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Unité Matériaux et Transformations
CNRS UMR 8207 - Université de Lille

UMET - Ingénierie des Systèmes Polymères

Ingénierie des Systèmes Polymères - Communications

2025 - 2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010

Les communications de l'équipe dans LillOA (Lille Open Archive)

Communications dans un congrès avec acte

  1. H. Lamnii, M. NAIT ABDELAZIZ, G. Ayoub, J.-M. Gloaguen, U. Maschke, B. Mansoor, Effect of UV Ageing on the fatigue life of bulk polyethylene, FATIGUE 2018, Poitiers, France, Mai 2018 [LillOA]
  2. S. Bourbigot, J. Sarazin, F. Solarski, M. Jimenez, GOING INTO THE DEEP INTUMESCENCE: A JOURNEY TO THE MECHANISTIC ASPECTS, 5th International Symposium on Flame-Retardant Materials & Technologies (ISFRMT2018), Hangzhou, Chine, Juin 2018 [LillOA]
  3. S. Bellayer, M. Jimenez, B. Prieur, B. Dewailly, A. Ramgobin, J. Sarazin, P. Bachelet, B. Revel, G. Tricot, S. Bourbigot, Fire retardant sol-gel coatings for flexible polyurethane foams, Flame 2018, Stamford, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mai 2018 [LillOA]
  4. C. Lemesle, M. Collinet, A.-S. Schuller, R. Saint-Loup, S. Bourbigot, S. Duquesne, M. Casetta, M. Jimenez, Bio-based self-stratifying coatings, Eurocoat 2018, Paris, France, Mar 2018 [LillOA]
  5. S. Bourbigot, J. Sarazin, F. Solarski, M. Jimenez, NEW CONCEPTS FOR INTUMESCENT POLYOLEFINS, Flame 2018, Stamford, CT, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mai 2018 [LillOA]
  6. M. Jimenez, A. Beaugendre, S. Degoutin, S. Bellayer, C. Pierlot, S. Duquesne, M. Casetta, Flame retardant and weathering resistant self-stratifying coatings, Flame 2018, Stamford, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mai 2018 [LillOA]
  7. T. NYAZIKA, M. Jimenez, F. Samyn, S. Bourbigot, Modeling heat transfers across a silicone-based intumescent coating, 3rd European Symposium on Fire Safety Science, ESFSS 2018, Nancy, France, Sep 2018 [LillOA]
  8. S. Bourbigot, J. Sarazin, F. Solarski, M. Jimenez, Maze running into intumescence: mechanistic aspects in polypropylene, 3rd European Symposium on Fire Safety Science, ESFSS 2018, Nancy, France, Sep 2018 [LillOA]

Conférences plénières

  1. S. Bourbigot, Intumescence in fire protection: the value of versatility, BIT Summit 2018, Pékin, Chine, Nov 2018 [LillOA]

