Matériaux Moléculaires et Thérapeutiques
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- Spectroscopie de relaxation diélectrique
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Projets en cours
Matériaux Moléculaires et Thérapeutiques - Communications
2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010
Les communications de l'équipe dans LillOA (Lille Open Archive)
Communications invitées
- T. Cordeiro, J. Sotomayor, I. Fonseca, M.M. Cardoso, M.T. Viciosa, F. Danede, N. T. Correia, M. DionÃsio, Nanoconfinement as a strategy to stabilize unstable guest forms, 8th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems (8IDMRCS), Wisla, Pologne, Juil 2017 [LillOA]
- M. Descamps, INTRODUCTION TO AMORPHOUS SYSTEMS Glass-forming ability and Stability, APV ASD Master Class - Abbvie, Ludwigshafen, Allemagne, Nov 2017 [LillOA]
- M.T. Viciosa, H.P. Diogo, F. Affouard, N. T. Correia, Disorder in Pharmaceuticals: Insights from Dielectric Spectroscopies and MD Simulations, 8th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems (8IDMRCS), Wisla, Pologne, Juil 2017 [LillOA]
- F. Affouard, IMODE: Innovative pharmaceutical & biomedical drug design, R&D Open Event - Ashford and St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Chertsey, Royaume-Uni, Juin 2017 [LillOA]
- F. Affouard, J. Gerges, M. Collinet, Modélisation de la plastification de polymères biosourcés, SCALEUP 2017, Romainville, France, Nov 2017 [LillOA]
- F. Affouard, J. Gerges, L. Valdes, Crystallization vs vitrification tendencies of model materials: Insights from molecular dynamics simulations, 8th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems (8IDMRCS), Wisla, Pologne, Juil 2017 [LillOA]
- F. Affouard, Transition vitreuse et état vitreux dans les matériaux moléculaires: les "autres" verres !, Journées VERRE LILLE 2017 - GDR VERRE, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Oct 2017 [LillOA]
- T. Starciuc, A. Hedoux, Y. Guinet, L. Paccou, Mechanisms of protein denaturation and stabilization analyzed in-situ during the freeze-drying process by micro-Raman spectroscopy, 8th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems (8IDMRCS), Wisla, Pologne, Juil 2017 [LillOA]
- M. Descamps, Introduction to amorphous systems, theoretical aspects for stabilization; Glass-forming ability and physical stability of drugs., Workshop on ASDs, Ludwigshafen, Allemagne, Nov 2017 [LillOA]
Communications orales
- E. Dudognon, A. Benazzouz, V. Molinier, J.-M. Aubry, M. Descamps, N. T. Correia, Dynamic and structural investigation of interactions at the origin of the plasticization of a polymer matrix: the case of DMP-plasticized Cellulose Acetate, 8th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems (8IDMRCS), Wisla, Pologne, Juil 2017 [LillOA]
- F. Affouard, J.-F. Willart, F. Ngono Mebenga, G. Cuello, M. Jimenez-Ruiz, Investigations of physical properties of amorphous materials obtained from different routes, 8th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems (8IDMRCS), Wisla, Pologne, Juil 2017 [LillOA]
- K. Koperwas, F. Affouard, J. Gerges, L. Valdes, Å. Wojnarowska, M. Paluch, A. Knapik, A. Jdrzejowska, K. Adrjanowicz, The Attractive Intermolecular Forces and The Crystallization of the Van Der Waals Liquids, 8th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems (8IDMRCS), Wisla, Pologne, Juil 2017 [LillOA]
- F. Affouard, J.-F. willart, F. Ngono Mebenga, G.J. Cuello, M. Jimenez-Ruiz, Physical and chemical stability of amorphous lactulose obtained from different routes: the role of water, Journée Solvatation, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Mai 2017 [LillOA]
- F. Affouard, J.-F. Willart, F. Ngono Mebenga, G. Cuello, M. Jimenez-Ruiz, Investigations of physical properties of amorphous materials using neutron scattering experiments, Journées de la Diffusion Neutronique (JDN2017), Carry le Rouet, France, Mai 2017 [LillOA]
- S. Dimassi, N. Tabary, S. Degoutin, F. Cazaux, L. Janus, F. Chai, J. Lyskawa, J.-C. Hornez, N. Blanchemain, B. Martel, Surface Functionalization and Biomineralization of Chitosan-Based Electrospun Nanofibres for Bone Tissue Engineering, ESB2017, Athènes, Grèce, Sep 2017 [LillOA]
