Chargé de Recherche INRAE
Unité Matériaux et Transformations
Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement
369 rue Jules Guesde
BP 20039
59651 Villeneuve d'Ascq
Tel: 03 22 85 54 01
: Envoyer un mel à Paulo PERES DE SA PEIXOTO JUNIOR
Identifiant ORCID
: 0000-0002-1218-6928
Unité Matériaux et Transformations
Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement
369 rue Jules Guesde
BP 20039
59651 Villeneuve d'Ascq
Tel: 03 22 85 54 01

Identifiant ORCID

Physico chimie : étude de la transformation des alimentsThèses soutenues
- Luis Gustavo LIMA NASCIMENTO, Hydrogels réticulés de caséine/protéines avec la transglutaminase comme matrice de protection et de libération d'anthocyanes d'açai et jaboticaba . Thèse soutenue en 2022. Co-direction: Guillaume DELAPLACE.
- Marcio Henrique NOGUEIRA, Influence des structures moléculaires des caséïnes sur les fonctionnalité d'isolats protéïques de lait . Thèse soutenue en 2020. Co-direction: Guillaume DELAPLACE, KAROUI Romdhane.
- Tatiana LOPES FIALHO, La poudre de lait hydrolysée au lactose: optimisation du séchage et étude des propriétés structurelles et fonctionnelles. Thèse soutenue en 2019. Co-direction: Guillaume DELAPLACE, FERNANDES DE CARVALHO Antonio.
Derniers dépôts dans dans LillOA (Lille Open Archive)
- A. Velazquez Dominguez, M. Hiolle, M. Abdallah, A. Descamps, G. Delaplace, P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, Effects of storage temperature on the solubility of cross-linked micellar casein powders, Food Chemistry Advances 4, 100669 (2024), [doi: 10.1016/j.focha.2024.100669, LillOA]
- A. Velazquez Dominguez, M. Hennetier, M. Abdallah, M. Hiolle, F. Violleau, G. Delaplace, P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, Influence of enzymatic cross-linking on the apparent viscosity and molecular characteristics of casein micelles at neutral and acidic pH, Food Hydrocolloids 139, (2023), [doi: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2023.108552, LillOA]
- A. Velazquez Dominguez, M. Hiolle, m. abdallah, G. Delaplace, P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, Transglutaminase cross-linking on dairy proteins: Functionalities, patents, and commercial uses, International Dairy Journal 143, 105688 (2023), [doi: 10.1016/j.idairyj.2023.105688, LillOA]
- L.G. Lima Nascimento, D. Odelli, A. Fernandes de Carvalho, E. Martins, G. Delaplace, P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, N.F. Nogueira Silva, F. Casanova, Combination of Milk and Plant Proteins to Develop Novel Food Systems: What Are the Limits?, Foods 1212, 2385 (2023), [doi: 10.3390/foods12122385, LillOA]
- T.L. Fialho, L.G.L. Nascimento, A. Moreau, G. Delaplace, E. Martins, Ã. Tuler Perrone, A.F.d. Carvalho, P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, Sugar type matters in spray drying II: Glycation effects on physicochemical characteristics of aged lactose-hydrolyzed milk powder, Food Structure 100215 (2021), [doi: 10.1016/j.foostr.2021.100215, LillOA]
- M. Nogueira, L. Humblot, R.P. Singh, E. Dieude-Fauvel, B. Doumert, S. Nasser, C. Lesur, R. Karoui, G. Delaplace, P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, E. Dieude-Fauvel, The heterogeneous substructure of casein micelles evidenced by SAXS and NMR in demineralized samples, Food Hydrocolloids 117, 106653 (2021), [doi: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2021.106653, LillOA]
- L.G.L. Nascimento, F. Casanova, N.F.N. Silva, Ã.V.N.d.C. Teixeira, P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, M.C.T.R. Vidigal, P.C. Stringheta, A.F.d. Carvalho, Use of a crosslinked casein micelle hydrogel as a carrier for jaboticaba (Myrciaria cauliflora) extract, Food Hydrocolloids 106, 105872 (2020), [doi: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2020.105872, LillOA]
