UMET - Liste des communicatons de Yannick GUINET
Invited presentations
- T. Starciuc, L. Paccou, Y. Guinet, A. Hedoux, Mechanism of protein stabilization analyzed from in-situ Raman investigations during freeze-drying procedures, Freeze-drying of pharmaceuticals & biologicals, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Allemagne, Sep 2018 [LillOA]
- T. Starciuc, A. Hedoux, Y. Guinet, L. Paccou, Mechanisms of protein denaturation and stabilization analyzed in-situ during the freeze-drying process by micro-Raman spectroscopy, 8th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems (8IDMRCS), Wisla, Pologne, Jul 2017 [LillOA]
- T. Starciuc, L. Paccou, Y. Guinet, A. Hedoux, Protein denaturation and stabilization during freeze-drying analyzed from in-situ micro Raman investigations, International Symposium On the Properties of Water, ISOPOW XIII, Lausanne, Suisse, Jun 2016 [LillOA]
- A. Hedoux, L. Paccou, Y. Guinet, The contribution of the low-frequency Raman spectroscopy to the structural description of disordered molecular systems and their transformations: application to pharmaceuticals, SciX 2015, Providence (Rhode Island), Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Oct 2015 [LillOA]
- A. Hedoux, L. Paccou, Y. Guinet, Solid state transformations of APIs induced by various stresses analyzed in real time by Raman spectroscopy, AMPTEC, Lille, France, Jul 2014 [LillOA]
- A. Hedoux, L. Paccou, Y. Guinet, Phase transformation of APIs, Analyzed by Raman spectroscopy, IDEA Closing conference, Lille, France, Jun 2013 [LillOA]
- A. Hedoux, L. Paccou, Y. Guinet, Solid state transformations of APIs induced by manufacturing processes analyzed by micro-Raman spectroscopy, 7th PSSRC Symposium 'Openday', Lille, France, Jul 2013 [LillOA]
- A. Hedoux, L. Paccou, Y. Guinet, New Insights on bioprotective mechanisms, 7th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems, Barcelone, France, Jul 2013 [LillOA]
- A. Lerbret, A. Hedoux, Y. Guinet, F. Affouard, Lyophilized proteins: influence of residual water on stability, European/Japanese Molecular Liquids Group) annual meeting 2013, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Sep 2013 [LillOA]
- S. Hubert, S. Briancon, A. Hedoux, Y. Guinet, D.D. Ligny, B. Champagnon, F. Puel, Micro-Raman spectroscopy of caffeine polymorphs in tablets: comparison between low and high frequency investigations, 14th International Workshop on Physical Characterization of Pharmaceutical Solids, Barcelone, Espagne, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
Oral presentations
- M. Guerain, P. Derollez, C. Dejoie, N. T. Correia, F. Danede, F. Affouard, L. Paccou, Y. Guinet, A. Hedoux, C. Dejoie, Analyse structurale de matériaux moléculaires thérapeutiques cocristallisés par diffraction des rayons X, Rayons X et Matière 2019, Nancy, France, Nov 2019 [LillOA]
- B. Malfait, N. T. Correia, A. Mussi, L. Paccou, Y. Guinet, A. Hedoux, Solid-state loading of pharmaceutical materials within mesoporous silica matrices, 1st International Conference on Contemporary Pharmacy Challenges: 1st International Conference on Contemporary Pharmacy Challenges:, Wisla, Pologne, Sep 2018 [LillOA]
- G. Bellavia, L. Paccou, Y. Guinet, A. Hedoux, The solvent dynamical transition is a necessary precursor to promote the protein unfolding, International Symposium On the Properties of Water, ISOPOW XIII, Lausanne, Suisse, Jun 2016 [LillOA]
- G. Bellavia, L. Paccou, Y. Guinet, A. Hedoux, Role of glycerol on trehalose to enhance biostability in relation with fast anharmonic and quasi-harmonic motions, ProtStab2014 : 10th International Conference on Protein Stabilisation, Stresa, Italie, May 2014 [LillOA]
- T. Starciuc, L. Paccou, Y. Guinet, A. Hedoux, Micro-Raman Spectroscopy used as a PAT tool and for real time monitoring of protein stability during freeze drying, SciX 2015, Providence (Rhode Island), Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Sep 2015 [LillOA]
