RheoMan: a five-year, ERC-funded (Advanced Grant), project to model the rheology of the Earth's mantle

Nov 21, 2013 GROW General

With Graduate Research opportunities worlwide Program (GROW), NSF Graduate Fellows (PhD) can candidates in french labs for a few months.

Visualisation d'images de très grande taille avec la plate-forme WILD

With the Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide (GROW) Program, N.S.F. Graduate Fellows can benefit from partnerships developed by N.S.F. with partner organizations in other countries (the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research for GROW France) to develop international research collaborations.


France welcomes N.S.F. PhD candidates!

Following the last joint Committee of Science and Technology between France and the United States (October 2012), N.S.F. and  M.E.S.R. decided to launch the GROW France program. The program allows PhD candidates funded by N.S.F. to cooperate with French research teams during a stay from three to twelve months in France.

The main features of the program are:

  •  Funding by N.S.F. to cover the installation and the travel costs of  the candidate $ 5,000 (flat rate regardless of the length of stay)
  • Funding by the French host institution (here the ERC grant RheoMan) for living expenses and research activities of the candidate between  € 400 and € 1,700 per month to be determined by the PhD candidate and the host. Part of this funding may be in kind.

N.S.F. candidates: Prepare your application

Our lab (UMET) is partner of the GROW initiative within the framework of the ERC Grant RheoMan

Prepare your application with the host

When preparing your application, it is important to contact the French institution in order to get a letter of support. In addition, the host institution will have to prepare the financial support of your stay. To do so, please give all the information (your N.S.F. statute, dates...) to the French institution.

In the present case, please contact the RheoMan P.I.  P. Cordier.

The host institution may cover:

  • Your living expenses that may be in kind.
  • Your research activities

The French contribution should range between € 400/month to € 1,700/month. Practical modalities will be written in a letter of commitment to be reviewed by M.E.S.R..

You shall submit your application to N.S.F.. The evalution will be made first by N.S.F. then by M.E.S.R..


Timeline 2014

Only the N.S.F. official calendar is binding.

  • Beginning November 2013: publication of the call on N.S.F. website
  • 8 January 2014: deadline for submission
  • January-March 2014: evaluation by N.S.F.
  • March 2014: evaluation by M.E.S.R.
  • May 2014: publication of results
  • June 2014: possible start of stays in France