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Polymer systems engineering - Communications
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Group communications in LillOA (Lille Open Archive)
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Presentations with publication
- M. Muller, S. Bourbigot, S. Duquesne, C. Lindsay, R. Klein, G. Giannini, How to enhance flame retardancy of intumescent polyurethane? A combination of chemical and physical effects governing synergy, 23th Annual Conference on Recent Advances in Flame Retardancy of Polymeric Materials, Stamford, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, May 2012 [LillOA]
- S. Duquesne, F. Solarski, S. Bourbigot, P. Ouagne, Flame Retardancy of Thermoplastic Composites : Methodology and case studies, 23th Annual Conference on Recent Advances in Flame Retardancy of Polymeric Materials, Stamford, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, May 2012 [LillOA]
- M. Lagrenée, F. Bentiss, Triazole, oxadiazole, thiadiazole and pyridazine derivatives as corrosion inhibitors for mild steel, a survey of recent works, EUROCORR' 2012, The European Corrosion Congress, Istanbul, Turquie, Sep 2012 [LillOA]
- M. Coquelle, J. Sun, S. Duquesne, M. Casetta, S. Zhang, S. Bourbigot, Use of Ammonium Sulfamate to Flame Retard PA6 Fibers, The 2nd International Symposium on Flame-Retardant Materials & Technologies (ISFRMT 2012), Chengdu, Chine, Sep 2012 [LillOA]
- F. Solarski, S. Duquesne, S. Bourbigot, P. Ouagne, Strategies for flame retarding bio-composites, 8th Asian : Australasian Conference on Composite Materials (ACCM-8), Kuala Lumpur, Malaisie, Nov 2012 [LillOA]
- S. Duquesne, M. Jimenez, S. Bourbigot, Flame retardancy of polypropylene with an intumescent coating, 2nd International Symposiumon on Flame - Retardant Materials and Technologies (ISFRMT), Chengdu, Chine, Sep 2012 [LillOA]
- M. Casetta, S. Duquesne, G. Fontaine, S. Bourbigot, Flame retardancy of biobased polymers, 2012' International Symposium on Flame-Retardant Materials and Technologies - ISFRMT 2012, Chengdu, Chine, Sep 2012 [LillOA]
- S. Bourbigot, F. Solarski, G. Fontaine, S. Duquesne, Reaction to fire of nanocomposites: influence of the morphology, 8th Asian : Australasian Conference on Composite Materials (ACCM-8), Kuala Lumpur, Malaisie, Nov 2012 [LillOA]
- E. Henry, C. Bailly, R. Berben, S. Bourbigot, F. Cordenier, D. Dumont, M. Sclavons, P.V. Velthem, D. Daoust, Thermplastic as carrier of nanofillers into carbon fibre : epoxy resin composites: influence of thermoplastic solubility on carbon nanotubes distribution, 15th European Conference on Composite - ECCM 15, Venise, Italie, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- B. Lecouvet, M. Sclavons, E. Henry, S. Bourbigot, C. Bailly, J. Devaux, Thermal and fire behavior of polyethersulfone/halloysite nanotube nanocomposite, 15th European Conference on Composite - ECCM 15, Venise, Italie, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- S. Duquesne, F. Solarski, M. Casetta, G. Fontaine, S. Bourbigot, Flame retardancy of bio-based thermoplastic composites and nanocomposites, 15th European Conference on Composite - ECCM 15, Venise, Italie, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- B. Lecouvet, M. Sclavons, S. Bourbigot, C. Bailly, Fire retardancy of polypropylene nanocomposites based on halloysite nanotubes: Synergistic effects with intumescent flame retardant, 23th BCC Conference - Recent Advances in Flame Retardancy of Polymeric Materials, Stamford, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, May 2012 [LillOA]
- S. Bourbigot, P. Bachelet, F. Solarski, M. Jimenez, S. Duquesne, Intumescence as method for providing fire resistance to composites, 15th European Conference on Composite - ECCM 15, Venise, Italie, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- M. Muller, S. Bourbigot, S. Duquesne, C. Lindsay, R. Klein, G. Giannini, How to enhance flame retardancy of intumescent polyurethane? A combination of chemical and physical effects governing synergy, 23th BCC Conference - Recent Advances in Flame Retardancy of Polymeric Materials, Stamford, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, May 2012 [LillOA]