Séminaires de recherche

  1. G. Fontaine, Developement of flame retardant, Centre Européen de Biotechnologie et de Bioéconomie, Pomacle, France, Sep 2018 [LillOA]
  2. G. Fontaine, Green Fire retarded Polymers, Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT), Beijing, Beijing, Chine, Juin 2018 [LillOA]
  3. G. Fontaine, Impact of ageing on fire retarded PLA, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Chengdu, Chine, Juin 2018 [LillOA]
  4. A.-L. Davesne, S. Bourbigot, M. Jimenez, F. Solarski, Thin coatings for fire protection, French-German seminar, Flamièrge, France, Juin 2018 [LillOA]
  5. L. Geoffroy, F. Solarski, M. Jimenez, S. Bourbigot, Design of innovative fire protection multi-materials, French-German seminar, Flamièrge, Belgique, Juin 2018 [LillOA]
  6. S. Bourbigot, Flame retardancy of eva-based cable sheathing : evaluation at reduced scale and influence of electrical current, Zhejiang A&F University, Zhejiang, Chine, Juin 2018 [LillOA]
  7. P. Woisel, Supramolecular and dopamine chemistry:two powerful tools to elaborate multi-stimuli responsive macromolecular assemblies and bioinspired surfaces/interfaces, Séminaire à l'ESPCI, PSL, Paris, France, Mar 2018 [LillOA]
  8. S. Bourbigot, Flame retardancy of eva-based cable sheathing : evaluation at reduced scale and influence of electrical current, College of Chemistry Sichuan University, Chengdu, Chine, Juin 2018 [LillOA]
  9. S. Bourbigot, Flame retardancy of eva-based cable sheathing : evaluation at reduced scale and influence of electrical current, Center for Fire Safety Materials Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Pékin, Chine, Juin 2018 [LillOA]
  10. P. Woisel, Supramolecular and dopamine chemistry:two powerful tools to elaborate multi-stimuli responsive macromolecular assemblies and bioinspired surfaces/interfaces, Institut de chimie/ Société Michelin, Clermont-Ferrand, France, Fév 2018 [LillOA]
  11. S. Bourbigot, Intumescence: a method for improving reaction and resistance to fire of materials, Université de Stony Brook, Stony Brook, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mai 2018 [LillOA]
  12. M. Jimenez, Three « layering » approaches to improve flame retardancy or fire resistance of materials, Stony Brook University, New York, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mai 2018 [LillOA]
  13. S. Duquesne, F. Solarski, L’ignifugation et la fin de vie des composites à base de fibres naturelles, 12/14 CLUBTEX, Marcq-en-Baroeul, France, Fév 2018 [LillOA]

