Publications de l'UMET
2026 - 2025 - 2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010
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Les publications du laboratoire dans LillOA (Lille Open Archive)
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Chapitres d'ouvrage
- C. Becquart, C. Domain, M. Fivel, M. Perez, L. Thuinet, Notions fondamentales : outils de modélisation, de l’atome à l’échelle macroscopique, in Couplage « mécanique – microstructure – corrosion », ISTE Editions pp. 161-181 (2018) [LillOA]
- M. Descamps, E. Dudognon, J.-F. Willart, The Amorphous State, in Polymorphism in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA pp. 189-239 (2018) [LillOA]
- T. Auger, J.-B. Vogt, I. Proriol Serre, Couplage mécanique-microstructure-corrosion, in Fragilisation par les métaux liquides [C. Blanc, I. Aubert (eds)], ISTE Editions (2018) [LillOA]
- C. Domain, C. Becquart, Object KineticMonte Carlo (OKMC): A Coarse-Grained Approach to Radiation Damage, in Handbook of Materials Modeling [Y. Chen, E. Homer, C.A. Schuh (eds)], Springer Nature (Switzerland) (2018) [LillOA]
- N. Morin-Crini, S. Loiacono, V. Placet, G. Torri, C. Bradu, M. Kostic, C. Cosentino, G. Chanet, B. Martel, E. Lichtfouse, G. Crini, Hemp-based materials for metal removal, in Green Absorbent for Metal Removal, Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World [G. Crini, E. Lichtfouse (eds)], Springer Nature (Switzerland) (2018) [LillOA]
- C. Becquart, A. De Backer, C. Domain, Atomistic Modeling of Radiation Damage in Metallic Alloys, in Handbook of Mechanics of Materials [C.-H. Hsueh (eds)], Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. pp. 1-30 (2018) [LillOA]
- C. Becquart, F. Soisson, Monte Carlo Simulations of Precipitation Under Irradiation, in Handbook of Mechanics of Materials [C.-H. Hsueh (eds)], Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. pp. 1-29 (2018) [LillOA]
Publications dans des revues internationales
- F. Bonnet, T. Bousquet, T. Chenal, A. Huret, R. Gauvin, F. Hapiot, B. Leger, E. Monflier, A. Ponchel, C. Rousseau, M. Sauthier, I. Suisse, M. Visseaux, P. Zinck, A. Mortreux, Chimie durable à l’UCCS : fonctionnalisation et polymérisation de produits issus du végétal par catalyse homogène, L'Actualité Chimique 427-428, 34-39 (2018), [LillOA]
- J. Lyskawa, F. Stoffelbach, D. Fournier, P. Woisel, La « Blue Box »: Une molécule hôte pour élaborer des matériaux macromoléculaires (multi)stimulables hauts en couleur, L'Actualité Chimique 430-431, 30–36 (2018), [LillOA]
- S. Kobbi, N. Nedjar, N.-E. Chihib, R. Balti, M. Chevalier, A. Silvain, S. Chaabouni, P. Dhulster, A. Bougatef, Synthesis and antibacterial activity of new peptides from Alfalfa RuBisCO protein hydrolysates and mode of action via a membrane damage mechanism against Listeria innocua, Microbial Pathogenesis 115, 41-49 (2018), [doi: 10.1016/j.micpath.2017.12.009, LillOA]
- J. Potier, B. COMMARIEU, A. SOLDERA, J. CLAVERIE, Thermodynamic Control in the Catalytic Insertion Polymerization of Norbornenes as Rationale for the Lack of Reactivity of Endo-Substituted Norbornenes, ACS Catalysis 8;7, 6047–6054 (2018), [doi: 10.1021/acscatal.8b00393, LillOA]
- R. Jeantet, G. Delaplace, Comment vieillit une poudre de lait ?, Recherches et innovations pour l’Aliment et les Bioproduits - Inra CEPIA (2018), [LillOA]