- B. Gardelle, S. Duquesne, V. Rerat, S. Bourbigot, Thermal Degradation and Fire Performance of Silicone-based coatings, 6th Fire and Polymers Symposium - 243rd American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, CA, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2012 [LillOA]
- M. Vandenbossche, M. Jimenez, M. Casetta, S. Bellayer, S. Bourbigot, M. Traisnel, Sorption of heavy metals on a chitosan-grafted-polypropylene nonwoven geotextile, ICHMET 2012, Rome, Italie, Sep 2012 [LillOA]
- G. Fontaine, C. Gérard, S. Bourbigot, Synergistic and antagonistic effect in intumescent epoxy resin, 243th National American Chemical Society Meeting, San Diego, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2012 [LillOA]
- M. Jimenez, S. Duquesne, S. Bourbigot, Protective Coatings for reaction and resistance to fire of materials, COSI 2012, Noordwijk, Pays-Bas, Dec 2012 [LillOA]
- G. Fontaine, C. Hoffendahl, S. Bourbigot, Flame retardancy of biobased polymers, 23th BCC Conference - Recent Advances in Flame Retardancy of Polymeric Materials, Stamford, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, May 2012 [LillOA]
- S. Duquesne, F. Solarski, S. Bourbigot, P. Ouagne, Flame Retardancy of Thermoplastic Composites : Methodology and case studies, 23rd Annual Conference on Recent Advances in Flame Retardancy of Polymeric Materials, Stamford, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, May 2012 [LillOA]
- S. Bourbigot, M. Jimenez, S. Duquesne, Coatings for providing low flammability to polymeric materials: an overview, International Symposium on Flame-Retardant Materials and Technologies - ISFRMT 2012, Chenghu, Chine, Sep 2012 [LillOA]
- S. Bourbigot, G. Fontaine, S. Duquesne, Solid state NMR characterization of polymer nanocomposites: qualitative and quantitative approach, 21st International Materials Research Congress - IMRC 2012, Cancun, Mexique, Aug 2012 [LillOA]
- S. Bourbigot, G. Fontaine, S. Duquesne, Recent advances in flame retardancy of EVA and EVM, German Rubber Conference - DKT 2012, Nuremberg, Allemagne, Jul 2012 [LillOA]
- S. Bourbigot, M. Jimenez, S. Duquesne, New trends in flame retardancy of engineering plastics, 23th BCC Conference - Recent Advances in Flame Retardancy of Polymeric Materials, Stamford, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, May 2012 [LillOA]
- S. Bourbigot, S. Duquesne, Intumescent coating providing fire resistance to materials, 243th National American Chemical Society Meeting, San Diego, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2012 [LillOA]
- J. Pepin, V. Gaucher, S. Barrau, J.-M. Lefebvre, Crystal transitions and mechanical behaviour of Polyamide 11, 15th International Conference on Deformation, Yield and Fracture of Polymers, Kerkrade, Pays-Bas, Apr 2012 [LillOA]
- S. Bourbigot, G. Fontaine, S. Duquesne, Intumescence for the flame retardancy of pla, 21th BCC Conference - Recent Advances in Flame Retardancy of Polymeric Materials, Stamford, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, May 2012 [LillOA]
Invited presentations
- M. Muller, S. Bourbigot, S. Duquesne, C. Lindsay, R. Klein, G. Giannini, How to enhance flame retardancy of intumescent polyurethane? A combination of chemical and physical effects governing synergy, 23th Annual Conference on Recent Advances in Flame Retardancy of Polymeric Materials, Stamford, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, May 2012 [LillOA]
- S. Duquesne, F. Solarski, S. Bourbigot, P. Ouagne, Flame Retardancy of Thermoplastic Composites : Methodology and case studies, 23th Annual Conference on Recent Advances in Flame Retardancy of Polymeric Materials, Stamford, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, May 2012 [LillOA]
- c. Jama, Nouveaux procédés de traitement de surface de polymères et leurs applications, Journée thématique, El Jadida, Maroc, Feb 2012 [LillOA]
- U. Maschke, M. Bouchakour, Y. Derouiche, L. Méchernène, Z. Bouberka, Liquid crystal/polymer systems. Polysolvat:9, 9th International Conference on Polymer-solvent Complexes and Intercalates, Kiev, Royaume-Uni, Sep 2012 [LillOA]
- U. Maschke, M. Bouchakour, L. Méchernène, Z. Bouberka, Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal systems as Innovative Materials For Optical Applications, CIMT 2012, Hammamet, Tunisie, Nov 2012 [LillOA]
