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Unité Matériaux et Transformations
CNRS UMR 8207 - Université de Lille

UMET - Plasticity

Plasticity - PhD Thesis


Presently, there are 0 PhD candidates in the group. Since 2020, 2 PhD theses were defended.

Defended PhD thesis
Full texts available at
 EndPhD Advisors
1Timmo WEIDNER2024Alexandre MUSSI, Karine GOURIET, Patrick CORDIER
Development of dislocation electron tomography association with dislocation dynamics for the fundamental plasticity study of olivine
2Valentin DELBECQ2023Philippe CARREZ
Modélisation numérique de la structure et de la déformation de silicates vitreux
3Billy Clitton NZOGANG2019Alexandre MUSSI, Patrick CORDIER
Advanced characterization of mineral plasticity using transmission electron microscopy
4Riccardo REALI2018Patrick CORDIER, Philippe CARREZ
Modeling creep of lower mantle minerals: bridgmanite and (Mg,Fe)O
5Srinivasan Mahendran2018Patrick CORDIER, Philippe CARREZ
Numerical modelling of dislocation core properties in olivine (Mg2SiO4)
6Alexandra Goryaeva2016Patrick CORDIER, Philippe CARREZ
Modeling Defect and plasticity in MgSiO3 post-perovskite at the atomic scale
7Antoine Kraych2016Patrick CORDIER, Philippe CARREZ
The role of dislocations in bridgmanite deformation : an atomic scale study
8Sebastian Arthur Willem Ritterbex2016Patrick CORDIER, Philippe CARREZ
Modélisation de la plasticité dans la wadsleyite et la ringwoodite : sur la dynamique des dislocations dans la zone de transition du manteau terrestre
9Nils Garvik2016Patrick CORDIER, Philippe CARREZ
Multiscale model of plastic properties of Fe3C
10Jonathan Amodeo2011Philippe CARREZ, Patrick CORDIER
Multiscale model of plastic deformation of MgO single crystal : from the laboratory to the earth mantle
11Carole Nisr2011Sébastien MERKEL, Patrick CORDIER
In-situ characterization of dislocations in minerals under high pressure
12Arnaud Metsue2010David Mainprice, Patrick CORDIER
Dislocation core structure in minerals of the Earth mantle: numerical modeling using the Peierls-Nabarro model
13Amine Hamoudi2009Patrick CORDIER, Lahcen Khouchaf
Alkali silica reaction in the concrete : study of the compared structural degradation of SiO2 compounds (silica glass, quartz, flint)
14Elodie Amiguet2009Paul RATERRON, Patrick CORDIER
Experimental deformation of diopside in the pressure and temperature conditions of the upper mantle
15Julien Durinck2005Patrick CORDIER
Modélisation de la plasticité de la forsterite par calculs à l’échelle atomique et par dynamique des dislocations
16Hélène Couvy (Craigg)2005Patrick CORDIER, F. Langenhorst
Experimental deformation of forsterite, wadsleyite and ringwoodite : implications for seismic anisotropy of the Earth’s mantle
UMET - Unité Matériaux et Transformations
Université de Lille
Bâtiment C6
59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq
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