- A. De Neef, C. Samuel, G. Stoclet, M. Rguiti, C. Courtois, P. Dubois, J. Soulestin, J.-M. Raquez, Processing of PVDF-based electroactive/ferroelectric films: importance of PMMA and cooling rate from the melt state on the crystallization of PVDF beta-crystals, Soft Matter 14;22, 4591-4602 (2018), [doi: 10.1039/c8sm00268a, LillOA]
- Z. Hadjou Belaid, L. Mechernene, F.Z. Abdoune, A. Berrayah, U. Maschke, Photo-differential Scanning Calorimetry Study on Photopolymerization of Polyacrylate/E7 Liquid Crystal Blends, Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B 58;1, 1-15 (2018), [doi: 10.1080/00222348.2018.1452496, LillOA]
- I. Al Kassaa, M. ZAYLAA, S. Hussein, K. El Omari, N.-E. Chihib, M. Hamze, H. Yusef, F. Dabboussi, Identification of the first bacteriocin isolated in Lebanon extracted via a modified adsorption-desorption method and its potential food application, The International Arabic Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 8;1, (2018), [doi: 10.3823/817, LillOA]
- S. El Atouani, Z. Belattmania, A. Reani, S. Tahiri, A. Aarfane, F. Bentiss, c. Jama, R. Zrid, B. Sabour, Brown Seaweed Sargassum muticum as Low-Cost Biosorbent of Methylene Blue, International Journal of Environmental Research 13;1, 131-142 (2018), [doi: 10.1007/s41742-018-0161-4, LillOA]
- S. Khelissa, M. Abdallah, c. Jama, A. Gharsallaoui, N.-E. Chihib, Comparative study of growth temperature impact on the susceptibility of biofilm-detached and planktonic Staphylococcus aureus cells to benzalkonium chloride, Annals of Microbiology 69;3, 291-298 (2018), [doi: 10.1007/s13213-018-1419-y, LillOA]
- I. Boumanchar, Y. Chhiti, F.E. M’hamdi Alaoui, A. Sahibed-dine, F. Bentiss, c. Jama, M. Bensitel, Municipal solid waste higher heating value prediction from ultimate analysis using multiple regression and genetic programming techniques, Waste Management & Research 37;6, 578-589 (2018), [doi: 10.1177/0734242x18816797, LillOA]
- Y.H. Bendahma, S. Hamri, M. Merad, T. Bouchaour, U. Maschke, Conformational modeling of the system pollutant/three-dimensional poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PHEMA) in aqueous medium: a new approach, Polymer Bulletin 76;3, 1517-1530 (2018), [doi: 10.1007/s00289-018-2455-2, LillOA]
- N. Zeggai, B. Dali Youcef, F. Dubois, T. Bouchaour, P. Supiot, L. Bedjaoui, U. Maschke, Analysis of dynamic mechanical properties of photochemically crosslinked poly(isobornylacrylate-co-isobutylacrylate) applying WLF and Havriliak-Negami models, Polymer Testing 72, 432-438 (2018), [doi: 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2018.10.038, LillOA]
- M. Benatmane, K. Cousin, N. Laggoune, S. Menuel, E. Monflier, P. Woisel, F. Hapiot, J. Potier, Pillar5arenes as Supramolecular Hosts in Aqueous Biphasic Rhodium-Catalyzed Hydroformylation of Long Alkyl-chain Alkenes, ChemCatChem 10, 5306-5313 (2018), [doi: 10.1002/cctc.201801551, LillOA]
- N.P. Martin, C. Volkringer, N. Henry, X. Trivelli, G. Stoclet, A. Ikeda-Ohno, T. Loiseau, Formation of a new type of uranium(iv) poly-oxo cluster {U38} based on a controlled release of water via esterification reaction, Chemical Science 9, 5021-5032 (2018), [doi: 10.1039/C8SC00752G, LillOA]
- S. Nezar, Y. Cherifi, A. Barras, A. Addad, E.-H. Dogheche, N. Saoula, N.A. Laoufi, P. Roussel, S. Szunerits, R. Boukherroub, Efficient reduction of Cr(VI) under visible light irradiation using CuS nanostructures, Arabian Journal of Chemistry 2, 215 - 224 (2018), [doi: 10.1016/j.arabjc.2018.01.002, LillOA]