- S. Bourbigot, P. Bachelet, M. Jimenez, S. Duquesne, Intumescent coating providing fire resistance to materials, European Coating2012 -Fire retardancy, Berlin, Allemagne, Mar 2012 [LillOA]
- B. Martel, A. Martin, H. Van Den Berghe, A. Pérez-Anes, L. Leclercq, J. Lyskawa, N. Tabary, S. Degoutin, F. Aubert-Viard, D. Douroumis, F. Cazaux, M. Gargouri, F. Chai, N. Blanchemain, Self assembled chitosan/poly-cyclodextrin multilayered coatings applied to biomedical textiles and vascular stents, 16th International Cyclodextrin Symposium, Tianjin, Chine, May 2012 [LillOA]
- B. Martel, Cyclodextrin-polycarboxylic acids polymer networks & their applications in drug delivery through several developments in the biomaterials domain, Seminar on the invitation of Pr Alvarez-Lorenzo, Santiago de Compostella, Espagne, Mar 2012 [LillOA]
- G. Fontaine, C. Gérard, S. Bourbigot, Synergistic and antagonistic effect in intumescent epoxy resin, 243th National American Chemical Society Meeting, San Diego, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2012 [LillOA]
- S. Duquesne, F. Solarski, S. Bourbigot, New developments in flame retardancy of bio-based polymers and composites, ENFIRO Workshop, Burning Questions?, Brussels, Belgique, Nov 2012 [LillOA]
- G. Fontaine, C. Hoffendahl, S. Bourbigot, Flame retardancy of biobased polymers, 23th BCC Conference - Recent Advances in Flame Retardancy of Polymeric Materials, Stamford, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, May 2012 [LillOA]
- S. Duquesne, M. Casetta, G. Fontaine, S. Bourbigot, Fire retardancy of polypropylene non-woven - Influence of the fireproofing methods, Industrial workshop on Flame retardant functionalization of textiles in industrial wet-chemical processes, Twente, Pays-Bas, Oct 2012 [LillOA]
- S. Bourbigot, S. Duquesne, Flame retardancy of elastomers : some cases study, Fire Resistance in Plastics 2012, Cologne, Allemagne, Dec 2012 [LillOA]
- S. Duquesne, F. Solarski, S. Bourbigot, P. Ouagne, Flame Retardancy of Thermoplastic Composites : Methodology and case studies, 23rd Annual Conference on Recent Advances in Flame Retardancy of Polymeric Materials, Stamford, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, May 2012 [LillOA]
- S. Bourbigot, M. Jimenez, S. Duquesne, Coatings for providing low flammability to polymeric materials: an overview, International Symposium on Flame-Retardant Materials and Technologies - ISFRMT 2012, Chenghu, Chine, Sep 2012 [LillOA]
- S. Bourbigot, G. Fontaine, S. Duquesne, Solid state NMR characterization of polymer nanocomposites: qualitative and quantitative approach, 21st International Materials Research Congress - IMRC 2012, Cancun, Mexique, Aug 2012 [LillOA]
- S. Bourbigot, G. Fontaine, S. Duquesne, Recent advances in flame retardancy of EVA and EVM, German Rubber Conference - DKT 2012, Nuremberg, Allemagne, Jul 2012 [LillOA]
- S. Bourbigot, M. Jimenez, S. Duquesne, New trends in flame retardancy of engineering plastics, 23th BCC Conference - Recent Advances in Flame Retardancy of Polymeric Materials, Stamford, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, May 2012 [LillOA]
- S. Bourbigot, S. Duquesne, Intumescent coating providing fire resistance to materials, 243th National American Chemical Society Meeting, San Diego, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Mar 2012 [LillOA]
- B. Martel, N. Blanchemain, N. Tabary, G. Vermet, F. Chai, C. Neut, H.-F. Hildebrand, E. Delcourt-Debruyne, F. Boschin, Les cyclodextrines : une solution polyvalente pour les dispositifs médicaux frontières, Journées Rencontres Textiles Santé, Saint-Etienne, France, Mar 2012 [LillOA]
Oral presentations
- J.-F. Brun, L.D. Campo, D.D.S. Meneses, P. Echegut, Normal spectral emittance of alumina up to the melting point: measurement versus modeling", The eighteenth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, Boulder, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- M. Coquelle, S. Duquesne, J. Sun, M. Casetta, S. Zhang, S. Bourbigot, Development of Flame Retarded Polyamide 6 Fibers, 2nd International Symposium on Flame-Retardant Materials & Technologies (ISFRMT2012), Chengdu, Chine, Sep 2012 [LillOA]
