordier, Low strength of Earth's uppermost mantle inferred from tri-axial deformation experiments on dry olivine crystals, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 220, 37-49 (2013), [doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2013.04.008, LillOA]
  2. A. Mussi, P. Cordier, D.J. Frost, Transmission electron microscopy characterization of the dislocations and slip systems of the dense hydrous magnesium silicate superhydrous B, European Journal of Mineralogy 25, 561-568 (2013), [doi: 10.1127/0935-1221/2013/0025-2308, LillOA]
  3. P. Cordier, F. Heidelbach, Origin of twist in "gwindel" quartz crystals from the Alps: a transmission electron microscopy study, European Journal of Mineralogy 25, 145-153 (2013), [doi: 10.1127/0935-1221/2013/0025-2271, LillOA]
  4. N. Garvik, P. Carrez, P. Cordier, First-principles study of the ideal strength of Fe3C cementite, Materials Science and Engineering A 572, 25-29 (2013), [doi: 10.1016/j.msea.2013.02.028, LillOA]
  5. A. Mussi, D. Eyidi, A. Shiryaev, J. Rabier, TEM observations of dislocations in plastically deformed diamond, Physica Status Solidi (a) 210, 191-194 (2013), [doi: 10.1002/pssa.201200483, LillOA]
UMET - Unité Matériaux et Transformations
Université de Lille
Bâtiment C6
59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq
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