- N. Hansupo, G. Tricot, S. Bellayer, P. Roussel, F. Samyn, S. Duquesne, M. Jimenez, M. Hollman, P. Catala, S. Bourbigot, Getting a better insight into the chemistry of decomposition of complex flame retarded formulation: New insights using solid state NMR, Polymer Degradation and Stability 153, 145-154 (2018), [doi: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2018.04.028, LillOA]
- A. Kumar, A. Hamdi, Y. Coffinier, A. Addad, P. Roussel, R. Boukherroub, S.L. Jain, Visible light assisted oxidative coupling of benzylamines using heterostructured nanocomposite photocatalyst, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A. Chemistry 356, 457-463 (2018), [doi: 10.1016/j.jphotochem.2018.01.033, LillOA]
- S. Barrau, A. Ferri, A. Da Costa, J. Defebvin, S. Leroy, R. Desfeux, J.-M. Lefebvre, Nanoscale Investigations of α- and γ-Crystal Phases in PVDF-Based Nanocomposites, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10, 13092-13099 (2018), [doi: 10.1021/acsami.8b02172, LillOA]
- T. Sango, A.M. Cheumani Yona, L. Duchatel, A. Marin, M. Kor Ndikontar, N. Joly, J.-M. Lefebvre, Step–wise multi–scale deconstruction of banana pseudo–stem ( Musa acuminata ) biomass and morpho–mechanical characterization of extracted long fibres for sustainable applications, Industrial crops and products 122, 657-668 (2018), [doi: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2018.06.050, LillOA]
- P. Cuvillier, N. Chaumard, H. Leroux, B. Zanda, R.H. Hewins, D. Jacob, B. Devouard, A TEM study of exsolution in Ca-rich pyroxenes from the Paris and Renazzo chondrites: Determination of type I chondrule cooling rates, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 53, 482-492 (2018), [doi: 10.1111/maps.13032, LillOA]
- S. Tekumalla, Y. Nandigam, N. Bibhanshu, R. Shabadi, C. Yang, S. Suwas, M. Gupta, A strong and deformable in-situ magnesium nanocomposite igniting above 1000 °C, Scientific Reports 8, 1-10 (2018), [doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-25527-0, LillOA]
- K. Ravi, T. Deplancke, K. Ogawa, J.-Y. Cavaillé, O. Lame, Understanding deposition mechanism in cold sprayed ultra high molecular weight polyethylene coatings on metals by isolated particle deposition method, Additive Manufacturing 21, 191-200 (2018), [doi: 10.1016/j.addma.2018.02.022, LillOA]
- P.F.M. Oliveira, J.-F. willart, J. Siepmann, F. Siepmann, M. Descamps, Using Milling To Explore Physical States: The Amorphous and Polymorphic Forms of Dexamethasone, Crystal Growth & Design 18, 1748-1757 (2018), [doi: 10.1021/acs.cgd.7b01664, LillOA]
- P. Peres De Sa Peixoto Jr, X. Trivelli, C. Andre, A. Moreau, G. Delaplace, Formation of β-Lactoglobulin Aggregates from Quite, Unfolded Conformations upon Heat Activation, Langmuir 35;2, 446-452 (2018), [doi: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b03459, LillOA]
- A.C. Camargo, S.D. Todorov, N.-E. Chihib, D. Drider, L.A. Nero, Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) and Their Bacteriocins as Alternative Biotechnological Tools to Control Listeria monocytogenes Biofilms in Food Processing Facilities, Molecular Biotechnology 60, 712-726 (2018), [doi: 10.1007/s12033-018-0108-1, LillOA]
- G. Boussatour, P. Cresson, B. Genestie, N. Joly, J.-F. Brun, T. Lasri, Measurement of the thermal conductivity of flexible biosourced polymers using the 3-omega method, Polymer Testing 70, 503-510 (2018), [doi: 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2018.07.026, LillOA]