- G. Stoclet, R. Séguéla, J.-M. Lefebvre, C. Rochas, In-situ WAXS characterization of the strain-induced structural evolution of amorphous and semi-crystalline poly(D,L lactide) in relation to mechanical behavior, DYFP 2012, Kerkrade, Pays-Bas, Apr 2012 [LillOA]
- L. Karam, c. Jama, A.-S. Mamede, N. Nuns, P. Dhulster, A. Fahs, G. Louarn, N.-E. Chihib, Emballages antimicrobiens: Innovation et sécurité pour nos produits, Journées Nord-Ouest Européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs (JNOEJC 2012), Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- L. Karam, c. Jama, A.-S. Mamede, N. Nuns, P. Dhulster, A. Fahs, G. Louarn, N.-E. Chihib, Study of nisin adsorption and interfacial interactions for setting up antimicrobial food packaging, Third international symposium on antimicrobial peptides, AMP, Lille, France, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- Z. Bouberka, A. Khenifi, S. Bouzid, Z. Derriche, U. Maschke, Photocatalytic degradation of (3-(4-Chlorophenyl)-1,1-Dimethylurea) and 4-Dichlorophenol by layered double hydroxides (LDHs)/TiO2 colloids under UV irradiation, CIMT 2012, Hammamet, Tunisie, Nov 2012 [LillOA]
- M. Collinet, D. Labouche, Characterization of the oxide layer formed on aluminum alloys during aerocron electrodeposition process, Surfair 2012, Biarritz, France, May 2012 [LillOA]
- F. Semdani, L. Bedjaoui-Alachaher, U. Maschke, Phase behavior of mixtures of polysiloxane and nematic liquid crystals, Polysolvat-9, 9th International IUPAC Conference on Polymer-solvent Complexes and Intercalates, Kiev, Royaume-Uni, Sep 2012 [LillOA]
- M. Bouchakour, Y. Derouiche, F. Riahi, L. Méchernène, U. Maschke, Kinetics of polymerization and electro-optical properties of poly(propyleneglycoldiacrylates)/liquid crystal E7 systems obtained by photo-polymerization and electron beam curing, Journées Nord-Ouest Européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs 2012, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- A. Elqidrea, Y. Derouiche, U. Maschke, Confinement dynamics of liquid crystals in a poly 2-ethylhexyl acrylate matrix elaborated by free radical polymerization, 24th International Liquid Crystal Conference 2012, Mainz, Allemagne, Aug 2012 [LillOA]
- M. Bouberka, A. Khenifi, K. Bennabou, U. Maschke, Z. Derriche, Synthèse de nouveaux nanocomposites photoactifs, Journées Nord-Ouest Européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs 2012, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- U. Maschke, M. Bouchakour, L. Méchernène, Electron Beam and Ultraviolet cured Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal materials, 10th International Conference on Electron Beam Technologies 2012, 10th International Conference on Electron Beam Technologies 2012arna, Bulgarie, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- Y. Agguine, A. Nadim, Z. Bouberka, S. Eddarir, U. Maschke, Etude photolytique du tetrabromobisphenol A dans certains solvants organiques, Journées Nord-Ouest Européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs 2012, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- M. Vandenbossche, M. Jimenez, M. Casetta, S. Bellayer, M. Traisnel, Greffage de chitosane sur des géotextiles pour fixer le cuivre présent dans les sédiments pollués, Journée des doctorants UGéPE, Roubaix, France, May 2012 [LillOA]
- C. Vallet, M. Collinet, M. Jimenez, U. Maschke, M. Traisnel, Effet des traitements de surface sur les propriétés adhésives de revêtements organiques sur des substrats modèles d'oxyde d'étain, Journée des doctorants UGéPE, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, May 2012 [LillOA]
- C. Birck, m. Bacquet, V. Gaucher, S. Degoutin, C. Neut, M. Maton, Conception et caractérisation de films bioactifs à base de poly(alcool vinylique) pour l'emballage à contact alimentaire, JEPO 40, Alès, France, Oct 2012 [LillOA]
- A. Martin, N. Tabary, L. Leclercq, B. Martel, Multilayered textile coating with encapsulation and release of Methylen Blue, 5ème JNOEJC, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- A. Martin, N. Tabary, L. Leclercq, B. Martel, Encapsulation and release of model molecules in a multilayer coated textile, JEPO 40, Anduze, France, Sep 2012 [LillOA]