- M. Nogueira, S. Ben Harb, M. Schmutz, B. Doumert, S. Nasser, A. Derensy, R. Karoui, G. Delaplace, P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, Multiscale quantitative characterization of demineralized casein micelles: How the partial excision of nano-clusters leads to the aggregation during rehydration, Food Hydrocolloids 105, 105778 (2020), [doi: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2020.105778, LillOA]
- T.L. Fialho, M. Nogueira, A. Moreau, G. Delaplace, P. Schuck, Ã.T. Perrone, A.F. de Carvalho, P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, Sugar type matters in spray drying: Homogeneous distribution in milk powder favors repulsive interactions between proteins, Food Structure 22, 100132 (2019), [doi: 10.1016/j.foostr.2019.100132, LillOA]
- P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, X. Trivelli, C. Andre, A. Moreau, G. Delaplace, Formation of β-Lactoglobulin Aggregates from Quite, Unfolded Conformations upon Heat Activation, Langmuir 35;2, 446-452 (2018), [doi: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b03459, LillOA]
- S. Nasser, P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, A. Moreau, T. Croguennec, F. Bray, C. Rolando, F. Tessier, A. Hedoux, G. Delaplace, Storage of Micellar Casein Powders with and without Lactose: Consequences on Color, Solubility, and Chemical Modifications, Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 66, 39 (2018), [doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b06147, LillOA]
- S. Nasser, P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, A. Moreau, T. Croguennec, F. Bray, C. Rolando, F. Tessier, A. Hédoux, G. Delaplace, Storage of Micellar Casein Powders with and without Lactose: Consequences on Color, Solubility, and Chemical Modifications, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 39, 10274 - 10282 (2018), [doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b06147, LillOA]
- S. Nasser, R. Jeantet, P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, G. Ronse, N. Nuns, F. Pourpoint, J. Burgain, C. Gaiani, A. Hedoux, G. Delaplace, Microstructure evolution of micellar casein powder upon ageing: Consequences on rehydration dynamics, Journal of Food Engineering 206, 57-66 (2017), [doi: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2017.03.004, LillOA]
- P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, G.M. Tavares, T. Croguennec, A. Nicolas, P. Hamon, C. Roiland, S. Bouhallab, Structure and Dynamics of Heteroprotein Coacervates, Langmuir 32, 7821-7828 (2016), [doi: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.6b01015, LillOA]
- P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, C. Roiland, D. Thomas, V. Briard-Bion, R. Le Guellec, S. Parayre, S.-M. Deutsch, G. Jan, F. Guyomarc'h, Recrystallized S-Layer Protein of a Probiotic Propionibacterium: Structural and Nanomechanical Changes upon Temperature or pH Shifts Probed by Solid-State NMR and AFM, Langmuir 31, 199-208 (2015), [doi: 10.1021/la503735z, LillOA]
- P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, A. Bouchoux, S. Huet, M.-N. Madec, D. Thomas, J. Floury, G. Gésan-Guiziou, Diffusion and Partitioning of Macromolecules in Casein Microgels: Evidence for Size-Dependent Attractive Interactions in a Dense Protein System, Langmuir 31, 1755-1765 (2015), [doi: 10.1021/la503657u, LillOA]
- P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, A. Deniset-Besseau, M. Schmutz, A. Anglo, C. Illoul, M.-C. Schanne-Klein, G. Mosser, Achievement of cornea-like organizations in dense collagen I solutions: clues to the physico-chemistry of cornea morphogenesis, Soft Matter 9, 11241 (2013), [doi: 10.1039/c3sm52097h, LillOA]
- P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, G. Laurent, T. Azaïs, G. Mosser, Solid-state NMR Study Reveals Collagen I Structural Modifications of Amino Acid Side Chains upon Fibrillogenesis, Journal of Biological Chemistry 288, 7528-7535 (2013), [doi: 10.1074/jbc.M112.390146, LillOA]