Communications invitées

  1. S. Bellayer, M. Jimenez, Flame retardant sol-gel coatings for flexible PU foams: Mechanism of action, AMI 2018 Fire resistance in Plastics, Cologne, Allemagne, Déc 2018 [LillOA]
  2. G. Fontaine, Reactive extrusion: a green and versatile tool for the synthesis of PLA, 3rd International conference on polymer Science and Engineering, Beijing, Chine, Déc 2018 [LillOA]
  3. J. Lyskawa, Elaboration de Matériaux à base de Dopamine, Journée Biomimétisme et Innovation, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Nov 2018 [LillOA]
  4. S. Duquesne, Flame retardants for application in coatings, what is new and what are the issues to overcome? What are the innovative approaches?, SURCON - OCCA Centenary Conference, Leeds, Royaume-Uni, Sep 2018 [LillOA]
  5. S. Duquesne, C. Ciotonea, J.-F. Lamonier, M. Casetta, Chemical recycling of polymers through catalytic pyrolysis, Greater Region Plastics Workshop, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Déc 2018 [LillOA]
  6. P. Woisel, K. Belal, D. Fournier, J. Lyskawa, R. Hoogenboom, L.D. Smet, F. Stoffelbach, Supramolecular chemistry: a powerful tool to elaborate « colourful » multi-stimuli responsive macromolecular assemblies, Symposium MOLMATMEM, Angers, France, Nov 2018 [LillOA]
  7. P. Woisel, K. Belal, D. Fournier, J. Lyskawa, R. Hoogenboom, L.D. Smet, F. Stoffelbach, Smart coloured polymeric systems with memory function(s), French-Chinese Macromolecular Workshop, Wuhan, Chine, Sep 2018 [LillOA]
  8. P. Woisel, K. Belal, D. Fournier, J. Lyskawa, R. Hoogenboom, L.D. Smet, F. Stoffelbach, Supramolecular chemistry:a powerful tool to elaborate « colourful » multi-stimuli responsive macromolecular assemblies, FBPOL2018, Florianopolis, Brésil, Avr 2018 [LillOA]
  9. P. Woisel, K. Belal, D. Fournier, J. Lyskawa, R. Hoogenboom, L.D. Smet, F. Stoffelbach, Supramolecular chemistry:a powerful tool to elaborate « colourful » multi-stimuli responsive macromolecular assemblies, BPC Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France, Mai 2018 [LillOA]
  10. S. Bourbigot, FIRE PROTECTION FROM BIOMASS: A JOURNEY TO THE FLAME RETARDANCY OF BIO-BASED POLYMERS, SRC Scientific Day: Chemistry Of Bio-Sourced Molecules And Materials, Mons, Belgique, Déc 2018 [LillOA]
  11. S. Degoutin, Electrospinning approach for drug delivery, IMODE Convention, Lille, France, Déc 2018 [LillOA]
  12. F. Solarski, S. Duquesne, M. Casetta, M. Jimenez, S. Bourbigot, Flame retardant Polyamide : different approaches to reach high performances, AMI Fire resistance in plastics, Cologne, Allemagne, Déc 2018 [LillOA]
  13. S. Bellayer, M. Jimenez, B. Prieur, B. Dewailly, A. Ramgobin, J. Sarazin, B. Revel, G. Tricot, Fire retardant sol-gel coatings for flexible polyurethane foams, AMI Fire resistance in plastics, Cologne, Allemagne, Déc 2018 [LillOA]
  14. C. Binet, J.-F. Brun, S. Barrau, J.-F. Tahon, R. Islam, Thermoelectric properties of carbon nanomaterial/polymer composites, Thermec'2018, Paris, France, Juil 2018 [LillOA]
  15. S. Bourbigot, Matériaux: toxicité et comportement au feu, Colloque de sciences appliquées au sapeur-pompier, Paris, France, Avr 2018 [LillOA]
  16. G. Fontaine, E. Louisy, C. Hu, F. Stoffelbach, S. Bourbigot, V. Gaucher, G. Stoclet, F. Bonnet, Synthesis of cyclic or linear polymer using the same catalyst: a case study of the polylactide, Milan Polymer Days 2018, Milan, Italie, Fév 2018 [LillOA]
  17. P. Woisel, K. Belal, D. Fournier, J. Lyskawa, R. Hoogenboom, L.D. Smet, F. Stoffelbach, Smart Coloured Hydrogels, 82nd PMM conference, Prague, République tchèque, Juin 2018 [LillOA]
  18. S. Duquesne, S. Klaimy, C. Ciotonea, J.-F. Lamonier, M. Casetta, S. Heymans, Chemical recycling of polymers through catalytic pyrolysis, International Conference on Recycling of Textiles and Plastics : Rethinking the value of plastics, Bruges, Belgique, Nov 2018 [LillOA]

