Matthieu TOUZIN
Assistant professor
Bâtiment C6 - 1er Etage - Bureau 113
Unité Matériaux et Transformations
Cité scientifique, Bât. C6
Université de Lille
59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq
Tel: +33 (0) 320 43 65 94
Fax: +33 (0) 320 43 65 91
: Send an email to Matthieu TOUZIN
ORCID Identifier
: 0000-0002-0878-9304
Unité Matériaux et Transformations
Cité scientifique, Bât. C6
Université de Lille
59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq
Tel: +33 (0) 320 43 65 94
Fax: +33 (0) 320 43 65 91

ORCID Identifier

Research team: Métallurgie physique et génie des matériaux
Development and characterization of metallic materials with improved properties (metal matrix composites, high entropy alloys). Synthesis - microstructure - properties relationships. Mechanical characterization by micro-indentation.Current PhD thesis
- Bastien GUYOT, Thermomechanical characterization of a uranium alloy intended for nuclear research reactors. Thesis started in 2025. Other co-advisor: Franck BéCLIN.
- Antoine ROUSSELOT, Influence of U3O8 in the manufacturing process of UO2 nuclear fuel pellets. Thesis started in 2025. Other co-advisor: Franck BéCLIN.
- Otmane ZOUITI, Development of high-entropy alloys with controlled architecture by powder extrusion. Thesis started in 2024. Other co-advisors: Catherine CORDIER, Franck BéCLIN.
- Abubakar ALIYU, Hydrogen Embritlement behaviour in high entropy alloys. Thesis started in 2024. Other co-advisors: Adil BENAARBIA, Ingrid PRORIOL SERRE.
- Hugo DESMARCHELIER, Analyse thermodynamique de systèmes à base de zirconium en vue du possible retraitement des gaines usagées de réacteurs électrogènes. Thesis started in 2022. Other co-advisor: DAVIERO Sylvie.
Defended PhD thesis
- Mourtada Aly SOW, Alliages à haute entropie pour revêtements hautes performances. Thesis defended in 2022. Other co-advisors: Catherine CORDIER, Franck BéCLIN.
- Tomasz STASIAK, Alliages à haute entropie à propriétés mécaniques améliorées . Thesis defended in 2020. Other co-advisors: Catherine CORDIER, Franck BéCLIN. Position: Post Doctorant à PVD Laboratory.
Latest scientific contributions in LillOA (Lille Open Archive)
- J. Cui, P. Benigni, M. Barrachin, R. Ducher, G. Mikaelian, M. Touzin, O. Tougait, Revisiting the thermodynamic properties of the ZrCr2 Laves phases by combined approach using experimental and simulation methods, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 175186 (2024), [doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2024.175186, LillOA]
- T. Stasiak, M.-A. Sow, M. Touzin, f. Béclin, C. Cordier, Powder Metallurgy Processing and Characterization of the χ Phase Containing Multicomponent Al-Cr-Fe-Mn-Mo Alloy, Alloys 2;1, 44-54 (2023), [doi: 10.3390/alloys2010003, LillOA]
- T. Stasiak, M.-A. Sow, M. Touzin, f. béclin, C. CORDIER, Preparation and characterisation of the Al-Cr-Fe-Mn-Mo high-entropy alloy reinforced by in-situ formed carbides, Philosophical Magazine Letters (2022), [doi: 10.1080/09500839.2022.2134938, LillOA]
- Y. Santana, M.-A. Sow, C. Nouvellon, C. Cordier, f. Béclin, M. Touzin, A. Tromont, X. Noirfalise, L. Boilet, J. Trelcat, M. Dubar, H. Morvan, M. Bigerelle, Influence of powder mixing method on properties of high entropy alloys of FeCrMnAlMo thin coatings obtained by magnetron sputtering, Surface and Coatings Technology 446, 128744 (2022), [doi: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2022.128744, LillOA]
- M. Khair, F. Housaer, N. Hibert, J. Allenou, A. Addad, f. béclin, M. Touzin, A. Leenaers, H. Palancher, B. Stepnik, O. Tougait, F. Housaer, Morphological and microstructural characterizations of the fresh fuel plates for the SEMPER FIDELIS in-pile test, Journal of Nuclear Materials 563, 153656 (2022), [doi: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2022.153656, LillOA]