- R. Fdil, M. Tourabi, S. Derhali, A. Mouzdahir, K. Sraidi, c. Jama, A. Zarrouk, F. Bentiss, Evaluation of alkaloids extract of Retama monosperma (L.) Boiss. stems as a green corrosion inhibitor for carbon steel in pickling acidic medium by means of gravimetric, AC impedance and surface studies, Journal of Materials and Environmental Sciences 9, 358-369 (2018), [doi: 10.26872/jmes.2018.9.1.39, LillOA]
- M. El Faydy, R. Touir, M. Ebn Touhami, A. Zarrouk, c. Jama, B. Lakhrissi, L. Olasunkanmi, E.-E. Ebenso, F. Bentiss, Corrosion inhibition performance of newly synthesized 5-alkoxymethyl-8-hydroxyquinoline derivatives for carbon steel in 1 M HCl solution: experimental, DFT and Monte Carlo simulation studies, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20, 20167-20187 (2018), [doi: 10.1039/C8CP03226B, LillOA]
- T.T. Phan, F. Bentiss, c. Jama, Effects of sol-gel process parameters on the anticorrosive performance of phosphosilicate hybrid coatings for carbon steel: structural and electrochemical studies, New Journal of Chemistry 42, 13442-13452 (2018), [doi: 10.1039/C8NJ02450B, LillOA]
- M. Esbayou, F. Bentiss, M. Casetta, A. Nyassi, c. Jama, Optimization of cold plasma process parameters for organosilicon films deposition on carbon steel: Study of the surface pretreatment effect on corrosion protection performance in 3-wt% NaCl medium, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 758, 148-161 (2018), [doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.05.111, LillOA]
- I. Boumanchar, Y. Chhiti, F.E. M'hamdi Alaoui, A. Sahibed-Dine, F. Bentiss, c. Jama, M. Bensitel, Multiple regression and genetic programming for coal higher heating value estimation, International Journal of Green Energy 15, 958-964 (2018), [doi: 10.1080/15435075.2018.1529591, LillOA]
- K. Adhikari, A. Chakrabarty, O. Bouhali, N. Mousseau, C. Becquart, F. El-Mellouhi, Benchmarking the performance of plane-wave vs. localized orbital basis set methods in DFT modeling of metal surface: a case study for Fe-(110), Journal of Computational Science 29, 163-167 (2018), [doi: 10.1016/j.jocs.2018.10.008, LillOA]
- Y. Ma, G. Ji, Z. Chen, A. Addad, V. Ji, On the Study of a TiB2 Nanoparticle Reinforced 7075Al Composite with High Tensile Strength and Unprecedented Ductility, Materials Science Forum 941, 1933-1938 (2018), [doi: 10.4028/, LillOA]
- G. Ji, Z.Q. Tan, X.P. Li, Z.Q. Li, J.-P. Kruth, Fabrication and Tailoring Interface Structure of Diamond/Al(and Al12Si) Composites for Heat Sink Applications by Vacuum Hot Pressing and Selective Laser Melting, Materials Science Forum 941, 2184-2189 (2018), [doi: 10.4028/, LillOA]
- X.L. Xie, Y.C. Xie, Z.Q. Tan, C.Y. Chen, J. Wang, Z.Q. Li, X.P. Li, G. Ji, H. Liao, Additive Manufacturing of a CNT/Al6Si Composite with the Nanolaminated Architecture via Cold Spray Deposition, Materials Science Forum 941, 2173-2177 (2018), [doi: 10.4028/, LillOA]
- D. Bhat Panemangalore, R. Shabadi, M. Gupta, R. Ambat, G. Ji, A. Addad, L. Lesven, Microstructure and Corrosion Behavior of Extruded Mg-Zn-Er Alloys, Materials Science Forum 941, 1766-1771 (2018), [doi: 10.4028/, LillOA]
- X.P. Li, G. Ji, K. Eder, L. Yang, A. Addad, J. Vleugels, J. Van Humbeeck, J. Cairney, J.-P. Kruth, Additive manufacturing of a novel alpha titanium alloy from commercially pure titanium with minor addition of Mo2C, Materialia 4, 227-236 (2018), [doi: 10.1016/j.mtla.2018.09.033, LillOA]