Communications orales

  1. D. Kersani, M. Lopez, J. Mougin, S. Degoutin, N. Tabary, F. Cazaux, B. Hue, M. Maton, F. Chai, J. Sobocinski, N. Blanchemain, B. Martel, Drug-eluting stents coated by simvastatin-loaded poly-cyclodextrin nanofibers: in vitro release study and in vivo preliminary evaluation, 19th International Cyclodextrin Symposium (ICS 19), Tokyo (Japan), Japon, Avr 2018 [LillOA]
  2. S. Bellayer, M. Jimenez, S. Bourbigot, Flame retardant coating for flexible PU foam, 1st International Conference on Eco-friendly Flame retardant Additives and Materials, Metz, France, Mar 2018 [LillOA]
  3. S. Ritaine, J. Potier, P. Woisel, Matériaux auto-cicatrisants à base de Pillar[5]arène, Journée Nord-Ouest Européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs, Lille, France, Juin 2018 [LillOA]
  4. A. Ramgobin, G. Fontaine, S. Bourbigot, Thermal decomposition and fire properties of high performance polymers, 46èmes Journées d’Etudes des Polymères (JEPO 46), Gif sur Yvette, France, Sep 2018 [LillOA]
  5. G. Fontaine, N. Lesaffre, M. Jimenez, S. Bourbigot, Fire retarded PLA : mechanism of action and ageing degradation mechanism, 17th International Conference “Polymers and Organic Chemistry”, Palavas-les-Flots, France, Juin 2018 [LillOA]
  6. G. Fontaine, C. Hu, P. TRANCHARD, T. Delaunay, M. Collinet, S. Marcille, S. Bourbigot, Investigation of the gas phase of DOPO fire retarded polybutylene succinate, 5th International symposium on Flame retardant Materials and Technologies (ISFRMT), Hangzhou, Chine, Juin 2018 [LillOA]
  7. G. Fontaine, S. Bourbigot, B. Prieur, M. Wittemann, R. Klein, Improvement of the flame retardancy of polymers using natural product: case study of lignin in ABS, 10th International conference of Modification Degradation and Stabilization of the polymers, Tokyo, Japon, Sep 2018 [LillOA]
  8. R. Bourez, A. Ferri, A. Da Costa, S. Barrau, J. Defebvin, J.-M. Lefebvre, R. Desfeux, Étude nanométrique des propriétés piézoélectriques de composites polymère-céramique, Journées Nord-Ouest Européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs (JNOEJC), Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Juin 2018 [LillOA]
  9. A. Belonosov, F. Cazaux, G. Senentz, B. Morel, M. Rivenet, Influence de l’hydratation et la déshydratation sur la structure des composés Th(SO4)2xH2O, Matériaux 2018, Strasbourg, France, Nov 2018 [LillOA]
  10. A. Belonosov, F. Cazaux, G. Senentz, B. Morel, M. Rivenet, Etude de nouveaux systèmes pour le stockage de la chaleur par voie thermochimique, Journées Nord-Ouest Européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs (JNOEJC 2018), Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Juin 2018 [LillOA]
  11. A. Belonosov, F. Cazaux, G. Senentz, B. Morel, M. Rivenet, Understanding the structural relationships within the Th(SO4)2‧xH2O system by hydration and dehydration, 1ères Journées d’Etude de la Chimie sous Rayonnement et de la Radiochimie (JECRRC-2018), Strasbourg, France, Mai 2018 [LillOA]
  12. J. Meimoun, Y. Bernhard, L. Pelinski, T. Bousquet, S. Pellegrini, V. Gaucher, G. Stoclet, A. Huret, P. Gerbaux, J.M. Raquez, P. Zinck, Synthesis and enzymatic polycondensation of new diol-diamides monomers from microalgaes, Microalgues, de l'optimisation à la valorisation, Pomacle, France, Oct 2018 [LillOA]