- T. Stasiak, M.-A. Sow, A. Addad, M. Touzin, f. béclin, C. CORDIER, Processing and Characterization of a Mechanically Alloyed and Hot Press Sintered High Entropy Alloy from the Al-Cr-Fe-Mn-Mo Family, JOM (2022), [doi: 10.1007/s11837-021-05109-8, LillOA]
- M. Garrigue, A. Quaini, T. Alpettaz, C. Bonnet, E. Brackx, M. Touzin, O. Tougait, C. Guéneau, Chemical interaction between uranium dioxide, boron carbide and stainless steel at 1900 °C — Application to a severe accident scenario in sodium cooled fast reactors, Journal of Nuclear Materials 557, 153266 (2021), [doi: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2021.153266, LillOA]
- L. Sopchenski, J. Robert, M. Touzin, A. Tricoteaux, M.-G. Olivier, Improvement of wear and corrosion protection of PEO on AA2024 via sol-gel sealing, Surface and Coatings Technology 417, 127195 (2021), [doi: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2021.127195, LillOA]
- E.N. Primo, M. Touzin, A.A. Franco, Calendering of Li(Ni0.33Mn0.33Co0.33)O2‐based cathodes: analyzing the link between process parameters and electrode properties by advanced statistics, Batteries & Supercaps (2021), [doi: 10.1002/batt.202000324, LillOA]
- E.N. Primo, M. Chouchane, M. Touzin, P. Vazquez, A.A. Franco, Understanding the calendering processability of Li(Ni0.33Mn0.33Co0.33)O2-based cathodes, Journal of Power Sources 488, 229361 (2021), [doi: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2020.229361, LillOA]
- S. Kossman, L. Bertolucci Coelho, A. Montagne, A. Mejias, A. Van Gorp, T. Coorevits, M. Touzin, M.-E. Druart, M. Staia, M. Poorteman, M.-G. Olivier, The effect of the substrate surface state on the morphology, topography and tribocorrosion behavior of Si/Zr sol-gel coated 316L stainless steel, Surface and Coatings Technology 126666 (2020), [doi: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2020.126666, LillOA]
- S. Kossman, L.B. Coelho, A. Mejias, A. Montagne, A. Van Gorp, T. Coorevits, M. Touzin, M. Poorteman, M.-G. Olivier, A. Iost, M. Staia, Impact of industrially applied surface finishing processes on tribocorrosion performance of 316L stainless steel, Wear 203341 (2020), [doi: 10.1016/j.wear.2020.203341, LillOA]
- F. Housaer, F. Vanni, M. Touzin, f. Béclin, J. Allenou, A. Leenaers, A.M. Yacout, H. Palancher, B. Stepnik, O. Tougait, Morphological characterization of the fresh ZrN coated UMo powders used in EMPIrE irradiation experiment: A practical approach, Journal of Nuclear Materials 152087 (2020), [doi: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2020.152087, LillOA]
- T. Stasiak, S.N. Kumaran, M. Touzin, f. béclin, C. CORDIER, Novel Multicomponent Powders from the AlCrFeMnMo Family Synthesized by Mechanical Alloying, Advanced Engineering Materials 1900808 (2019), [doi: 10.1002/adem.201900808, LillOA]
- K. Naji, M. Marinova, M. Touzin, P. Pouligny, M.-N. Avettand-Fènoël, Design and characterization of an oxides hybrid dispersion strengthened iron based composite with a graded and architectural microstructure, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 802, 217-228 (2019), [doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.06.158, LillOA]
- D. Bhat Panemangalore, R. Shabadi, D. Tingaud, M. Touzin, G. Ji, Biocompatible silica-based magnesium composites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 772, 49-57 (2019), [doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.09.060, LillOA]
- P. Nogning Kamta, D. Chicot, F. Roudet, M. Touzin, G. Louis, D. Chicot, A. Iost, A. Montagne, E. Le Bourhis, Fluage et relaxation par indentation d’aciers au chrome, Matériaux & Techniques 1, 103 (2017), [doi: 10.1051/mattech/2017027, LillOA]