- C.I. Idumah, A. Hassan, S. Bourbigot, Synergistic effect of exfoliated graphene nanoplatelets and non-halogen flame retardants on flame retardancy and thermal properties of kenaf flour-PP nanocomposites, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 134, 1681-1703 (2018), [doi: 10.1007/s10973-018-7833-3, LillOA]
- C. Hu, G. Fontaine, P. TRANCHARD, T. Delaunay, M. Collinet, S. Marcille, S. Bourbigot, In-situ investigation of temperature evolution of drippings via an optimized UL-94 instrumentation: Application to flame retarded polybutylene succinate, Polymer Degradation and Stability 155, 145-152 (2018), [doi: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2018.07.015, LillOA]
- G. Oum, L. Thuinet, A. Legris, A 3D crystal plasticity model for coherency loss during precipitation, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 26, 65008 (2018), [doi: 10.1088/1361-651X/aacfdb, LillOA]
- A. Perlade, A. Antoni, R. Besson, D. Caillard, M. Callahan, J. Emo, A.-F. Gourgues, P. Maugis, A. Mestrallet, L. Thuinet, Q. Tonizzo, J.-H. Schmitt, Development of 3rd generation Medium Mn duplex steels for automotive applications, Materials Science and Technology 2, 1-16 (2018), [doi: 10.1080/02670836.2018.1549303, LillOA]
- A. Beaugendre, S. Degoutin, S. Bellayer, C. Pierlot, S. Duquesne, M. Casetta, M. Jimenez, Self-stratification of ternary systems including a flame retardant liquid additive, Coatings 8;12, 448 (2018), [doi: 10.3390/coatings8120448, LillOA]
- D. Bhat Panemangalore, R. Shabadi, M. Gupta, G. Ji, Effect of fluoride coatings on the corrosion behavior of Mg-Zn-Er alloys, Surfaces and Interfaces (2018), [doi: 10.1016/j.surfin.2018.11.007, LillOA]
- A. De Backer, C. Domain, C. Becquart, L. Luneville, D. Simeone, A.E. Sand, K. Nordlund, A model of defect cluster creation in fragmented cascades in metals based on morphological analysis, Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 30, 405701 (2018), [doi: 10.1088/1361-648X/aadb4e, LillOA]
- R. Candela, N. Mousseau, R.G. Veiga, C. Domain, C. Becquart, Interaction between interstitial carbon atoms and a ½ 〈1 1 1〉 self-interstitial atoms loop in an iron matrix: a combined DFT, off lattice KMC and MD study, Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 30, 335901 (2018), [doi: 10.1088/1361-648X/aad25d, LillOA]
- M.T. Ottou Abe, M.T. Viciosa, N. T. Correia, F. Affouard, Impact of chirality on peculiar ibuprofen molecular dynamics: hydrogen bonding organization and syn vs. anti carboxylic group conformations, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20, 29528-29538 (2018), [doi: 10.1039/C8CP04837A, LillOA]
- A.C. Santos, A.F. Santos, S.P. Alves, J.P.S. Farinha, N. T. Correia, M. Dionísio, M.T. Viciosa, Bulk dynamics of the thermoresponsive random copolymer of di(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate (MEO2MA) and oligo(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate (OEGMA), Polymer 148, 339-350 (2018), [doi: 10.1016/j.polymer.2018.06.041, LillOA]
- M. Xu, Z. Jing, J. Chantel, P. Jiang, T. Yu, Y. Wang, Ultrasonic Velocity of Diopside Liquid at High Pressure and Temperature: Constraints on Velocity Reduction in the Upper Mantle Due to Partial Melts, Journal of Geophysical Research : Solid Earth 123, 8676-8690 (2018), [doi: 10.1029/2018JB016187, LillOA]
