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Unité Matériaux et Transformations
CNRS UMR 8207 - Université de Lille

UMET - Earth and Planetary Materials

Earth and Planetary Materials - PhD Thesis


Presently, there are 4 PhD candidates in the group. Since 2019, 7 PhD theses were defended.

Current PhD thesis
 StartPhD Advisors
1Hélène GINESTET2023Sébastien MERKEL
Earth's core in the lab
2Chloé MOLINES2022Sébastien MERKEL, Nadège HILAIRET
Contraintes et déformation in et ex situ dans les roches de zones de subduction
3Sylvain LAFORET2021Hugues LEROUX
Caractérisation quantitative de matériaux primitifs du système solaire par microscope STEM équipée de caméra à détection directe d'électrons
4Daniel HALLATT2020Hugues LEROUX
Thermal and Shock behaviour of phyllosilicates, application to the Ryugu Asteroid
Defended PhD thesis
Full texts available at
 EndPhD Advisors
1Bahae Eddine MOULOUD2024Damien JACOB
Nanoanalyse par 4D-STM de matériaux faiblement cristallisés : développements et application aux astromatériaux
2Maxime MORGANO2023Corentin LE GUILLOU, Hugues LEROUX
Eau des chondrites : approche expérimentale de l'intéraction eau-silicates
3Jeffrey GAY2022Sébastien MERKEL
Microstructures and anisotropy of pyrolite in the Earth’s lower mantle: insights from high pressure/temperature deformation and phase transformation experiments
4Tommaso MANDOLINI2022Nadège HILAIRET, Sébastien MERKEL
Microstructural evolution of polymineralic aggregates deformed under high pressure and temperature: an in- situ and post-mortem study on olivine+serpentine
5Konstantinos THOMAIDIS2022Jannick INGRIN, Pierre HIREL
Do mantle xenoliths preserved water signature from the lithospheric mantle and how ? An experimental et numerical approach
6Estelle LEDOUX2021Sébastien MERKEL, Damien JACOB
Transformation and deformation microstructures in the Earth mantle: application to periclase and wadsleyite
7Pierre-Marie ZANETTA2019Hugues LEROUX, Brigitte Zanda, Corentin LE GUILLOU
Study of the accretion of the firsts solids of our solar system using advanced electron microscopy
8Yvan Georges Ngassa Tankeu2018Damien JACOB
Structural analysis of mineralogical oxydes at the nanometric scale using quantitative electron diffraction
9Baptiste Stephan2018Damien JACOB, Delabrouille Frédéric
A kinetic and microstructural study of order-disorder transformation in Ni2Cr alloys with low iron content
10Christopher Langrand2017Sébastien MERKEL, Nadège HILAIRET
Experimental Study of Perovskite / Post-Perovskite Phase Transformation Mechanism and its Kinetics in the Earth Mantle
11Sarah Incel2017Nadège HILAIRET, Schubnel Alexandre
Experimental constrains on rheology during metamorphic reactions (thèse ENS Paris)
12Huan Chen2017Jannick INGRIN, XIA Qunke
The role of the Pacific subduction in the genesis of Cenozoic basalts in eastern China: New constrains from water content and oxygen isotope composition
13Thomas Ferrand2017Schubnel Alexandre, Nadège HILAIRET
Reproduction of experimental analogues of intermediate depth earthquakes through antigorite dehydration and comparison to natural pseudotachylites (thèse ENS Paris)
14Xiaoyan Gu2016Jannick INGRIN, Etienne Deloule
Melt-rock interaction signatures in peridotite from sub-continental mantle (French Massif Central) : A trace element, H, Li and δ7Li approach (thèse de l'université de Lorraine)
15Guillaume Bellino2015Hugues LEROUX
Analytical transmission electron microscopy study of unmelted and partially melted chondrules in primitive ordinary chondrites
16Peipei Zhang2015Jannick INGRIN, Qun-Ke Xia
Hydrogen diffusion in NAMs : andradite garnet and zircon
17Boris Laurent2014Hugues LEROUX, Mathieu Roskosz
Hydrogen fractionation induced by ionizing irradiation of protoplanetary dust analogs
18Priscille Cuvillier2014Hugues LEROUX, Damien JACOB
Quantitative analysis of diffusion phenomena in meteorite samples. Transmission electron microscopy study.
19Eric Vigouroux2014Jannick INGRIN
Hydrogen diffusivity in wadsleyite : estimation of the water content in the transition zone of the earth's mantle
20Ainhoa Lincot2013Philippe Cardin, Sébastien MERKEL
Direct models of seismic anisotropie in the Earth inner core and study of textures induced by the α-ε transition in iron
21Caroline Bollinger2013Sébastien MERKEL
Rheology of polycrystalline olivine under upper mantle conditions: an in-situ study in the D-DIA
22Carole Nisr2011Sébastien MERKEL, Patrick CORDIER
In-situ characterization of dislocations in minerals under high pressure
23Jessy Gillot2010Hugues LEROUX, Mathieu Roskosz
Synthesis and crystallization of porous amorphous silicates in the MgO-CaO-SiO2 ternary: application the amorphous-crystal transition in accretion disks
24Julien Stodolna2010Hugues LEROUX, Damien JACOB
Transmission electron microscopy study of cometary samples from the Startdust mission
25Elodie Amiguet2009Paul RATERRON, Patrick CORDIER
Experimental deformation of diopside in the pressure and temperature conditions of the upper mantle
26Carinne Davoisne2006Hugues LEROUX
Evolution des silicates dans les milieux interstellaires, circumstellaires et cométaires : le rôle de l’irradiation et de la température
UMET - Unité Matériaux et Transformations
Université de Lille
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59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq
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