Processus aux Interfaces et Hygiène des Matériaux
Projets en cours
- HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IA-05 SurfToGreen
- Chaire industrielle Proteinopeps
Processus aux Interfaces et Hygiène des Matériaux - Publications
2025 - 2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010
Format: standard -- liste HAL
Les publications de l'équipe dans LillOA (Lille Open Archive)
Chapitres d'ouvrage
- N. Rossi, T. Benezech, Méthodes de validation de la conception hygiénique, in Conception hygiénique de matériel et nettoyage-désinfection pour une meilleure sécurité en industrie agro-alimentaire, Lavoisier collection Tec & Doc pp. 135-144 (2016) [LillOA]
- C. Faille, N. Oulahal, N. Rossi, Les procédures de contrôle de l’hygiène des surfaces, in Conception hygiénique de matériel et nettoyage-désinfection pour une meilleure sécurité en industrie agro-alimentaire, Lavoisier collection Tec & Doc (2016) [LillOA]
- C. Faille, B. Frémaux, C. Hermon, N. Oulahal, M.-N. Bellon-Fontaine, Les matériaux dans l’adhésion microbienne et la formation de biofilms, in Conception hygiénique de matériel et nettoyage-désinfection pour une meilleure sécurité en industrie agro-alimentaire, Lavoisier collection Tec & Doc (2016) [LillOA]
- T. Benezech, C. Hermon, J. Holah, D. Pierrat, J. Bégué, Règles de conception hygiénique, in Conception hygiénique de matériel et nettoyage-désinfection pour une meilleure sécurité en industrie agroalimentaire, Lavoisier collection Tec & Doc pp. 101-133 (2016) [LillOA]
Publications dans des revues internationales
- P. Blanpain Avet, C. Andre, M. Khaldi, L. Bouvier, J. Petit, T. Six, R. Jeantet, T. Croguennec, G. Delaplace, Predicting the distribution of whey protein fouling in a plate heat exchanger using the kinetic parameters of the thermal denaturation reaction of β-lactoglobulin and the bulk temperature profiles, Journal of Dairy Science 99;12, 9611-9630 (2016), [doi: 10.3168/jds.2016-10957, LillOA]
- M. Khaldi, G. Ronse, C. Andre, P. Blanpain Avet, L. Bouvier, T. Six, S. Bornaz, T. Croguennec, R. Jeantet, G. Delaplace, Corrigendum to ‘’Denaturation Kinetics of Whey Protein Isolate Solutions and Fouling Mass Distribution in a Plate Heat Exchanger’’, International Journal of Chemical Engineering 2016, 1-2 (2016), [doi: 10.1155/2016/4924250, LillOA]
- J. Petit, A. Moreau, G. Ronse, P. Debreyne, L. Bouvier, P. Blanpain Avet, R. Jeantet, G. Delaplace, Role of Whey Components in the Kinetics and Thermodynamics of β-Lactoglobulin Unfolding and Aggregation, Food and Bioprocess Technology 9, 1367-1379 (2016), [doi: 10.1007/s11947-016-1726-x, LillOA]
- P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, G.M. Tavares, T. Croguennec, A. Nicolas, P. Hamon, C. Roiland, S. Bouhallab, Structure and Dynamics of Heteroprotein Coacervates, Langmuir 32, 7821-7828 (2016), [doi: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.6b01015, LillOA]
- T. Dubois, M. Dancer-Thibonnier, M. Monot, A. Hamiot, L. Bouillaut, O. Soutourina, I. Martin-Verstraete, B. Dupuy, V.B. Young, Control of Clostridium difficile Physiopathology in Response to Cysteine Availability, Infection and immunity 84, 2389-2405 (2016), [doi: 10.1128/IAI.00121-16, LillOA]
- R. Majed, C. Faille, M. Kallassy, M. Gohar, Bacillus cereus Biofilms-Same, Only Different, Frontiers in microbiology 7, 172 (2016), [doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.01054, LillOA]
- E. Maes, F. Krzewinski, E. Garénaux, Y. Lequette, B. Coddeville, X. Trivelli, A. Ronse, C. Faille, Y. Guerardel, Glycosylation of BclA Glycoprotein from Bacillus cereus and Bacillus anthracis Exosporium Is Domain-specific, Journal of Biological Chemistry 291, 9666-9677 (2016), [doi: 10.1074/jbc.M116.718171, LillOA]
- C. Faille, I. Bihi, A. Ronse, G. Ronse, M. Baudoin, F. Zoueshtiagh, Increased resistance to detachment of adherent microspheres and Bacillus spores subjected to a drying step, Colloids and Surfaces B. Biointerfaces 143, 293-300 (2016), [doi: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2016.03.041, LillOA]
- T. Brauge, I. Sadovskaya, C. Faille, T. Benezech, E. Maes, Y. Guerardel, G. Midelet-Bourdin, Teichoic acid is the major polysaccharide present in the Listeria monocytogenes biofilm matrix, FEMS Microbiology Letters 363;2, (2016), [doi: 10.1093/femsle/fnv229, LillOA]
- I. Bihi, M. Baudoin, J.E. Butler, C. Faille, F. Zoueshtiagh, Inverse Saffman-Taylor Experiments with Particles Lead to Capillarity Driven Fingering Instabilities, Physical Review Letters 117, 183 (2016), [doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.034501, LillOA]
- L. Karam, M. Casetta, N.-E. Chihib, F. Bentiss, U. Maschke, C. Jama, Optimization of cold nitrogen plasma surface modification process for setting up antimicrobial low density polyethylene films, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 64, pp. 299-305 (2016), [doi: 10.1016/j.jtice.2016.04.018, LillOA]
- S. Alwan, K. El Omari, H. Soufi, S. Zreika, I. Sukarieh, N.-E. Chihib, c. Jama, M. Hamze, Evaluation of the Antibacterial Activity of Micromeria barbata in Lebanon, Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants 19, 321-327 (2016), [doi: 10.1080/0972060X.2014.962623, LillOA]