- G. Bellavia, A. Hedoux, L. Paccou, S. Achir, Y. Guinet, J. Siepmann, Raman Scattering As a Tool to Investigate Protein Hydration Shell, Water at Interfaces: new developments in physics, chemistry and biology, Ecole des Physique des Houches, Les Houches, France, Apr 2013 [LillOA]
- G. Bellavia, A. Hedoux, L. Paccou, S. Achir, Y. Guinet, Analysis of bulk and hydration water during thermal lysozyme denaturation, Frontiers in Water Biophysics, Perugia, Italie, Sep 2012 [LillOA]
- S. Hubert, S. Briancon, A. Hedoux, Y. Guinet, L. Paccou, H. Fessi, F. Puel, Analysis of Caffeine using DSC and low Frequency Micro-Raman Spectroscopy, 12th International Conference on Pharmacy and Applied Physical Chemistry, Graz, Australie, May 2012 [LillOA]
- B. Malfait, N. T. Correia, A. Mussi, L. Paccou, Y. Guinet, A. Hedoux, Solid-state loading of pharmaceutical materials within mesoporous silica matrices, 1st International Conference on Contemporary Pharmacy Challenges (1 ICCPC) Amorphous Pharmaceuticals and Biopharmaceuticals, Wisla, Pologne, Sep 2018 [LillOA]
- S. Hubert, S. Briancon, A. Hedoux, Y. Guinet, L. Paccou, H. Fessi, F. Puel, Process induced Transformations during Tablet Manufacturing: Phase Transition Analysis of Caffeine from Low Frequency Raman mapping, 8th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Istanbul, Turquie, Mar 2012 [LillOA]
- G. Bellavia, L. Paccou, Y. Guinet, J. Siepmann, A. Hedoux, Protein stability enhancing by a small amount of glycerol in trehalose solution: a Raman study, Advanced School on Chemistry, Sao Paulo, Brésil, Aug 2011 [LillOA]
- A. Lerbret, F. Affouard, P. Bordat, A. Hedoux, Y. Guinet, M. Descamps, Molecular dynamics simulation and Raman scattering study of lysozyme in disaccharide aqueous solutions, Frontiers in Water Biophysics 2010, Trieste, Italie, May 2010 [LillOA]
Poster presentations
- M. Gehrke, T. Rongthong, G. Tourrel, D. Gnansia, P. Oliveira, J.-F. Willart, L. Paccou, Y. Guinet, A. Hedoux, C. Vincent, F. Siepmann, J. Siepmann, Homogeneity, drug release and swelling of dexamethasone loaded cochlear implants, 11th world meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical technology, Granada, Espagne, Mar 2018 [LillOA]
- B. Malfait, N. T. Correia, A. Mussi, Y. Guinet, A. Hedoux, Confinement of APIs inside porous silicate matrices by milling: analysis of the physical state and stability of confined APIs, 11th world meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical technology, Grenade, Espagne, Mar 2018 [LillOA]
- T. Starciuc, N. T. Correia, Y. Guinet, L. Paccou, A. Hedoux, Freeze drying of pharmaceuticals and biologicals, Freeze Drying of Pharmaceuticals and Biologicals, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Allemagne, Sep 2018 [LillOA]
- P. Delcroix, L. Paccou, Y. Guinet, J.-F. willart, F. Danede, B. Hanoune, Propriétés physicochimiques de solutions aqueuses de formaldéhyde, Journées Interdisciplinaires de la Qualité de l'Air, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Feb 2010 [LillOA]
- A. Lerbret, F. Affouard, P. Bordat, A. Hedoux, Y. Guinet, M. Descamps, Molecular dynamics simulation and Raman scattering study of lysozyme in disaccharide aqueous solutions, NDBB Meeting, Grenoble, France, Jan 2011 [LillOA]
- S. Krenzlin, A. Hedoux, Y. Guinet, L. Paccou, M.-P. Flament, F. Siepmann, J. Siepmann, Lysozyme loaded lipid implants: How trehalose effectively preserves protein activity, Innovation in drug delivery: From preformulation to development through innovative evaluation process-ADRITELF/APGI, Aix en Provence, France, Sep 2010 [LillOA]
- S. Krenzlin, J. Dutet, A. Hedoux, Y. Guinet, L. Paccou, M.-P. Flament, F. Siepmann, J. Siepmann, Lysozyme loaded lipid implants: How trehalose effectively preserves protein activity, Innovation in drug delivery: From preformulation to development through innovative evaluation process-ADRITELF/APGI, Aix en Provence, France, Apr 2010 [LillOA]
- C. Velghe, Y. Karrout, S. Krenzlin, Y. Guinet, L. Paccou, M.-P. Flament, A. Hedoux, J. Siepmann, Impact of trehalose addition to lysozyme-loaded, lipid implants, 8th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Istanbul, Turquie, Mar 2012 [LillOA]