- J. Bouquerel, M. Delbove, J.-B. Vogt, Advanced processing of EBSD data to distinguish the complex microstructure evolution of a Cu-Ni-Si alloy induced by fatigue, Materials Characterization 145, 556-562 (2018), [doi: 10.1016/j.matchar.2018.09.017, LillOA]
- G. Delaplace, Y. Gu, M. Liu, R. Jeantet, J. Xiao, X.D. Chen, Homogenization of liquids inside a new soft elastic reactor: Revealing mixing behavior through dimensional analysis, Chemical Engineering Science 192, 1071-1080 (2018), [doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2018.08.023, LillOA]
- M. El-Massaoudi, S. Radi, m. Bacquet, S. Degoutin, Y. Garcia, Highly Efficient and Selective Adsorbent for potentially toxic metals Removal from Aquatic Media, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 6, 5980-5989 (2018), [doi: 10.1016/j.jece.2018.09.010, LillOA]
- C.Y. Chen, X.L. Xie, Y.C. Xie, M.-P. Planche, S. Deng, G. Ji, E. Aubry, Z. Ren, H. Liao, Cold spraying of thermally softened Ni-coated FeSiAl composite powder: Microstructure characterization, tribological performance and magnetic property, Materials & Design 160, 270-283 (2018), [doi: 10.1016/j.matdes.2018.09.025, LillOA]
- A. Zaki, M. Wastiaux, S. Casale, A. Mussi, J.-F. Dhenin, C. Lancelot, J.-P. Dacquin, P. Granger, Nano-engineered hierarchical porous silicas for enhanced catalytic efficiency in the liquid phase, Catalysis Science & Technology 8, 4604-4608 (2018), [doi: 10.1039/C8CY00726H, LillOA]
- N. Morin-Crini, S. Loiacono, V. Placet, G. Torri, C. Bradu, M. Kostić, C. Cosentino, G. Chanet, B. Martel, E. Lichtfouse, G. Crini, Hemp-based adsorbents for sequestration of metals: a review, Environmental Chemistry Letters (2018), [doi: 10.1007/s10311-018-0812-x, LillOA]
- S. Tekumalla, N. Bibhanshu, R. Shabadi, S. Suwas, T.M.H. Ha, M. Gupta, Evolution of texture and asymmetry and its impact on the fatigue behaviour of an in-situ magnesium nanocomposite, Materials Science and Engineering: A 727, 61-69 (2018), [doi: 10.1016/j.msea.2018.04.101, LillOA]
- P. Kumar, A. Mallick, M.S. Kujur, K.S. Tun, R. Shabadi, M. Gupta, Strength of Mg-3%Al alloy in presence of graphene nano-platelets as reinforcement, Materials Science and Technology 34, 1086-1095 (2018), [doi: 10.1080/02670836.2018.1424380, LillOA]
- N. Raghukiran, R. Sujith, H. Agrawal, R. Shabadi, R. Kumar, In situ age hardening and grain refinement in as-sprayed Al-Sc binary alloy deposits, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 735, 1596-1602 (2018), [doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2017.11.224, LillOA]
- R. Arvind Singh, S. Jayalakshmi, S. Sankaranarayanan, R. Shabadi, S. Konovalov, X. Chen, M. Gupta, Tribological characteristics of magnesium nanocomposites, Materials Today: Proceedings 5, 16575-16579 (2018), [doi: 10.1016/j.matpr.2018.06.013, LillOA]
- S. Jayalakshmi, R. Arvind Singh, S. Sankaranarayanan, R. Shabadi, S. Konovalov, X. Chen, M. Gupta, Structure-property correlation in magnesium nanocomposites synthesized by disintegrated melt deposition technique, Materials Today: Proceedings 5, 16280-16285 (2018), [doi: 10.1016/j.matpr.2018.05.120, LillOA]
- S. Tighadouini, S. Radi, M. Anannaz, m. Bacquet, S. Degoutin, M. Tillard, D. Eddike, H. Amhamdi, Y. Garcia, Engineering β-ketoenol structure functionality in hybrid silica as excellent adsorbent material for removal of heavy metals from water, New Journal of Chemistry 42, 13229-13240 (2018), [doi: 10.1039/C8NJ01918E, LillOA]