- P. Woisel, L. Sambe, J. Bigot, J. Lyskawa, D. Fournier, F. Stoffelbach, B. Charleux, G. Cooke, New Multi-stimuli Responsive Macromolecular Assemblies, COPAMPHI 2012, Toulouse, France, May 2012 [LillOA]
- L. Sambe, P. Woisel, J. Bigot, J. Kyslawa, D. Fournier, F. Stoffelbach, B. Charleux, G. Cooke, Elaboration d'assemblages supramoléculaires à base de CBPQT4+, JNOEJC, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- J. Potier, S. Menuel, D. Fournier, E. Monflier, P. Woisel, F. Hapiot, Multivalency in Aqueous Organometallic Catalysis: Contribution of CD-based Polymers, JNOEJC, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- I. Kacem, N. Blanchemain, M. Jimenez, F. Chai, E. Jean-Baptiste, B. Martel, S. Roudesli, H.-F. Hildebrand, M. Traisnel, Textile en PET greffé acide polyacrylique : élaboration et évaluation de son activité biologique, Deuxième Journée des Jeunes Polyméristes du Nord, Lille, France, Dec 2012 [LillOA]
- F. Chai, M. Taha, N. Blanchemain, B. Martel, M. Goube, H.-F. Hildebrand, functionalization of the orthopedic implants with cyclodextrin polymers as versatile carrier system for local drug delivery, 9th World Biomaterials Congress, Chenghu, Chine, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- P. Woisel, L. Sambe, J. Kyslawa, D. Fournier, F. Stoffelbach, B. Charleux, G. Cooke, New Multi-stimuli Responsive Macromolecular Assemblies, Macro2012, Virginia Tech, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- c. Jama, F.-Z. Bouanis, M. Traisnel, F. Bentiss, Performances Anticorrosion d'un Acier au Carbone Nitruré à Basse Température par un Procédé Plasma Froid Radiofréquence, SFGP 2011, Lille, France, Nov 2012 [LillOA]
- M. Coquelle, J. Sun, S. Duquesne, M. Casetta, S. Zhang, S. Bourbigot, Développement de Fibres de PA6 à Propriétés Retard au Feu, 40ème Journées d'Etude des Polymères (JEPO40), Anduze, France, Oct 2012 [LillOA]
- L. Karam, c. Jama, A.-S. Mamede, N. Nuns, P. Dhulster, A. Fahs, G. Louarn, N.-E. Chihib, Emballages antimicrobiens: Innovation et sécurité pour nos produits, Journées Nord-Ouest Européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs (JNOEJC 2012), Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- M. Casetta, S. Duquesne, Effect of paint contaminant on the recycling of automotive bumpers, Modification, Degradation and Stabilisation : (MoDeSt2012), Prague, République tchèque, Sep 2012 [LillOA]
- J. Louisy, S. Duquesne, A. Koenig, P. Desbois, S. Bourbigot, Phosphini acid functionalized polyethylene imine (HPEI) : A novel Flame Retardant agent for Glass Reinforced Polbutylene Terephtalate, 7th Conference MoDeSt 2012 on Modification, Degradation and Stabilization of Polymers, Prague, République tchèque, Sep 2012 [LillOA]
- N. Blanchemain, E. Jean-Baptiste, G. Vermet, H. Dhordain, F. Chai, S. Degoutin, M. Bria, M. Maton, C. Neut, S. Haulon, H.-F. Hildebrand, B. Martel, Textiles fonctionnalisés avec un polymère de cyclodextrine : Une plateforme pour la libération locale de principe actif, 6ème congrès Rencontres Textiles Santé, Saint-Etienne, France, Mar 2012 [LillOA]
- L. Leroy, V. Gaucher, G. Stoclet, J.-M. Lefebvre, Etude de l'évolution structurale de l'amidon amorphe, DEPOS 24, Lyon, France, Sep 2012 [LillOA]
- J. Pepin, V. Gaucher, S. Barrau, J.-M. Lefebvre, Transitions cristallines et comportement mécanique du PA11, DEPOS 24, Lyon, France, Sep 2012 [LillOA]
- A. Laquièvre, D. Fournier, S. Barrau, G. Stoclet, J.-M. Lefebvre, P. Woisel, Elementary plastic deformation mechanism of the « self healing materials », JNOEJC, Lille, France, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
Poster presentations
- J. Potier, S. Menuel, D. Fournier, S. Fourmentin, P. Woisel, E. Monflier, F. Hapiot, Cooperativity in Aqueous Organometallic Catalysis: Contribution of Cyclodextrin-Substituted Polymers, 18th International Symposium on Homogeneous Catalysis (ISHC-18, Toulouse, France, Jul 2012 [LillOA]
- M. Lagrenée, F. Bentiss, Triazole, oxadiazole, thiadiazole and pyridazine derivatives as corrosion inhibitors for mild steel, a survey of recent works, EUROCORR' 2012, The European Corrosion Congress, Istanbul, Turquie, Sep 2012 [LillOA]
