Earth and Planetary Materials - PhD Thesis
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Earth and Planetary Materials - PhD Thesis
Presently, there are 4 PhD candidates in the group. Since 2020, 7 PhD theses were defended.
Current PhD thesis | ||||
Start | PhD Advisors | |||
1 | Léo CARIN | 2024 | Sébastien MERKEL, Nadège HILAIRET | |
Deformation of metallic alloys in the Earth's inner core | ||||
2 | Hélène GINESTET | 2023 | Sébastien MERKEL | |
Earth's core in the lab | ||||
3 | Chloé MOLINES | 2022 | Sébastien MERKEL, Nadège HILAIRET | |
Contraintes et déformation in et ex situ dans les roches de zones de subduction | ||||
4 | Daniel HALLATT | 2020 | Hugues LEROUX | |
Thermal and Shock behaviour of phyllosilicates, application to the Ryugu Asteroid |
Defended PhD thesis | ||||
Full texts available at | ||||
End | PhD Advisors | |||
1 | Sylvain LAFORET | 2024 | Hugues LEROUX | |
Space weathering of Ryugu asteroid: mophological, chemical and structural modifications | ||||
2 | Bahae Eddine MOULOUD | 2024 | Damien JACOB | |
Nanoanalyse par 4D-STM de matériaux faiblement cristallisés : développements et application aux astromatériaux | ||||
3 | Maxime MORGANO | 2023 | Corentin LE GUILLOU, Hugues LEROUX | |
Eau des chondrites : approche expérimentale de l'intéraction eau-silicates | ||||
4 | Jeffrey GAY | 2022 | Sébastien MERKEL | |
Microstructures and anisotropy of pyrolite in the Earth’s lower mantle: insights from high pressure/temperature deformation and phase transformation experiments | ||||
5 | Tommaso MANDOLINI | 2022 | Nadège HILAIRET, Sébastien MERKEL | |
Microstructural evolution of polymineralic aggregates deformed under high pressure and temperature: an in- situ and post-mortem study on olivine+serpentine | ||||
6 | Konstantinos THOMAIDIS | 2022 | Jannick INGRIN, Pierre HIREL | |
Do mantle xenoliths preserved water signature from the lithospheric mantle and how ? An experimental et numerical approach | ||||
7 | Estelle LEDOUX | 2021 | Sébastien MERKEL, Damien JACOB | |
Transformation and deformation microstructures in the Earth mantle: application to periclase and wadsleyite | ||||
8 | Pierre-Marie ZANETTA | 2019 | Hugues LEROUX, Brigitte Zanda, Corentin LE GUILLOU | |
Study of the accretion of the firsts solids of our solar system using advanced electron microscopy | ||||
9 | Yvan Georges Ngassa Tankeu | 2018 | Damien JACOB | |
Structural analysis of mineralogical oxydes at the nanometric scale using quantitative electron diffraction | ||||
10 | Baptiste Stephan | 2018 | Damien JACOB, Delabrouille Frédéric | |
A kinetic and microstructural study of order-disorder transformation in Ni2Cr alloys with low iron content | ||||
11 | Christopher Langrand | 2017 | Sébastien MERKEL, Nadège HILAIRET | |
Experimental Study of Perovskite / Post-Perovskite Phase Transformation Mechanism and its Kinetics in the Earth Mantle | ||||
12 | Sarah Incel | 2017 | Nadège HILAIRET, Schubnel Alexandre | |
Experimental constrains on rheology during metamorphic reactions (thèse ENS Paris) | ||||
13 | Huan Chen | 2017 | Jannick INGRIN, XIA Qunke | |
The role of the Pacific subduction in the genesis of Cenozoic basalts in eastern China: New constrains from water content and oxygen isotope composition | ||||
14 | Thomas Ferrand | 2017 | Schubnel Alexandre, Nadège HILAIRET | |
Reproduction of experimental analogues of intermediate depth earthquakes through antigorite dehydration and comparison to natural pseudotachylites (thèse ENS Paris) | ||||
15 | Xiaoyan Gu | 2016 | Jannick INGRIN, Etienne Deloule | |
Melt-rock interaction signatures in peridotite from sub-continental mantle (French Massif Central) : A trace element, H, Li and δ7Li approach (thèse de l'université de Lorraine) | ||||
16 | Guillaume Bellino | 2015 | Hugues LEROUX | |
Analytical transmission electron microscopy study of unmelted and partially melted chondrules in primitive ordinary chondrites | ||||
17 | Peipei Zhang | 2015 | Jannick INGRIN, Qun-Ke Xia | |
Hydrogen diffusion in NAMs : andradite garnet and zircon | ||||
18 | Boris Laurent | 2014 | Hugues LEROUX, Mathieu Roskosz | |
Hydrogen fractionation induced by ionizing irradiation of protoplanetary dust analogs | ||||
19 | Priscille Cuvillier | 2014 | Hugues LEROUX, Damien JACOB | |
Quantitative analysis of diffusion phenomena in meteorite samples. Transmission electron microscopy study. | ||||
20 | Eric Vigouroux | 2014 | Jannick INGRIN | |
Hydrogen diffusivity in wadsleyite : estimation of the water content in the transition zone of the earth's mantle | ||||
21 | Ainhoa Lincot | 2013 | Philippe Cardin, Sébastien MERKEL | |
Direct models of seismic anisotropie in the Earth inner core and study of textures induced by the α-ε transition in iron | ||||
22 | Caroline Bollinger | 2013 | Sébastien MERKEL | |
Rheology of polycrystalline olivine under upper mantle conditions: an in-situ study in the D-DIA | ||||
23 | Carole Nisr | 2011 | Sébastien MERKEL, Patrick CORDIER | |
In-situ characterization of dislocations in minerals under high pressure | ||||
24 | Jessy Gillot | 2010 | Hugues LEROUX, Mathieu Roskosz | |
Synthesis and crystallization of porous amorphous silicates in the MgO-CaO-SiO2 ternary: application the amorphous-crystal transition in accretion disks | ||||
25 | Julien Stodolna | 2010 | Hugues LEROUX, Damien JACOB | |
Transmission electron microscopy study of cometary samples from the Startdust mission | ||||
26 | Elodie Amiguet | 2009 | Paul RATERRON, Patrick CORDIER | |
Experimental deformation of diopside in the pressure and temperature conditions of the upper mantle | ||||
27 | Carinne Davoisne | 2006 | Hugues LEROUX | |
Evolution des silicates dans les milieux interstellaires, circumstellaires et cométaires : le rôle de l’irradiation et de la température |