Matériaux Moléculaires et Thérapeutiques
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UMET - Matériaux Moléculaires et Thérapeutiques
Group leader: Frédéric AFFOUARDMembers
Our research activity concerns the physical state of molecular materials composed of small molecules and/or of biological molecules under various stresses: temperature, pressure, grinding, dehydration. The main goal is to analyse the situations of metastabilities, the glassy states and the phase transformations and out-of-equilibrium evolutions induced by these stresses. The investigated materials are also found in the pharmaceuticals and food domains.Our works have direct implication in the control of the formulation and the stability of these materials with direct consequences on their bioavailability.
Active projects
- Physics of the glass transition
Dynamical heterogeneities, nucleation and nanostructures, glassy crystals, polyAmorphism
Contacts : F. Affouard, Laurent Carpentier, M. Descamps
- Driven molecular materials
Transformations induced by grinding and dehydration
Contacts : Jean-François Willart, Marc Descamps, Emeline Dudognon
- Protection of biological materials
Mechanisms of stabilization of sugars, cold and thermal denaturation
The activities are undertaken in the framework of the ANR PCV research project 2007-2011 BIOSTAB “Optimisation of the stability of biological materials for novel therapeutic strategies”.
Contacts : Alain Hédoux, Yannick Guinet, Frédéric Affouard
- Innovative multicomponent drug design for enhancing regional strategic advantages in pharmaceutical and biomedical applications (IMODE)
Cross-border cooperation programme 2014-2020
Contact : Frédéric Affouard
INTERREG “2 Mers Seas Zeeën”
Website -- Presentation leaflet