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Unité Matériaux et Transformations
CNRS UMR 8207 - Université de Lille

UMET - Earth and Planetary Materials

Earth and Planetary Materials - Publications

2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010

Format: standard -- HAL list

Group publications in LillOA (Lille Open Archive)

Publications in international research journals

  1. J.-P. Morniroli, G. Ji, D. Jacob, A systematic method to identify the space group from PED and CBED patterns part I - theory, Ultramicroscopy 121, 42-60 (2012), [doi: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2012.04.008, LillOA]
  2. J. Stodolna, D. Jacob, H. Leroux, Mineralogy and petrology of Stardust particles encased in the bulb of track 80: TEM investigation of the Wild 2 fine-grained material, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 87, 35-50 (2012), [doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2012.03.026, LillOA]
  3. D. Jacob, G. Ji, J.-P. Morniroli, A systematic method to identify the space group from PED and CBED patterns part II - practical examples, Ultramicroscopy 121, 61-71 (2012), [doi: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2012.04.015, LillOA]
  4. J. Stodolna, D. Jacob, H. Leroux, M.J. Burchell, Microstructure modifications of silicates induced by the collection in aerogel: Experimental approach and comparison with Stardust results, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 47, 696-707 (2012), [doi: 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2011.01305.x, LillOA]
  5. N. Dauphas, M. Roskosz, E. Alp, D. Golden, C.K.I. Sio, F. Tissot, M. Hu, J. Zhao, L. Gao, R. Morris, A general moment NRIXS approach to the determination of equilibrium Fe isotopic fractionation factors: Application to goethite and jarosite, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 94, 254-275 (2012), [doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2012.06.013, LillOA]
  6. E. Amiguet, B. Reynard, R. Caracas, B. Van De Moortèle, N. Hilairet, Y. Wang, Creep of phyllosilicates at the onset of plate tectonics, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 345-348, 142-150 (2012), [doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2012.06.033, LillOA]
  7. X. Yu, P. Raterron, J. Zhang, Z. Lin, L. Wang, Y. Zhao, Constitutive Law and Flow Mechanism in Diamond Deformation, Scientific reports 2, 876 (2012), [doi: 10.1038/srep00876, LillOA]
  8. J. Girard, J.H. Chen, P. Raterron, Deformation of periclase single crystals at high pressure and temperature: Quantification of the effect of pressure on slip-system activities, Journal of Applied Physics 111, 112607 (2012), [doi: 10.1063/1.4726200, LillOA]
  9. P. Raterron, J. Girard, J.H. Chen, Activities of olivine slip systems in the upper mantle, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 200-201, 105-112 (2012), [doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2012.04.006, LillOA]
  10. H. Leroux, Fine-grained material of 81P/Wild 2 in interaction with the Stardust aerogel, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 47, 613-622 (2012), [doi: 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2011.01309.x, LillOA]
  11. C. Bollinger, S. Merkel, P. Raterron, In situ quantitative analysis of stress and texture development in forsterite aggregates deformed at 6 GPa and 1373 K, Journal of Applied Crystallography 45, 263-271 (2012), [doi: 10.1107/S002188981200516X, LillOA]
  12. C. Nisr, G. Ribárik, T. Ungár, G.B. Vaughan, P. Cordier, S. Merkel, High resolution three-dimensional X-ray diffraction study of dislocations in grains of MgGeO3 post-perovskite at 90 GPa, Journal of Geophysical Research 117, B03201 (2012), [doi: 10.1029/2011JB008401, LillOA]
  13. S. Merkel, M. Gruson, Y. Wang, N. Nishiyama, C. Tomé, Texture and elastic strains in hcp-iron plastically deformed up to 17.5 GPa and 600 K: experiment and model, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 20, 24005 (2012), [doi: 10.1088/0965-0393/20/2/024005, LillOA]
  14. N. Hilairet, Y. Wang, T. Sanehira, S. Merkel, S. Mei, Deformation of olivine under mantle conditions: An in situ high-pressure, high-temperature study using monochromatic synchrotron radiation, Journal of Geophysical Research 117, B01203 (2012), [doi: 10.1029/2011JB008498, LillOA]
  15. E. Dobrica, C. Engrand, H. Leroux, J. Rouzaud, J. Duprat, Transmission Electron Microscopy of CONCORDIA UltraCarbonaceous Antarctic MicroMeteorites (UCAMMs): Mineralogical properties, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 76, 68-82 (2012), [doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2011.10.025, LillOA]
  16. W. Kanitpanyacharoen, S. Merkel, L. Miyagi, P. Kaercher, C. Tomé, Y. Wang, H.-R. Wenk, Significance of mechanical twinning in hexagonal metals at high pressure, Acta Materialia 60, 430-442 (2012), [doi: 10.1016/j.actamat.2011.07.055, LillOA]
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