  13. J. Meimoun, Y. Bernhard, L. Pelinski, T. Bousquet, S. Pellegrini, V. Gaucher, G. Stoclet, A. Huret, P. Zinck, Synthesis and enzymatic polycondensation of new diol-diamides monomers from microalgaes, Journées Nord-Européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Juin 2018 [LillOA]
  14. I. Ben Chrait, R. Saint-Loup, P. Woisel, P. Zinck, Synthesis and Characterization of New Thermosetting Polyurethanes coatings obtained from Biobased Dihydroxytelechelic Oligocarbonates, MACRO 2018, IUPAC World Polymer Conference, Cairns, Australie, Juil 2018 [LillOA]
  15. S. Zouaghi, M. Barry, S. Bellayer, S. Moradi, S.G. Hatzikiriakos, T. Dargent, V. Thomy, Y. Coffinier, C. Andre, M.A. Grunlan, G. Delaplace, M. Jimenez, Surface modification of stainless steel targeting dairy fouling mitigation, Fouling and Cleaning in Food Processing 2018, Lund, Suède, Avr 2018 [LillOA]
  16. S. Xu, G. Stoclet, J.-F. Tahon, I. De Waele, V. Gaucher, Biaxial stretching of PLA: brittle-to- ductile transition induced by molecular orientation, Plasticité, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Avr 2018 [LillOA]
  17. T. Messin, A. Guinault, C. Sollogoub, V. Gaucher, N. Delpouve, N. Follain, S. Marais, Amélioration des propriétés barrières de polyesters par le procédé de coextrusion multi-nanocouches, GFP 2018, Toulouse, France, Nov 2018 [LillOA]
  18. C. Lemesle, A. Beaugendre, S. Bourbigot, S. Duquesne, A.-S. Schuller, M. Casetta, M. Jimenez, Self-stratifying fire retardant coatings, Smart Materials and Surfaces, Venise, Italie, Oct 2018 [LillOA]
  19. D. Kersani, J. Mougin, M. Lopez, S. Degoutin, N. Tabary, F. Cazaux, L. Janus, B. Hue, M. Maton, F. Chai, J. Sobocinski, N. Blanchemain, B. Martel, Coating of vascular stents with simvastatin loaded nanofibers by electrospinning for the prevention of restenosis and thrombosis, ESB 2018, Maastricht, Pays-Bas, Sep 2018 [LillOA]
  20. J. Mougin, D. Kersani, A. Hertault, M. Lopez, S. Degoutin, N. Tabary, F. Cazaux, B. Hue, L. Janus, M. Maton, F. Chai, J. Sobocinski, N. Blanchemain, B. Martel, J. Mougin, Simvastatin release from nanofibers covered stent and development of a rabbit iliac model for assessment of anti-restenosis bio-activity, ESB 2018, Simvastatin release from nanofibers covered stent and development of a rabbit iliac model for assessment of anti-restenosis bio-activity, ESB 2018, Maastricht, Pays-Bas, Pays-Bas, Sep 2018 [LillOA]
  21. V. Bouad, M. Guerre, B. Améduri, C. Totée, G. Silly, S. Barrau, R. Poli, A. Debuigne, C. Detrembleur, V. Ladmiral, Advances in fluoropolymers synthesis and macromolecular engineering, 12th SPSJ International Polymer Conference-IPC2018, Hiroshima, Japon, Déc 2018 [LillOA]
  22. E. Louisy, F. Samyn, S. Bourbigot, G. Fontaine, F. Bonnet, Synthèse de composites biosourcés par procédé RTM, JNOEJC 2018, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Juin 2018 [LillOA]
  23. E. Louisy, F. Solarski, S. Bourbigot, G. Fontaine, F. Bonnet, Synthèse de composites à matrice polylactide par procédé RTM, Journées UGéPE 2018, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Nov 2018 [LillOA]