- M. Tourabi, K. Nohair, B. Hammouti, F. Bentiss, Enhanced corrosion resistance of carbon steel in hydrochloric acid medium by 3,6-bis(3-pyridyl)pyridazine: Electrochemical, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and theoretical studies, Colloque d'électrochimie, Septième Rencontre d'Electrochimie (RNE07), Kénitra, Maroc, Dec 2012 [LillOA]
- C. Beyens, F. Jenny, D. Milesi, M. Saelen, U. Maschke, Modifications des propriétés physico-chimiques de polyoléfines thermoplastiques par bombardement électronique, Colloque PolyRay 2012, Le Mans, France, Mar 2012 [LillOA]
- A. Elqidrea, U. Maschke, Morphology and mechanical properties of polyacrylates prepared by free-radical UV and Electron Beam polymerization, Colloque PolyRay 2012, Le Mans, France, Mar 2012 [LillOA]
- M. Bouchakour, Y. Derouiche, F. Riahi, U. Maschke, Etude comparative des propriétés électro-optiques du système poly(propylèneglycoldiacrylate)/cristal liquide E7, obtenues par deux méthodes différentes de polymérisation EB et UV, Colloque PolyRay 2012, Le Mans, France, Mar 2012 [LillOA]
- Y. Derouiche, K. Koynov, L. Méchernène, U. Maschke, Etude comparative des proprietes diélectriques des poly(propylèneglycoldiacrylates) avant et après photopolymérisation, Colloque PolyRay 2012, Le Mans, France, Mar 2012 [LillOA]
- Y. Agguine, A. Nadim, Z. Bouberka, S. Eddarir, U. Maschke, Photolysis of a derivative of Tetrabromobisphenol A, TBBPA-DBPE, by UV irradiation in an organic solvent, CIMT 2012, Hammamet, Tunisie, Nov 2012 [LillOA]
- O. Belaidi, T. Bouchaour, U. Maschke, The methylene groups effect on the infrared spectra of an interpenetrating polyethylhexyl acrylate/butyl acrylate network in a mixture of EHA/BA, Polysolvat-9, 9th International IUPAC Conference on Polymer-solvent Complexes and Intercalates, Kiev, Royaume-Uni, Sep 2012 [LillOA]
- K. Boudraa, B.D. Youcef, L. Bedjaoui, T. Bouchaour, U. Maschke, Theoretical phase diagrams of polyacrylic networks and liquid crystal E7,Polysolvat-9, 9th International IUPAC Conference on Polymer-solvent Complexes and Intercalates, Kiev, Royaume-Uni, Sep 2012 [LillOA]
- A. Nadim, Y. Agguine, Z. Bouberka, S. Eddarir, U. Maschke, Effect of solvent on photolytic degradation of Tetrabromobisphenol A, CIMT 2012, Hammamet, Tunisie, Nov 2012 [LillOA]
- A. Berrayah, L. Zair, M. Bouchakour, K. Koynov, U. Maschke, Thermomechanical properties of polyacrylate/liquid crystal systems prepared by Electron Beam and Ultra-Violet processing, 24th International Liquid Crystal Conference 2012, Mainz, Allemagne, Aug 2012 [LillOA]
- N. Bouchikhi, T. Bouchaour, L. Bedjaoui-Alachaher, U. Maschke, Swelling behavior and phase equilibria of polymer networks in nematic solvents, Polysolvat-9, 9th International IUPAC Conference on Polymer-solvent Complexes and Intercalates, Kiev, Royaume-Uni, Sep 2012 [LillOA]
- S. Hamri, T. Bouchaour, U. Maschke, Synthesis and studies of poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) networks, Polysolvat-9, 9th International IUPAC Conference on Polymer-solvent Complexes and Intercalates, Kiev, Royaume-Uni, Sep 2012 [LillOA]
- N. Bouchikhi, F. Semdani, K. Boudraa, L. Bedjaoui, U. Maschke, Swelling behavior and phase equilibrium of polymer networks in nematic solvents, 24th International Liquid Crystal Conference 2012, Mainz, Allemagne, Aug 2012 [LillOA]
- Y. Derouiche, M. Bouchakour, K. Koynov, F. Dubois, U. Maschke, Study of dielectrical and electro-optical properties of polypropyleneglycoldiacrylate/E7 liquid crystal systems, 24th International Liquid Crystal Conference 2012, Mainz, Allemagne, Aug 2012 [LillOA]
- Z. Hadjou-Belaid, F. Abdelmalek, K. Boudraa, L. Méchernène, U. Maschke, Optical transmission enhancement of ultraviolet cured monomer/liquid crystal systems, 24th International Liquid Crystal Conference 2012, Mainz, Allemagne, Aug 2012 [LillOA]
- F. Semdani, N. Bouchikhi, K. Boudraa, L. Bedjaoui, U. Maschke, Phase behavior of mixtures of polysiloxanes and nematic liquid crystals, 24th International Liquid Crystal Conference 2012, Mainz, Allemagne, Aug 2012 [LillOA]
- K. Boudraa, T. Bouchaour, U. Maschke, Experimental and theoretical phase diagrams of polyacrylic networks and liquid crystals, 24th International Liquid Crystal Conference 2012, Mainz, Allemagne, Aug 2012 [LillOA]
