Thierry SIX
Assistant ingénieur INRAE
CERTIA, Bâtiment INRAE PIHM, Labo R11
Unité Matériaux et Transformations
Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement
369 rue Jules Guesde
BP 20039
59651 Villeneuve d'Ascq
Tel: +33 (0)3 20 43 54 38
: Envoyer un mel à Thierry SIX
Identifiant ORCID :
Unité Matériaux et Transformations
Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement
369 rue Jules Guesde
BP 20039
59651 Villeneuve d'Ascq
Tel: +33 (0)3 20 43 54 38

Identifiant ORCID :
Interfaces aliments/surfaces dans les agro-industriesCorrespondant Dévelopement Durable du centre INRA de Lille
Essais pilote, analyses physico-chimiques
Derniers dépôts dans dans LillOA (Lille Open Archive)
- L. Scudeller, P. Blanpain Avet, T. Six, S. Bellayer, M. Jimenez, T. Croguennec, C. Andre, G. Delaplace, Calcium Chelation by Phosphate Ions and Its Influence on Fouling Mechanisms of Whey Protein Solutions in a Plate Heat Exchanger, Foods 10;2, 259 (2021), [doi: 10.3390/foods10020259, LillOA]
- P. Blanpain Avet, C. Andre, L. Azevedo-Scudeller, T. Croguennec, S. Bellayer, T. Six, G. Martins, G. Delaplace, Effect of the phosphate/calcium molar ratio on fouling deposits generated by the processing of a whey protein isolate in a plate heat exchanger, FOOD AND BIOPRODUCTS PROCESSING 121, 154-165 (2020), [doi: 10.1016/j.fbp.2020.02.005, LillOA]
- D. de Guibert, M. Hennetier, F. Martin, T. Six, Y. Gu, C. Le Floch-Fouéré, G. Delaplace, R. Jeantet, Flow process and heating conditions modulate the characteristics of whey protein aggregates., Journal of Food Engineering 109675 (2020), [doi: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2019.07.022, LillOA]
- S. Zouaghi, T. Six, S. Bellayer, Y. Coffinier, M. Abdallah, N.-E. Chihib, C. Andre, G. Delaplace, M. Jimenez, Atmospheric pressure plasma spraying of silane-based coatings targeting whey protein fouling and bacterial adhesion management, Applied Surface Science 455, 392-402 (2018), [doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2018.06.006, LillOA]
- S. Zouaghi, T. Six, N. Nuns, P. Simon, S. Bellayer, S. Moradi, S.G. Hatzikiriakos, C. Andre, G. Delaplace, M. Jimenez, Influence of stainless steel surface properties on whey protein fouling under industrial processing conditions, Journal of Food Engineering 228, 38-49 (2018), [doi: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2018.02.009, LillOA]
- M. Khaldi, T. Croguennec, C. Andre, G. Ronse, M. Jimenez, S. Bellayer, P. Blanpain Avet, L. Bouvier, T. Six, S. Bornaz, R. Jeantet, G. Delaplace, Effect of the calcium/protein molar ratio on β-lactoglobulin denaturation kinetics and fouling phenomena, International Dairy Journal 78, 1-10 (2018), [doi: 10.1016/j.idairyj.2017.10.002, LillOA]
- S. Zouaghi, T. Six, S. Bellayer, S. Moradi, S.G. Hatzikiriakos, T. Dargent, V. Thomy, Y. Coffinier, C. Andre, G. Delaplace, M. Jimenez, Antifouling Biomimetic Liquid-Infused Stainless Steel: Application to Dairy Industrial Processing, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9;31, 26565-26573 (2017), [doi: 10.1021/acsami.7b06709, LillOA]
- P. Blanpain Avet, C. Andre, M. Khaldi, L. Bouvier, J. Petit, T. Six, R. Jeantet, T. Croguennec, G. Delaplace, Predicting the distribution of whey protein fouling in a plate heat exchanger using the kinetic parameters of the thermal denaturation reaction of β-lactoglobulin and the bulk temperature profiles, Journal of Dairy Science 99;12, 9611-9630 (2016), [doi: 10.3168/jds.2016-10957, LillOA]
- M. Khaldi, G. Ronse, C. Andre, P. Blanpain Avet, L. Bouvier, T. Six, S. Bornaz, T. Croguennec, R. Jeantet, G. Delaplace, Corrigendum to ‘’Denaturation Kinetics of Whey Protein Isolate Solutions and Fouling Mass Distribution in a Plate Heat Exchanger’’, International Journal of Chemical Engineering 2016, 1-2 (2016), [doi: 10.1155/2016/4924250, LillOA]
- L. Bouvier, A. Moreau, G. Ronse, T. Six, J. Petit, G. Delaplace, A CFD model as a tool to simulate β-lactoglobulin heat-induced denaturation and aggregation in a plate heat exchanger, Journal of Food Engineering 136, 56-63 (2014), [doi: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2014.03.025, LillOA]
- J. Petit, T. Six, A. Moreau, G. Ronse, G. Delaplace, β-lactoglobulin denaturation, aggregation, and fouling in a plate heat exchanger: Pilot-scale experiments and dimensional analysis, Chemical Engineering Science 101, 432-450 (2013), [doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2013.06.045, LillOA]
- P. Blanpain Avet, A. Hedoux, Y. Guinet, L. Paccou, J. Petit, T. Six, G. Delaplace, Analysis by Raman spectroscopy of the conformational structure of whey proteins constituting fouling deposits during the processing in a heat exchanger, Journal of Food Engineering 110, 86-94 (2012), [doi: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2011.12.005, LillOA]