  24. C. Nguyen Thai, S. Barrau, J.-M. Gloaguen, P. Leclere, Characterization by means of Scanning Probe Microscopy of Poly(lactic acid)-based fibers for electromechanical energy harvesting applications, UGéPE 2018, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Nov 2018 [LillOA]
  25. J.-F. Brun, C. Binet, R. Islam, S. Barrau, J.-F. Tahon, Composites polymères nanochargés pour applications thermoélectriques, Journées du GDR Polynano2, Paris, France, Juil 2018 [LillOA]
  26. P. Woisel, K. Belal, D. Fournier, J. Lyskawa, R. Hoogenboom, L.D. Smet, F. Stoffelbach, Smart coloured polymeric systems with memory function(s), GFP 2018, Toulouse, France, Nov 2018 [LillOA]
  27. P. Woisel, D. Fournier, J. Lyskawa, K. Belal, F. Stoffelbach, R. Hoogenboom, L.D. Smet, Supramolecular chemistry:a powerful tool to elaborate « colourful » multi-stimuli responsive macromolecular assemblies, Macro 2018, Cairns, Australie, Mai 2018 [LillOA]
  28. A. Hamieh, F. Ponchel, D. Remiens, S. Barrau, A. Addad, S. Bellayer, Synthèse de composites piézoélectriques céramique/polymère pour la réalisation des transducteurs électro-acoustiques, UGéPE 2018, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Nov 2018 [LillOA]
  29. E. Louisy, F. Samyn, S. Bourbigot, G. Fontaine, F. Bonnet, Synthèse de composites à matrice polylactide par procédé RTM (Resin Transfer Molding), GFP National, Toulouse, France, Nov 2018 [LillOA]
  30. S. Degoutin, Electrospun materials for biomedical applications, IMODE Training School, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Juil 2018 [LillOA]
  31. B. Martel, N. Tabary, S. Degoutin, D. Kersani, M. Lopez, A. Mogrovejo-Valdivia, C. Palomino-Durand, A. Gauzit, F. Cazaux, L. Janus, C. Neut, N. Blanchemain, Multi-shaped materials designed from cyclodextrin-based polyelectrolyte complexes, 19th International Cyclodextrin Symposium, Tokyo, Japon, Mai 2018 [LillOA]
  32. S. Xu, G. Stoclet, J.-F. Tahon, I. De Waele, V. Gaucher, Influence of macromolecular orientation on mechanical behavior of glassy polymers, DEPOS28, La Bresse, France, Sep 2018 [LillOA]
  33. S. Barrau, J. Defebvin, A. Marin, J. Lyskawa, P. Woisel, J.-M. Lefebvre, Piezoelectric properties of PVDF composites based on functionalized BT nanoparticles, Advanced Energy Materials, London, Royaume-Uni, Sep 2018 [LillOA]
  34. M. Jimenez, S. Zouaghi, M. Barry, S. Bellayer, S. Moradi, S.G. Hatzikiriakos, T. Dargent, V. Thomy, Y. Coffinier, C. Andre, M.A. Grunlan, G. Delaplace, Biomimetic approaches targeting dairy fouling mitigation of stainless steel, Smart Materials and Surfaces, Venise, Italie, Oct 2018 [LillOA]
  35. C. Lemesle, A. Beaugendre, S. Bourbigot, S. Duquesne, A.-S. Schuller, M. Casetta, M. Jimenez, Self-stratifying fire retardant coatings, Smart Materials and Surfaces, Venise, Italie, Oct 2018 [LillOA]
  36. F. Samyn, L. Geoffroy, M. Jimenez, S. Bourbigot, Intumescent Polymer Metal Laminates (PML): new concept for fire protection?, Matériaux 2018, Strasbourg, France, Nov 2018 [LillOA]