- M. Elouali, F.Z. Elouali, O. Yaroshchuk, Y. Derouiche, U. Maschke, Diamond nanoparticles as dopant for thiol-ene/LC systems, 24th International Liquid Crystal Conference 2012, Mainz, Allemagne, Aug 2012 [LillOA]
- F.Z. Elouali, M. Elouali, Y. Derouiche, U. Maschke, Memory effects of poly(methacrylate)/liquid crystal systems, 24th International Liquid Crystal Conference 2012, Mainz, Allemagne, Aug 2012 [LillOA]
- M. Bouchakour, Y. Derouiche, K. Koynov, F. Riahi, U. Maschke, Investigation of electro-optical properties of poly(propyleneglycoldiacrylate)/liquid cristal E7, obtained by UV and EB curing methods, 24th International Liquid Crystal Conference 2012, Mainz, Allemagne, Aug 2012 [LillOA]
- F. Semdani, N. Bouchikhi, L. Bedjaoui, U. Maschke, Thermophysical analysis of polysiloxanes and eutectic liquid crystal blends, Journées Nord-Ouest Européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs 2012, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- F.Z. Elouali, M. Elouali, U. Maschke, The emergence of memory effects on nematic liquid crystal/polymethacrylate systems, Journées Nord-Ouest Européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs 2012, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- I. Moundoungou, Y. Derouiche, U. Maschke, G.-J. Fossi-Tabieguia, Characterization of commercial mixtures of liquid crystals and their decomposition products to evaluate their potential impact on the environment, 24th International Liquid Crystal Conference 2012, Mainz, Allemagne, Aug 2012 [LillOA]
- M. Elouali, F.Z. Elouali, O. Yaroshchuk, F. Dubois, U. Maschke, Thiol-ene/liquid crystal systems including diamond nanoparticles, Journées Nord-Ouest Européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs 2012, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- A. Elqidrea, U. Maschke, Morphology control and mechanical properties of polyacrylate polymers prepared by UV and electron beam photopolymerization, Journées Nord-Ouest Européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs 2012, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- A. Nadim, Y. Agguine, Z. Bouberka, S. Eddarir, U. Maschke, Suivi de la photodégradation des dérivés organobromés par des méthodes spectroscopiques et chromatographiques, Journées Nord-Ouest Européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs 2012, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- N. Bouchikhi, F. Semdani, L. Bedjaoui, U. Maschke, Swelling equilibrium of polyacrylate networks, containing a mesogenic crosslinking agent, in a nematic solvant, Journées Nord-Ouest Européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs 2012, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- Y. Derouiche, M. Bouchakour, K. Koynov, F. Dubois, U. Maschke, Etude comparative des propriétés diélectriques des systèmes propylèneglycoldiacrylates, Journées Nord-Ouest Européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs 2012, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- M. Bouchakour, Y. Derouiche, F. Riahi, U. Maschke, Electro-optical properties of the system poly(propyleneglycoldiacrylate)/liquid crystal E7, obtained by Electron Beam and Ultraviolet processing, 10th International Conference on Electron Beam Technologies 2012, Varna, Bulgarie, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- C. Beyens, F. Jenny, D. Milesi, M. Saelen, U. Maschke, Modifications des propriétés physico-chimiques de polyoléfines thermoplastiques par bombardement électronique, Journées Nord-Ouest Européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs 2012, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- N. Blanchemain, E. Jean-Baptiste, F. Chai, M. Maton, C. Neut, S. Haulon, B. Martel, H.-F. Hildebrand, In vitro and in vivo antibacterial effectiveness of a vascular prosthesis functionalized with a polymer of cyclodextrin, 4ème réunion annuelle de l'ITS, Lille, France, Oct 2012 [LillOA]
- G. Vermet, N. Blanchemain, S. Degoutin, F. Chai, B. Martel, H.-F. Hildebrand, Biodegradable poly-L-lactic textiles with prolonged local antibiotic or analgesic delivery, 4ème réunion annuelle de l'ITS, Lille, France, Oct 2012 [LillOA]
- F. Chai, M. Abdelkarim, T. Laurent, N. Tabary, N. Simon, S. Degoutin, N. Blanchemain, B. Martel, H.-F. Hildebrand, Anticancer bone reconstruction with poly-cyclodextrins functionalised porous bioceramics for local chemotherapy, 4ème réunion annuelle de l'ITS, Lille, France, Oct 2012 [LillOA]