- m. Hennetier, A. Velazquez Dominguez, M. HIOLLE, G. Delaplace, A. BANIEL, F. VIOLLEAU, P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, Characterization of Enzymatic Cross-linked Caseins Particles by Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation in Neutral and Acidic Conditions, Poster, 22nd International Symposium on Field- and Flow-Based Separations, University of California, Riverside, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Sep 2022 [LillOA]
- A. Velazquez Dominguez, m. Hennetier, F. VIOLLEAU, M. HIOLLE, G. Delaplace, P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, A Study on the Structural Conformation of Enzymatic Cross-linked Caseins Particles in Neutral and Acidic Conditions Revealing the Conformation and Shape of Enzymatic Cross-linked Casein Micelles powders with Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation (AF4) and their colloidal properties, Poster, 5th Food Structure and Functionality Symposium, Cork, Irlande, Sep 2022 [LillOA]
- A. Velazquez Dominguez, G. Delaplace, C. Lesur, S. Nasser, M. HIOLLE, P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, Enzymatic Cross-Linking of Casein Increase the Stability of Overacidifed Caseins Dispersion after Heat Treatment’, Poster, 4th Food Structure and Functionality Symposium, Online, Irlande, Oct 2021 [LillOA]
- m. Hennetier, P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, M. HIOLLE, A. Romelard, G. Delaplace, A. BANIEL, F. VIOLLEAU, Characterization of native and demineralized casein micelles by AF4 coupled with MALS-QELS-dRI, Poster invité, Virtual Symposium on Field- and Flow-based Separations, FFF2021, Postnova, Pologne, Oct 2021 [LillOA]
- A. Velazquez Dominguez, G. Delaplace, C. Lesur, S. Nasser, M. HIOLLE, P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, Enzymatic cross-linking of casein increase the stability of overacidifed caseins dispersion after heat treatment, Poster invité, 12th NIZO Dairy Conference 2021 - Innovations in dairy ingredients, Online, Pays-Bas, Oct 2021 [LillOA]
- S. Nasser, M. Nogueira, G. Delaplace, P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, How demineralization trigger internal structural modifications of the micelle?, Journée thématique « Les protéines sont-elles des colloïdes/polymères comme les autres ?, Communication dans un congrès sans actes, GDR GDRM, Online, France, Jan 2021 [LillOA]
- P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, Composition of B-lactoglobulin/lactoferrin heteroprotein coacervates, Communication dans un congrès sans actes, Matériaux 2022, Lille, France, Oct 2022 [LillOA]
- A. Velazquez Dominguez, m. Hennetier, F. VIOLLEAU, M. HIOLLE, G. Delaplace, P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, Revealing the characteristics of Enzymatically Cross-linked Micellar Casein powders by Asymmetrical Field-Flow Fractionation and its colloidal properties, Communication dans un congrès sans actes, Food Hydrocolloids, 23th, Guelph, Canada, Oct 2022 [LillOA]
- A. Velazquez Dominguez, m. Hennetier, F. VIOLLEAU, M. HIOLLE, G. Delaplace, P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, Revealing the characteristics of Enzymatically Cross-linked Micellar Casein powders by Asymmetrical Field-Flow Fractionation and its colloidal properties, Communication dans un congrès sans actes, 2nd Edible Soft Matter congress, Wageningen, Pays-Bas, Juil 2022 [LillOA]
- A. Velazquez Dominguez, m. Hennetier, F. VIOLLEAU, M. HIOLLE, G. Delaplace, P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, A Study on the Structural Conformation of Enzymatic Cross-linked Caseins Particles in Neutral and Acidic Conditions, Communication dans un congrès sans actes, Dairy Science and Technology Symposium 2022, Online, Danemark, Juin 2022 [LillOA]
Liste complète (Le lien peut être lent)
- 2022 P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, D. Hober, G. Le Fer, G. Delaplace, P. Woisel, A. Descamps, A. Dechaumes, DETECTION OF VIRAL PARTICLES BY AN IMMUNO-SPECIFIC-MEDIATED CO-PRECIPITATION, WO/2022/152799, 21305030.5, publication 21 Jul 2022, enregistrement 13 Jan 2022 [LillOA]