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Unité Matériaux et Transformations
CNRS UMR 8207 - Université de Lille

PIHM - Equipe INRA

Processus aux Interfaces et Hygiène des Matériaux - Publications

2025 - 2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010

Format: standard -- liste HAL

Les publications de l'équipe dans LillOA (Lille Open Archive)

Chapitres d'ouvrage

Role of equipment design in biofilm prevention, T. Benezech, C. Faille, in Recent Trends in Biofilm Science and Technology, Elsevier, 2020, doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-819497-3.00010-6
Nisin, N. Eghbal, N.-E. Chihib, A. Gharsallaoui, in Antimicrobials in Food [P.M. Davidson, T.M. Taylor, J.R.D. David (eds)], Taylor & Francis, 2020, doi:10.1201/9780429058196

Publications dans des revues internationales

Il y a un risque de recontamination par les éclaboussures, C. Faille, Process Alimentaire, 2020
An ultrasound sensor for on-line quantification of food-industry clean-in-place process equipment, G. Delaplace, Recherches et Innovations TRANSFORM, 2020
The signaling peptide PapR is required for the activity of the quorum-sensor PlcRa in Bacillus thuringiensis, L. Bridoux, C. Lemy, E. Huillet, I. Barboza, D. Lereclus, G. André-Leroux, Microbiology, 2020, doi:10.1099/mic.0.000883
The aerosolisation phenomenon: Aerosol droplets and cross-contamination risks in the food industry, C. Faille, E. Billet, New Food Magazine, 2020, 3, 51-54
IN VITRO BIODEGRADATION OF OLEUROPEIN BY LACTOBACILLUS PLANTARUM FSO175 IN STRESS CONDITIONS (pH, NaCl AND GLUCOSE), N. Ghabbour, Y. Rokni, H. Abouloifa, R. Bellaouchi, N.-E. Chihib, R. Ben Salah, Z. Lamzira, E. Saalaoui, A. Asehraou, Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences, 2020, 9;4, 769-773, doi:10.15414/jmbfs.2020.9.4.769-773
How dimensional analysis allows to go beyond Metzner–Otto concept for non-Newtonian fluids, G. Delaplace, R. Jeantet, R. Grenville, G. Cuvelier, K. Loubiere, Reviews in Chemical Engineering, 2020, doi:10.1515/revce-2020-0006
Use of a crosslinked casein micelle hydrogel as a carrier for jaboticaba (Myrciaria cauliflora) extract, L.G.L. Nascimento, F. Casanova, N.F.N. Silva, Ã.V.N.d.C. Teixeira, P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, M.C.T.R. Vidigal, P.C. Stringheta, A.F.d. Carvalho, Food Hydrocolloids, 2020, 106, 105872, doi:10.1016/j.foodhyd.2020.105872
Formation and resistance to cleaning of biofilms at air-liquid-wall interface. Influence of bacterial strain and material, P.-K. Jha, H. Dallagi, E. Richard, T. Benezech, C. Faille, Food Control, 2020, 118, 107384, doi:10.1016/j.foodcont.2020.107384
Genome-Wide Transcription Start Site Mapping and Promoter Assignments to a Sigma Factor in the Human Enteropathogen Clostridioides difficile, O. Soutourina, T. Dubois, M. Monot, P.V. Shelyakin, L. Saujet, P. Boudry, M.S. Gelfand, B. Dupuy, I. Martin-Verstraete, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2020, 11, 1939, doi:10.3389/fmicb.2020.01939
Utilization of front-face fluorescence spectroscopy for monitoring lipid oxidation during Lebanese Qishta aging, M. Najib, E. Botosoa, W. Hallab, K. Hallab, Z. Hallab, M. Hamze, G. Delaplace, R. Karoui, N.-E. Chihib, LWT, 2020, 130, 109693, doi:10.1016/j.lwt.2020.109693
Treatment with disinfectants may induce an increase in viable but non culturable populations of Listeria monocytogenes in biofilms formed in smoked salmon processing environments, T. Brauge, C. Faille, G. Leleu, C. Denis, A. Hanin, G. Midelet, Food Microbiology, 2020, 92, 103548, doi:10.1016/
Hydrophobicity of abiotic surfaces governs droplets deposition and evaporation patterns, E. Richard, T. Dubois, A. Allion-Maurer, P.-K. Jha, C. Faille, Food Microbiology, 2020, 91, 103538, doi:10.1016/