- A. Martin, N. Tabary, L. Leclercq, B. Martel, Multilayered coating based on poly-cyclodextrin for drug delivery application, 16th International Cyclodextrin Symposium, Tianjin, Chine, May 2012 [LillOA]
- N. Blanchemain, E. Jean-Baptiste, F. Chai, M. Maton, C. Neut, S. Haulon, B. Martel, H.-F. Hildebrand, In vitro and in vivo antibacterial effectiveness of a vascular prosthesis functionalized with a polymer of cyclodextrin, 9th World Biomaterials Congress, Chengdu, Chine, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- N. Blanchemain, Y. Karrout, J. Siepmann, B. Martel, H.-F. Hildebrand, In vitro drug release models applied to a vascular prostheses functionalized with cyclodextrin derivates, 9th World Biomaterials Congress, Chengdu, Chine, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- Y. Karrout, N. Blanchemain, H.-F. Hildebrand, B. Martel, J. Siepmann, Drug eluting prosthesis functionalized with cyclodextrins : effects of the in vitro release condition, 8th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Istanbul, Turquie, Mar 2012 [LillOA]
- G. Vermet, N. Blanchemain, S. Degoutin, F. Chai, B. Martel, H.-F. Hildebrand, Biodegradable poly-L-lactic textiles with prolonged local antibiotic or analgesic delivery, 9th World Biomaterials Congress, Chengdu, Chine, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- C. Zobrist, J. Lyskawa, D. Fournier, C. Detrembleur, R. Boukherroub, S. Szunerits, P. Woisel, Functionalization of Titanium, Nano-diamond and Graphene Surfaces with Macromolecules Prepared from Biomimetic Anchors, Macro2012, Virginia Tech, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- P. Woisel, L. Sambe, J. Lyskawa, D. Fournier, F. Stoffelbach, B. Charleux, G. Cooke, New Multi-stimuli Responsive Macromolecular Assemblies, ERC meeting, Strasbourg, France, Nov 2012 [LillOA]
- M. Coquelle, J. Sun, S. Duquesne, M. Casetta, S. Zhang, S. Bourbigot, Fire Retardant Nano Architectured Polyamide-6 Fibers, Fiber Society conference, 2012 Spring Conference, St Gall, Suisse, May 2012 [LillOA]
- S. Duquesne, M. Jimenez, S. Bourbigot, Flame retardancy of polypropylene with an intumescent coating, 2nd International Symposiumon on Flame - Retardant Materials and Technologies (ISFRMT), Chengdu, Chine, Sep 2012 [LillOA]
- M. Gargouri, A. Perez, N. Blanchemain, H. Van Den Berghe, J. Lyskawa, F. Chai, N. Tabary, Y. Karrout, F. Cazaux, S. Degoutin, J. Siepmann, B. Martel, H.-F. Hildebrand, Multifunctional Drug Eluting Stent based on poly-b-cyclodextrin and chitosan Layer-By-Layer-Assembly, 4ème réunion annuelle de l'ITS, Lille, France, Dec 2012 [LillOA]
- G.-J. Fossi-Tabieguia, I. Moundoungou, Y. Derouiche, U. Maschke, Caractérisation des mélanges commerciaux de cristaux liquides et des produits de leur décomposition pour évaluer leur impact potentiel sur l'environnement, Journées Nord-Ouest Européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs 2012, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Jun 2012 [LillOA]
- F. Aubert, A. Martin, N. Tabary, F. Chai, C. Neut, N. Blanchemain, B. Martel, Multilayer wound dressing based on cyclodextrin and chitosan polymers for the controlled drug release, 4ème Réunion annuelle de l'ITMO Technologies pour la Santé, Lille, France, Oct 2012 [LillOA]
- A. Martin, N. Tabary, L. Leclercq, S. Degoutin, J. Junthip, F. Aubert-Viard, N. Blanchemain, F. Cazaux, B. Martel, Multilayered coating based on poly-cyclodextrin for drug delivery application, 16th International Cyclodextrin Symposium, Tianjin, Chine, May 2012 [LillOA]
- A. Pérez-Anes, W. Laure, H. Van Den Berghe, J. Lyskawa, N. Tabary, N. Blanchemain, F. Chai, M. Gargouri, S. Degoutin, F. Cazaux, D. Douroumis, P. Woisel, B. Martel, Development of multidrug-eluting stents based on poly-β-cyclodextrin and chitosan layer-by-layer assembly, 16th International Cyclodextrin Symposium, Tianjin, Chine, May 2012 [LillOA]
- J. Pepin, V. Gaucher, S. Barrau, J.-M. Lefebvre, Crystal transitions and mechanical behaviour of Polyamide 11, 15th International Conference on Deformation, Yield and Fracture of Polymers, Kerkrade, Pays-Bas, Apr 2012 [LillOA]