- S. Ouerghemmi, S. Degoutin, N. Tabary, F. Cazaux, L. Janus, B. Hue, F. Chai, N. Blanchemain, B. Martel, Monolithic and coaxial antimicrobial electrospun nanofibers based on chitosan and cyclodextrin polymer, 5th European conference on cyclodextrins, Lisbonne, Portugal, Oct 2017 [LillOA]
- P. Oliveira, J.-F. Willart, J. Siepmann, F. Siepmann, M. Descamps, Transformations of dexamethasone drug induced by mechanical milling, INCOME 2017 (9th International Conference on Mechanochemistry and Mechanical Alloying), Kosice, Slovaquie, Sep 2017 [LillOA]
- P. Oliveira, J.-F. Willart, J. Siepmann, F. Siepmann, M. Descamps, Solid state transformations of dexamethasone induced by milling, 2nd European Conference on Pharmaceutics, Kraków, Pologne, Avr 2017 [LillOA]
Communications par affiche
- C. Flores, J.-C. Hornez, F. Chai, G. Raoul, N. Tabary, F. Cazaux, J. Ferri, H. Hildebrand, B. Martel, N. Blanchemain, Development of an antibacterial hybrid sponge for bone regeneration, BIOMAT 2015, Ile de ré, France, Oct 2017 [LillOA]
- C. Flores, M. Lopez, J.-C. Hornez, F. Chai, G. Raoul, N. Tabary, F. Cazaux, J. Ferri, H.-F. Hildebrand, B. Martel, N. Blanchemain, Chitosan-hydroxyapatite composite hydrogels for bone regeneration, 10th World Biomaterials Congress, Montréal, Canada, Mai 2017 [LillOA]
- M.-J. Garcia Fernandez, N. Tabary, J.-F. willart, F. Chai, N. Blanchemain, M.-P. Leterme Flament, B. Martel, 2.Multifunctional pharmaceutical excipient in tablet formulation based on citric acid-cyclodextrin polymer, 5th European Cyclodextrin Conference (EUROCD 2017), Lisbonne, Portugal, Oct 2017 [LillOA]
- M.J. Garcia Fernandez, N. Tabary, J.-F. Willart, F. Chai, N. Blanchemain, M.-P. Leterme-Flament, B. Martel, New pharmaceutical excipient based on polymers of cyclodextrins, 18ème Journées de la société française des cyclodextrines, Lens, France, Nov 2017 [LillOA]
- T. Cordeiro, C. Castiñeira, D. Mendes, F. Danede, J.C. Sotomayor, I. Fonseca, M.G.D. Silva, A. Paiva, S. Barreiros, M.M. Cardoso, M.T. Viciosa, N. T. Correia, M. DionÃsio, Strategies to Stabilize High Energetic States of Pharmaceutical Drug, XXV Encontro Nacional da SPQ, Lisbonne, Portugal, Juil 2017 [LillOA]
- B. Malfait, N. T. Correia, DYMANICS OF AN AMORPHOUS CYCLIC PEPTIDE BY DIELECTRIC RELAXATION SPECTROSCOPY, 1er colloque Français sur la Spectroscopie Diélectrique appliquée aux Matériaux, Rouen, France, Juin 2017 [LillOA]
- T. Cordeiro, C. Castiñeira, D. Mendes, F. Danede, J.C. Sotomayor, I. Fonseca, M.G.D. Silva, A. Paiva, S. Barreiros, M.M. Cardoso, M.T. Viciosa, N. T. Correia, M. DionÃsio, Stabilizing Unstable Amorphous Menthol through Inclusion in Mesoporous Silica Hosts, 2nd International Caparica Christmas Conference on Translational Chemistry, Caparica, Portugal, Déc 2017 [LillOA]
- L.-V. Roca Paixao, F. Danede, M. Guerain, N. T. Correia, F. Affouard, SYNTHESE ET CARACTERISATION DE CO-CRISTAUX INTERET PHARMACEUTIQUE, Rayons X et matière, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Nov 2017 [LillOA]
- N. T. Correia, F. Danede, M.T. Viciosa, H.P. Diogo, F. Affouard, Relations structure-dynamique dans un cristal à intérêt pharmaceutique: couplage RX, techniques de relaxation diélectrique et simulation moléculaire, Rayons X et matière, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Nov 2017 [LillOA]
- M.T. Ottou Abe, N. T. Correia, F. Affouard, HYDROGEN BONDING LIQUIDS OF PHARMACEUTICAL INTEREST: INSIGHTS FROM MOLECULAR DYNAMICS SIMULATIONS, 1er colloque Français sur la Spectroscopie Diélectrique appliquée aux Matériaux, Rouen, France, Juin 2017 [LillOA]
- S. Dimassi, N. Tabary, S. Degoutin, F. Cazaux, L. Janus, F. Chai, N. Blanchemain, B. Martel, Electrospun Nanofibers of a Sulfonated Chitosan as an Artificial Glycosaminoglycan for Tissue Engineering, ESB2017, Athènes, Grèce, Sep 2017 [LillOA]
- E. Marcato, O. Cantin, F. Siepmann, F. Danede, J.-F. Willart, J. Siepmann, Y. Karrout, How can peo hot melt extrudates control metoprolol release in vitro?, 2nd European Conference on Pharmaceutics: Novel dosage forms & innovative technologies, Kraków, Pologne, Avr 2017 [LillOA]