  37. S. Barrau, J. Defebvin, J. Lyskawa, P. Woisel, A. Ferri, A. Da Costa, R. Desfeux, J.-M. Lefebvre, Nanocomposites à matrice PVDF : relation entre structure cristalline et réponse piézoélectrique, GDR PolyNano2, Paris, France, Juil 2018 [LillOA]
  38. E. Louisy, C. Hu, F. Stoffelbach, G. Fontaine, S. Bourbigot, V. Gaucher, G. Stoclet, F. Bonnet, Cyclic vs linear polylactide : straightforward access using a single catalyst and studies of their resulting properties, Bordeaux Polymer Conference, BPC 2018, Bordeaux, France, Mai 2018 [LillOA]
  39. A. Ferri, S. Barrau, A. Da Costa, J. Defebvin, S. Leroy, J.-M. Lefebvre, R. Desfeux, Probing the respective contributions of the α and γ crystal phases on the nanoscale physical properties of PVDF-based nanocomposites, 18th International Conference of experimental Mechanics (ICEM18), Brussels, Belgique, Juil 2018 [LillOA]
  40. M. Jimenez, A. Beaugendre, C. Lemesle, S. Bellayer, S. Degoutin, C. Pierlot, M. Collinet, A.-S. Schuller, R. Saint-Loup, S. Duquesne, M. Casetta, S. Bourbigot, Eco-efficient flame retardant self-stratifying coatings for plastics, Ecofram 2018, Metz, France, Mar 2018 [LillOA]
  41. S. Bellayer, M. Jimenez, S. Barrau, P. Bachelet, B. Dewailly, A. Ramgobin, J. Sarazin, S. Bourbigot, Fire Retardant sol-gel coatings for flexible polyurethane foams, Ecofram 2018, Metz, France, Mar 2018 [LillOA]
  42. S. Klaimy, S. Duquesne, J.-F. Lamonier, M. Casetta, S. Heymans, Recycling of plastic waste through catalytic pyrolysis, GPE :6th International Congress on Green Process Engineering, Toulouse, France, Juin 2018 [LillOA]
  43. M. Louati, S. Barrau, S. Aloise, M. Takeshita, Structure and properties of dithienylethene based on photo-activable thin film, Workshop on Photo-active materials with Cooperative and Synergetic Responses, Lille, France, Mar 2018 [LillOA]
  44. A. Bouzouita, C. Samuel, T. Parpaite, M.-F. Lacrampe, M. Collinet, S. Bourbigot, G. Fontaine, J. Soulestin, Role of Isosorbide Comonomer on Interfacial Tension with Subsequent Mophologies & Mechanical Properties of Biobased Poly(L-Lactide)/Poly(Ethylene-co-Isosorbide Terephtalate) Blends, 255th ACS National Meeting and Exposition, New Orléans, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2018 [LillOA]
  45. C. Hu, G. Fontaine, P. TRANCHARD, T. Delaunay, M. Collinet, S. Marcille, S. Bourbigot, Phosphorus-based fire retardants for polybutylene succinate: investigation of the gas phase, Milan Polymer Days 2018, Milan, Italie, Fév 2018 [LillOA]
  46. S. Bourbigot, J. Sarazin, F. Samyn, M. Jimenez, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF INTUMESCENCE: APPLICATION TO THE DEGRADATION OF POLYOLEFINS, 10th International Conference of Modification, Degradation and Stabilization of Polymers (MoDeSt2018), Tokyo, Japon, Sep 2018 [LillOA]
  47. V. Nessi, C. Chevigny, N. Descamps, V. Gaucher, D. Lourdin, ENTIRELY BIO-SOURCED NANOCOMPOSITES FOR THE ELABORATION OF BIOMATERIALS, EPNOE 2018 International Polysaccharide Conference, Maribor, Slovénie, Mai 2018 [LillOA]
  48. G. Okyay, S. Bellayer, F. Solarski, M. Jimenez, S. Bourbigot, Multi-scale assessment of soot using electron microscopy: applications on soot from bench-scale fire of polymers, Nanotech France 2018, Paris, France, Juin 2018 [LillOA]