- J. Petit, A.-L. Herbig, A. Moreau, J.-F. Le Page, T. Six, G. Delaplace, Granulomorphometry: A suitable tool for identifying hydrophobic and disulfide bonds in β-lactoglobulin aggregates. Application to the study of β-lactoglobulin aggregation mechanism between 70 and 95°C, Journal of Dairy Science 95, 4188-4202 (2012), [doi: 10.3168/jds.2011-4146, LillOA]
- R. Jeantet, P. Schuck, T. Six, C. Andre, G. Delaplace, R. Jeantet, Influence de la vitesse d'agitation, de la température et de la concentration sur le temps de réhydratation de la caséine micellaire, Dairy Science & Technology 90;2-3, 225-236 (2010), [doi: 10.1051/dst/2009043, LillOA]
- R. Jeantet, P. Schuck, T. Six, C. Andre, G. Delaplace, The influence of stirring speed, temperature and solid concentration on the rehydration time of micellar casein powder, Dairy Science & Technology 90, 225-236 (2010), [doi: 10.1051/dst/2009043, LillOA]
- G. Delaplace, W. Liu, m. abdallah, L. AZEVEDO-SCUDELLER, a. descamps, T. Six, P. Blanpain Avet, S. Bellayer, R. Jeantet, M. Jimenez, Role of calcium and casein micelle on the thermal denaturation of whey protein solutions and fouling mechanisms, Communication dans un congrès sans actes, International Congress on Engineering and Food, ICEF 14, Nantes, France, Mar 2025 [LillOA]
- G. Delaplace, P. Campistron, M. ABDALLAH, A. BOUTIGNON, T. Danel, S. Khelissa, T. Six, L. Wauquier, T. Dubois, N.-E. Chihib, P. Debreyne, C. Nicard, I. Proriol Serre, D. Balloy, B. CHEN, m. farin, o. BREHAULT, D. Callens, L. Chehami, F. Benmeddour, E. Moulin, Ultrasonic coda wave interferometry (CWI) for detecting a change at interface of a solid surface - Applications for monitoring fouling, biofilm growth, cleaning and corrosion, Communication dans un congrès avec actes, Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning XIV, Wagrain, Autriche, Juin 2022 [LillOA]
- L. Scudeller, P. Blanpain-Avet, C. Andre, T. Six, G. Delaplace, Influence of calcium chelation by phosphate ions on fouling deposition in a plate heat exchanger, Communication dans un congrès sans actes, Heat Exchanger Fouling & cleaning conference XIII 2019, Jozefow, Pologne, Juin 2019 [LillOA]
- M. Khaldi, P. Blanpain Avet, C. Andre, G. Ronse, L. Bouvier, T. Six, A. Moreau, S. Bornaz, T. Croguennec, R. Jeantet, G. Delaplace, Etude du lien entre la physico-chimie de dérivés laitiers et leurs aptitudes à l'encrassement lors du traitement thermomécanique en échangeur de chaleur à plaques, Communication dans un congrès avec actes, Journée des Jeunes Chercheurs en Génie des Procédés et Energétiques UGéPE, Mons, Belgique, Oct 2014 [LillOA]
- M. Khaldi, G. Ronse, C. Andre, P. Blanpain Avet, L. Bouvier, T. Six, S. Bornaz, T. Croguennec, R. Jeantet, G. Delaplace, Relationship between β-lactoglobulin denaturation and fouling mass distribution in a plate heat exchanger, Communication dans un congrès avec actes, e-Proceedings of 11th International conference on Heat Exchanger Fouling and cleaning, Enfield, Irlande, Juin 2015 [LillOA]
- G. Martins, P. Blanpain Avet, T. Six, A. Lesur, G. Delaplace, T. Croguennec, Phosphate and calcium effects on the heat denaturation of whey proteins and on the fouling mass deposited onto the surface of a heat exchanger, Communication dans un congrès avec actes, Proceedings of the 18th World Congress of Food Science and Technology (IUFOST), Dublin, Irlande, Aou 2016 [LillOA]
- S. Zouaghi, T. Six, S. Bellayer, S. Moradi, S.G. Hatzikiriakos, T. Dargent, V. Thomy, Y. Coffinier, C. Andre, G. Delaplace, M. Jimenez, Self-Cleaning Slippery Infused Surfaces for Dairy Processing, Poster, MicroNanoFluidics 2018, Grenoble, France, Mar 2018 [LillOA]
- S. Zouaghi, T. Six, N. Nuns, S. Bellayer, C. Andre, G. Delaplace, M. Jimenez, Antifouling surface modifications of stainless steel for dairy products processing, Communication dans un congrès sans actes, 16ème congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés (SFGP), Nancy, France, Juil 2017 [LillOA]
- G. Delaplace, Y. Gu, M. Khaldi, L. Bouvier, C. Andre, J. Petit, R. Guerin, G. Ronse, T. Six, A. Moreau, M. Jimenez, S. Bellayer, T. Croguennec, R. Jeantet, P. Blanpain Avet, Influence of calcium/beta-lactoglobulin molar ratio on plate heat exchanger fouling for various whey protein solutions, Communication dans un congrès avec actes, Conference on heat exchanger fouling and cleaning, Madrid, Espagne, Juin 2017 [LillOA]
- S. Zouaghi, T. Six, S. Bellayer, C. Andre, G. Delaplace, M. Jimenez, Antifouling silane-based coatings by plasma-assisted deposition for dairy products processing, Communication dans un congrès avec actes, XXXI International conference on surface modification Technologies (SMT31), Mons, Belgique, Juin 2017 [LillOA]
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