Comparison of the performance of the biofilm sampling methods (swab, sponge, contact agar) in the recovery of Listeria monocytogenes populations considering the seafood environment conditions, C. Faille, T. Brauge, G. Leleu, A. Hanin, C. Denis, G. Midelet, International journal of food microbiology, 2020, 325, 108626, doi:10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2020.108626
Changes in physical and biochemical properties of spray dried camel and bovine milk powders., A. Zouari, V. Briard-Bion, P. Schuck, F. Gaucheron, G. Delaplace, H. Attia, M.A. Ayadi, LWT, 2020, 128, 109437, doi:10.1016/j.lwt.2020.109437
Effect of the phosphate/calcium molar ratio on fouling deposits generated by the processing of a whey protein isolate in a plate heat exchanger, P. Blanpain Avet, C. Andre, L. Azevedo-Scudeller, T. Croguennec, S. Bellayer, T. Six, G. Martins, G. Delaplace, FOOD AND BIOPRODUCTS PROCESSING, 2020, 121, 154-165, doi:10.1016/j.fbp.2020.02.005
Predicting the Mixing Time of Soft Elastic Reactors: Physical Models and Empirical Correlations, G. Delaplace, M. Liu, R. Jeantet, J. Xiao, X.D. Chen, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59;13, 6258-6268, doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.9b06053
Multiscale quantitative characterization of demineralized casein micelles: How the partial excision of nano-clusters leads to the aggregation during rehydration, M. Nogueira, S. Ben Harb, M. Schmutz, B. Doumert, S. Nasser, A. Derensy, R. Karoui, G. Delaplace, P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, Food Hydrocolloids, 2020, 105, 105778, doi:10.1016/j.foodhyd.2020.105778
Two complementary methods for the computational modeling of cleaning processes in food industry, H. Deponte, A. Tonda, N. Gottschalk, L. Bouvier, G. Delaplace, W. Augustin, S. Scholl, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2020, 135, 106733, doi:10.1016/j.compchemeng.2020.106733
Qishta—A Lebanese Heat Concentrated Dairy Product Characteristics and Production Procedures, M. Najib, M.W. Hallab, K. Hallab, Z. Hallab, G. Delaplace, M. Hamze, N.-E. Chihib, Foods, 2020, 9;2, 125, doi:10.3390/foods9020125
Metrological performances of fouling sensors based on steady thermal excitation applied to bioprocess, Y. Boukazia, G. Delaplace, M. Cadé, F. Bellouard, M. Bégué, N. Semmar, L. Fillaudeau, FOOD AND BIOPRODUCTS PROCESSING, 2020, 119, 226-237, doi:10.1016/j.fbp.2019.11.007
How motility can enhance mass transfer and absorption in the duodenum: Taking the structure of the villi into account, Y. Zhang, P. Wu, R. Jeantet, D. Dupont, G. Delaplace, X.D. Chen, J. Xiao, Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, 213, 115406, doi:10.1016/j.ces.2019.115406
Microstructure and chemical composition of camel and cow milk powders’ surface, A. Zouari, P. Schuck, F. Gaucheron, M. Triki, G. Delaplace, C. Gauzelin-Gaiani, C. Lopez, H. Attia, M.A. Ayadi, LWT, 2020, 117, 108693, doi:10.1016/j.lwt.2019.108693
Flow process and heating conditions modulate the characteristics of whey protein aggregates., D. de Guibert, M. Hennetier, F. Martin, T. Six, Y. Gu, C. Le Floch-Fouéré, G. Delaplace, R. Jeantet, Journal of Food Engineering, 2020, 109675, doi:10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2019.07.022
The sps Genes Encode an Original Legionaminic Acid Pathway Required for Crust Assembly in Bacillus subtilis, T. Dubois, F. Krzewinski, N. Yamakawa, C. Lemy, A. Hamiot, L. BRUNET, A.-S. Lacoste, Y. Knirel, Y. Guerardel, C. Faille, mBio, 2020, 11;4, doi:10.1128/mbio.01153-20

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