Communications par affiche

  1. J. Potier, M. Benatmane, K. Cousin, N. LAGGOUNE, E. Monflier, P. Woisel, F. Hapiot, Modified Pillararenes as supramolecular hosts in aqueous biphasic Rh-catalyzed hydroformylation of fatty alkenes, International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry, Quebec City, Canada, Juil 2018 [LillOA]
  2. J. Meimoun, Y. Bernhard, L. Pelinski, T. Bousquet, S. Pellegrini, V. Gaucher, G. Stoclet, A. Huret, P. Gerbaux, J.M. Raquez, P. Zinck, Synthesis and enzymatic polycondensation of new diol-diamides monomers from microalgaes, Workshop on polymers from microalgaes, Mons, Belgique, Sep 2018 [LillOA]
  3. R. Adanmenou, F. Samyn, M. Jimenez, S. Duquesne, J. Sarazin, S. Bourbigot, Fire Bench for Extreme fire scenario from Experimental to Simulation, ESIA (École des Sciences des Incendies et Applications), Obernai, France, Mai 2018 [LillOA]
  4. M. Jimenez, C. Lemesle, J. Frémiot, A. Beaugendre, S. Duquesne, M. Casetta, Comparison between one step and multistep fire retardant coating processes by Life Cycle Assessment, [avniR] conference, Lille, France, Nov 2018 [LillOA]
  5. L. Geoffroy, F. Solarski, M. Jimenez, S. Bourbigot, Fire retarded ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer: Thermoforming versus 3D printing, UGéPE 2018, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Nov 2018 [LillOA]
  6. A. Ferri, S. Barrau, A. Da Costa, J.-F. Blach, J. Defebvin, S. Leroy, J.-M. Lefebvre, R. Desfeux, Étude du comportement local de composites à base de PVDF : cas de la phase polaire γ induite par des nanotubes de carbone, Matériaux 2018, Strasbourg, France, Nov 2018 [LillOA]
  7. M.J. Garcia Fernandez, N. Tabary, F. Chai, J.-F. Willart, N. Blanchemain, M.-P. Leterme-Flament, B. Martel, Cyclodextrin polymer as a multifunctional excipient in tablet formulations, 19th International Cyclodextrin Symposium (ICS 2018)., Tokyo, Japon, Avr 2018 [LillOA]
  8. B. Stubbe, A. Cardot, M. Ben Achour, S. Barrau, C. Samuel, C. Courtois, L. Ruys, BIObased textiles for energy HARVesting applications, 3rd International Conference on Biobased Textiles and Plastics, Ghent, Belgique, Oct 2018 [LillOA]
  9. M. Dufay, S. Degoutin, F. Cazaux, F. Chai, N. Blanchemain, S. Bellayer, M. Casetta, G. Stoclet, L. Janus, M. Jimenez, PP meshes covered with PCL nanofibers functionalized by cold plasma for biomedical application, ESB 2018, Maastricht, Pays-Bas, Sep 2018 [LillOA]
  10. A. David, J. Meimoun, V. Wiatz, R. Saint-Loup, J. Parcq, N. Descamps, A. Huret, F. Bonnet, T. Delaunay, G. Stoclet, D. Lourdin, P. Zinck, V. Gaucher, Caractérisations structurale et thermomécanique de dérivés d'amidon, DEPOS28, La Bresse, France, Sep 2018 [LillOA]
  11. M. Louati, S. Barrau, S. Aloise, R. Métivier, A. Brosseau, M. Takeshita, Photoinduced microscopic changes based on supramolecular assembly of functionalized diarylethene, Advanced Energy Materials, London, Royaume-Uni, Sep 2018 [LillOA]
  12. C. Binet, J.-F. Brun, S. Barrau, A. Addad, J.-F. Tahon, Thermoelectric properties of PVDF/MWCNT composites, Advanced Energy Materials, London, Royaume-Uni, Sep 2018 [LillOA]
  13. C. Nguyen Thai, S. Barrau, J.-M. Gloaguen, P. Leclere, Characterization by means of SPM of bio-based textile fibers for electromechanical energy harvesting applications, SPMonSPM, Leuven, Belgique, Aou 2018 [LillOA]
  14. S. Zouaghi, T. Six, S. Bellayer, S. Moradi, S.G. Hatzikiriakos, T. Dargent, V. Thomy, Y. Coffinier, C. Andre, G. Delaplace, M. Jimenez, Self-Cleaning Slippery Infused Surfaces for Dairy Processing, MicroNanoFluidics 2018, Grenoble, France, Mar 2018 [LillOA]
  15. S. Duquesne, J. Fremiot, S. Zouaghi, S. Gillani, T. Benezech, C. GRUESCU, M. Jimenez, G. Delaplace, Life cycle assessment of mitigation approaches of heat exchanger fouling in diary industries, GPE :6th International Congress on Green Process Engineering 3-6 June 2018, Toulouse, France, Juin 2018 [LillOA]
  16. C. Nguyen Thai, A. De Neef, V. Sessini, S. Barrau, J.-M. Gloaguen, J.-M. Raquez, P. Leclere, Development, Characterization and Integration of Piezoelectric Bio-based Textile fibers for Energy Harvesting Applications, Forum des Microscopies à Sonde Locale, La Rochelle, France, Mar 2018 [LillOA]
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