- B. Ebeling, K. Belal, F. Stoffelbach, P. Woisel, M. Lansalot, F. D'agosto, Polymer Nanospheres with Hydrophobic Surface Groups as Supramolecular Building Blocks Produced by Aqueous PISA, Macromolecular Rapid Communications 132, (2018), [doi: 10.1002/marc.201800455, LillOA]
- S. Dimassi, N. Tabary, F. Chai, N. Blanchemain, B. Martel, Sulfonated and sulfated chitosan derivatives for biomedical applications: A review, Carbohydrate polymers 202, 382-396 (2018), [doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2018.09.011, LillOA]
- J. Alleon, S. Bernard, C. Le Guillou, O. Beyssac, K. Sugitani, F. Robert, Chemical nature of the 3.4 Ga Strelley Pool microfossils, Geochemical Perspectives Letters 37-42 (2018), [doi: 10.7185/geochemlet.1817, LillOA]
- S. Loiacono, N. Morin-Crini, B. Martel, G. Chanet, C. Bradu, G. Torri, G. Crini, Complexation du zinc, du cuivre et du manganèse par du chanvre : efficacité chimique et impact écotoxicologique, Environnement, Risques & Santé 17, 240-252 (2018), [doi: 10.1684/ers.2018.1174, LillOA]
- S. Lazar, F. Carosio, A.-L. Davesne, M. Jimenez, S. Bourbigot, J.C. Grunlan, Extreme Heat Shielding of Clay/Chitosan Nanobrick Wall on Flexible Foam, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10, 31686–31696 (2018), [doi: 10.1021/acsami.8b10227, LillOA]
- J. Liu, Z. Chen, F. Zhang, G. Ji, Y. Ma, M. Wang, S. Zhong, J. Li, H. Wang, H. Wang, Improved structural homogeneity and mechanical properties of nanoparticles reinforced Al composites after orthogonal thermomechanical processes, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 767, 293-301 (2018), [doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.07.083, LillOA]
- S. Zouaghi, M.E. Barry, S. Bellayer, J. Lyskawa, C. Andre, G. Delaplace, M.A. Grunlan, M. Jimenez, Antifouling Amphiphilic Silicone Coatings for Dairy Fouling Mitigation of Stainless Steel, Biofouling 34;7, 769-783 (2018), [doi: 10.1080/08927014.2018.1502275, LillOA]
- R. Besson, L. Thuinet, M.-A. Louchez, Atomic-scale study of stacking faults in Zr hydrides and implications on hydride formation, Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 30, 315003 (2018), [doi: 10.1088/1361-648X/aacedb, LillOA]
- T. Brauge, C. Faille, I. Sadovskaya, A. Charbit, T. Benezech, Y. Shen, M.J. Loessner, J.R. Bautista, G. Midelet-Bourdin, Z.T. Wen, The absence of N-acetylglucosamine in wall teichoic acids of Listeria monocytogenes modifies biofilm architecture and tolerance to rinsing and cleaning procedures, PLoS One 13, e0190879 (2018), [doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0190879, LillOA]
- C. Cunault, C. Faille, R. Briandet, E. Trottier, F. Postollec, N. Desirac, T. Benezech, Pseudomonas sp. biofilm development on fresh-cut food equipment surfaces - a growth curve -fitting approach to building a comprehensive tool for studying surface contamination dynamics, Food Bioprod Process 107-70-87 (2018), [doi: 10.1016/j.fbp.2017.11.001, LillOA]
- S. Zouaghi, M. Abdallah, C. Andre, N.-E. Chihib, S. Bellayer, G. Delaplace, A. Celzard, M. Jimenez, Graphite-Based Composites for Whey Protein Fouling and Bacterial Adhesion Management, International Dairy Journal 86, 69-75 (2018), [doi: 10.1016/j.idairyj.2018.07.004, LillOA]
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