- P. Nogning Kamta, A. Mejias, F. Roudet, G. Louis, M. Touzin, D. Chicot, Indentation creep analysis of T22 and T91 chromium based steels, Materials Science and Engineering A 652, 315-324 (2016), [doi: 10.1016/j.msea.2015.11.098, LillOA]
- F. Housaer, f. béclin, M. Touzin, D. Tingaud, A. Legris, A. Addad, Interfacial characterization in carbon nanotube reinforced aluminum matrix composites, Materials Characterization 110, 94-101 (2015), [doi: 10.1016/j.matchar.2015.10.014, LillOA]
- F. Housaer, A. Legris, f. béclin, M. Touzin, D. Tingaud, G. Ji, R. Shabadi, Characterization of Al/MWCNTs composites prepared by powder metallurgy routes, MATEC Web of Conferences 7, 1002 (2013), [doi: 10.1051/matecconf/20130701002, LillOA]
- H.-J. Fitting, M. Touzin, E. Schreiber, Fast electron beam charge injection and switching in dielectrics, Physica Status Solidi 8, 1282-1286 (2011), [doi: 10.1002/pssc.201084003, LillOA]
Full list (The link could be slow)
Conference presentations
- C. Guéneau, C. Bonnet, T. Alpettaz, P. Vasconcelos Borges de Pinho, A. Quaini, M. Touzin, Measurement of phase diagram data in the SiO2-ZrO2-UO2 system for severe accident application, Communication dans un congrès sans actes, TOFA, 19th Discussion meeting on thermodynamics of alloys, Lyon, France, Sep 2024 [LillOA]
- A. Simonin, M. Touzin, C. Toffolon-Masclet, A. Quaini, M. Tribet, O. Tougait, An experimental study of the Rh-Zr binary system, Communication dans un congrès sans actes, TOFA, 19th Discussion meeting on thermodynamics of alloys, Lyon, France, Sep 2024 [LillOA]
- H. Desmarchelier, P. Beninigni, G. Mikaelian, A. Hoel-Bacle, O. Tougait, S. Daviero-Minaud, M. Touzin, New experimental data on Zr-Fe-O, Communication dans un congrès sans actes, TOFA, 19th Discussion meeting on thermodynamics of alloys, Lyon, France, Sep 2024 [LillOA]
- F. Quinzin, M. Touzin, f. béclin, C. CORDIER, Elaboration de composites à matrice métallique par extrusion à chaud, Communication dans un congrès sans actes, Matériaux 2022, Lille, France, Oct 2022 [LillOA]
- M.-A. Sow, f. béclin, C. CORDIER, M. Touzin, L. Boilet, J.-F. Trelcat, A. Tromont, C. Nouvellon, M. Bigerelle, M. Dubar, H. Morvan, Y. Santana, Elaboration, caractérisation et propriétés tribo-mécaniques de revêtements minces de la famille AlCrFeMnMo déposés par pulvérisation magnétron, Communication dans un congrès sans actes, Matériaux 2022, Lille, France, Oct 2022 [LillOA]
- F. Quinzin, f. béclin, M. Touzin, C. CORDIER, Elaboration d’un HEA par métallurgie des poudres : Comparaison entre frittage d’une poudre pré-alliée et frittage de poudres élémentaires pures, Communication dans un congrès sans actes, Poudres & Matériaux Frittés 2023, Le Creusot, France, Dec 2023 [LillOA]
- C. CORDIER, f. béclin, M. Touzin, M.-A. Sow, T. Stasiak, Des alliages Al-Cr-Fe-Mn-Mo en poudre aux revêtements et massifs de type HEA ou CCA, Communication dans un congrès sans actes, 1ière Journée Annuelle du GDR HEA, Nantes, France, Jun 2019 [LillOA]
- T. Stasiak, M. Touzin, f. béclin, C. CORDIER, Elaboration d’un alliage à haute entropie Al22.5Cr22.5Fe28Mn20Mo7 par métallurgie des poudres, Communication dans un congrès sans actes, 1ère Journée Annuelle du GDR HEA, Nantes, France, Jun 2019 [LillOA]
- M.-A. Sow, C. CORDIER, f. béclin, M. Touzin, Effet des conditions d’élaboration par broyage sur la microstructure des poudres en alliage Al-Cr-Fe-Mn-Mo, Poster, 1ère Journée Annuelle du GDR HEA, NANTES, France, Jun 2019 [LillOA]
- C. CORDIER, T. Stasiak, M. Touzin, f. béclin, Characteristics of the major phase in Al-Cr-Fe-Mn-Mo type HEA/CCA alloys, Conférence invitée, International Conferences on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (THERMEC’2021), Vienne (Austria), Autriche, May 2021 [LillOA]
Full list (The link could be slow)